Doctor Agnusdei
The Good Doctor
A cloaked and black clad figure moved among the tall machines and ominous vats situated around the room. Sickly, opaque fluids filled the giant canisters while vile hums and clicks emanated from various steel and iron devices tucked away into niches or corners. As the figure came more fully into the light the eeriness of the creature became fearfully apparent.
The figure was tall and thin, like a withered cadaver. He was clad in black pants and tunic and wore simple, black shoes. Over this he wore a long, black cloak and black, leather gloves. A wide brimmed, black hat sat atop his head and cast shadows over his head, face, and shoulders. His head was covered completely and a bleached white, long beaked mask covered his face, giving him a sinister, inhuman air. The black was less for effect and more for cleanliness, though it still lent to his strange, eerie appearance.
The creature walked briskly, purposefully, to the opposite side of the laboratory it called home where a simple, wooden desk stood near a heavy, durasteel slab of a table. The clean, clinical appearance of the slab was marred slightly by the series of groves and channels cut into the metal and the dark stains below the table. The wooden desk held a number of strange vials filled with luminescent fluids and thick, leather-bound tomes stacked here and there. Quills and ink stood to the side of the desk and there was an open book set in the desk's center. The strange, inhuman figure approached the desk and took a seat before it, pulling a quill and ink out to begin writing. As he did so, he glanced at the nearest series of vials on the desk, each holding a similar, amber, sickly fluid.
Strain A-64B - I have taken to calling the strain Alpha or Alpharius, proves successful, more so than the previous five. Afflicted victims suffer the same symptoms as the common cold of a more severe variety. The virus uses the common cold virus, known in the medical community as Nasopharyngitis, as the carrier and trigger and, in fact, creates many of the same symptoms. Symptoms include cough, congestion, fatigue, migraine, and muscle ache for the first few weeks, approximately three to four weeks.
At approximately the four weeks, the infection turns into a pneumonia-type of infection. At this point, the infection causes more flu-like symptoms of a severe variety. Fever, petechial rash, diarrhea, racking cough, and abdominal pain become prominent at this point of the infection time. These symptoms last for approximately two to three weeks until the final stage of the infection occurs.
At the final stage of infection, the true nature of the virus is shown. As Naspharyngitis affects the upper respiratory system almost exclusively and is the carrier virus for Alpharius, A-64 also affects the upper respiratory tract. The final stages allow the separation of the two viruses upon which Alpharius immediately attacks the host body. The virus targets the phagocytes that naturally occur in the body and, for want of a better term, hijacks the cells. It then uses these hijacked phagocytes to then attack the uninfected phagocytes, continuing to infect the white blood cells until almost no phagocytes can approach the infected areas controlled by Alpharius. As this happens, the virus attacks the cell membranes of the upper respiratory tissue, primarily those found in the esophagus and lungs. Alpharius breaks down the tissue causing necrosis of the cells and begins the process of internal hemorrhaging. The early stages of this process features blood in the mucus and cough and intense pain in the chest, lungs, and throat. Symptoms in the ending stages include severe internal bleeding, blood in the vomit, severe weakness, and loss of consciousness. The ending result is the death of the host.
At this point, the creature stood suddenly at the sound of a door opening and closing in the lab. As the echoing noise faded, it reached to the side of the desk and retrieved a thick, black, metal cane and stood, waiting.
[member="sabrina"] [member="Dark Apprentice"] @One Sith
The figure was tall and thin, like a withered cadaver. He was clad in black pants and tunic and wore simple, black shoes. Over this he wore a long, black cloak and black, leather gloves. A wide brimmed, black hat sat atop his head and cast shadows over his head, face, and shoulders. His head was covered completely and a bleached white, long beaked mask covered his face, giving him a sinister, inhuman air. The black was less for effect and more for cleanliness, though it still lent to his strange, eerie appearance.
The creature walked briskly, purposefully, to the opposite side of the laboratory it called home where a simple, wooden desk stood near a heavy, durasteel slab of a table. The clean, clinical appearance of the slab was marred slightly by the series of groves and channels cut into the metal and the dark stains below the table. The wooden desk held a number of strange vials filled with luminescent fluids and thick, leather-bound tomes stacked here and there. Quills and ink stood to the side of the desk and there was an open book set in the desk's center. The strange, inhuman figure approached the desk and took a seat before it, pulling a quill and ink out to begin writing. As he did so, he glanced at the nearest series of vials on the desk, each holding a similar, amber, sickly fluid.
Strain A-64B - I have taken to calling the strain Alpha or Alpharius, proves successful, more so than the previous five. Afflicted victims suffer the same symptoms as the common cold of a more severe variety. The virus uses the common cold virus, known in the medical community as Nasopharyngitis, as the carrier and trigger and, in fact, creates many of the same symptoms. Symptoms include cough, congestion, fatigue, migraine, and muscle ache for the first few weeks, approximately three to four weeks.
At approximately the four weeks, the infection turns into a pneumonia-type of infection. At this point, the infection causes more flu-like symptoms of a severe variety. Fever, petechial rash, diarrhea, racking cough, and abdominal pain become prominent at this point of the infection time. These symptoms last for approximately two to three weeks until the final stage of the infection occurs.
At the final stage of infection, the true nature of the virus is shown. As Naspharyngitis affects the upper respiratory system almost exclusively and is the carrier virus for Alpharius, A-64 also affects the upper respiratory tract. The final stages allow the separation of the two viruses upon which Alpharius immediately attacks the host body. The virus targets the phagocytes that naturally occur in the body and, for want of a better term, hijacks the cells. It then uses these hijacked phagocytes to then attack the uninfected phagocytes, continuing to infect the white blood cells until almost no phagocytes can approach the infected areas controlled by Alpharius. As this happens, the virus attacks the cell membranes of the upper respiratory tissue, primarily those found in the esophagus and lungs. Alpharius breaks down the tissue causing necrosis of the cells and begins the process of internal hemorrhaging. The early stages of this process features blood in the mucus and cough and intense pain in the chest, lungs, and throat. Symptoms in the ending stages include severe internal bleeding, blood in the vomit, severe weakness, and loss of consciousness. The ending result is the death of the host.
At this point, the creature stood suddenly at the sound of a door opening and closing in the lab. As the echoing noise faded, it reached to the side of the desk and retrieved a thick, black, metal cane and stood, waiting.
[member="sabrina"] [member="Dark Apprentice"] @One Sith