Malcom Stillwater
"Don't worry I got this....maybe"

NAME: Malcom Stillwater
FACTION: Pending
RANK: Entrepreneur
SPECIES: Corellian
AGE: 31
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6'1"
WEIGHT: 190 pounds
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Tanned
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Hand to Hand "Bar room brawling is a martial art right?"
+Ranged Weapons "You just point and shoot. You just have to make sure you do it faster than they do"
+Acrobatic "Ya, you might be able to lift me over your head and throw me, but ya have to catch me first, meathead!"
+Charismatic "I swear, I didn't know she was married!"
-Trouble Magnet "If it can go wrong, chances are it will, or has...Why is everything on fire!?"
-Poor Pilot "Hey, I know how to fly the thing.....but we should get the insurance just in case....What?!"
APPEARANCE: "Like what ya see? Then why don't you buy me a drink first!"

Though born on Corellia, Malcom has traveled from place to place, never really setting down roots. He never knew his parents, he was told that they died in a crash, but he never was able to get all the details. He grew up in an orphanage, always fighting with the big kids who tried to bully the smaller ones. Growing up in that environment made him scrappy and resourceful, which has saved his ass countless times. School was boring, with the exception of history. Even on holiday breaks while the other kids would be outside playing, he would be pouring through datapads, taking notes on lost treasures. He did well in school and continued on to higher education, in a study abroad program of course.
Just studying history wasn't enough for Mal. He jumped from one dig site to the next, getting his hands dirty and even assisting in locating some pretty incredible artifacts. However, there was lots of value in artifacts and Mal found himself entangled with many powerful, and dangerous people. His wit and a lot of luck kept him alive through many treasure hunts and other endeavors.
Now he just tries to get by. Taking odd jobs here and there to make a cred or two. But, should a line on a lost treasure show itself, Mal would drop everything and throw himself into another adventure.