NAME: Makkik
RANK: Junk shop owner / Freelance engineer
AGE: Who knows?
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1 meter
EYES: Unknown, but always seen with bright yellow amber pieces shielding his sensitive eyes.
HAIR: Brown fur on hands, otherwise unknown
SKIN: Grey on hands, otherwise unknown
(+) Skilled engineer: Makkik is an amazing engineer. He's able to build just about anything you can think of, from an automatic nose hair trimmer to a starfighter. He has vast knowledge of how things work, and is extremely curious to find out how anything he dosen't know about functions. Through reverse engineering and expiriments he's leraned how to build just about anything.
(+) Intelligent: Makkik would be considered a genius by Jawa standards, he's extremely intelligent, which contributes to his skill as an engineer.
(+) Limitless energy: Makkik has been blessed, or cursed, by a seemingly limitless amount of excess energy. Having to stay still or not do anything for any length of time is an extreme hardship for him, and he's almost always tinkering with something or another.
(+) Can speak basic: Unlike many Jawas, Makkik is able to speak basic; albeit extremely fast, and extremely high pitched.
(+) Excellent cook: Makkik is an aspiring chef, cooking is a hobby of his.
(-) Tiny: Like most Jawas, Makkik is teeny.
(-) Frail: With thin bones, fragile muscle structures, and a small frame, Makkik is fairly fragile.
(-) Untrained: Makkik has never been trained in any form of combat. He can't shoot a blaster, can't swing a sword, and is overall useless in a fight.
(-) Annoying: Between his fast highpitched voice, and his tendacy to constnatly be moving, many sentients may find him annoying.
Who knows?
Like most Jawas, Makkik was always interested in scavenging and repairing just about any kind of technology or machinery he could find. Like all Jawas, he was extremely good at it. But he took that a step further. Most Jawas could repair a droid, and create what people called "monsters droids"- droids cobbled together from spare parts. Makkik made a sophisticated astrodroid with a built in cookie oven... out of speederbike parts, a toaster, and a protocol droid's head. Many Jawas could convert a normal speeder in to something swoop bikes would envy. Makkik could turn it in to an airspeeder that can shoot high pressure hot chocolate.
At some point, Makkik left his tribe to found his own junk shop, where he's lived ever since. There, he enjoys himself making anything from droids to tanks in the large lot behind his shop, cobbled together from spare parts. He makes a living by selling his contraptions, as well as other various stuff that he scavanmges and sells.
Various tools, various pieces of small technology, various knick knacks and doo dads, a junk shop full of stuff and half-completed machines and small vehicles.
None, as of yet.