The Last Son

- Intent: Create a rather unique weapon for Non-Force Users
- Image Source: Artstation
- Canon Link: N/A
- Permissions:
- Primary Source:
- Manufacturer:
Delsin Shaw , Locke & Key, Mandalorian Smiths
- Affiliation: Closed Market, To be Sold on Black Market
- Model: Maleficent Curse
- Modularity: No
- Production: Unique
- Material:
- Tra'Kar
- Hodharium
- Void Stone Housed in Grip
- Neuranium Core Rounds
- Devaronian Blood Poison
- Classification: Slugthrower
- Size: Large
- Weight: Average
- Ammunition Type: Slugs
- Ammunition Capacity: Very Small - 5 rounds
- Effective Range: Average
- Rate of Fire: Average
- Stopping Power: Extreme
- Penetration: Extreme
- Reload Speed: Low
- Recoil: Very High
- Cannot be affected by the Force
- Fires bullets that inhibit Force Users
- Ion Cell
- All canon effects of the Blood-poison Gem
- Slugger: As a slug based weapon, it can be difficult to defend against via Lightsaber. While not impossible, its very improbable. Even then, there are other factors to take into account when defending against the weapon.
- Simon Says No: Using not only Void Stone, and Void Steel, a manifestation of Void Stone in the form of a metal, but also Hodharium. A metal that is resistant to the force. Created for the specific use to combat force sensitives. Powers such as Force Barrier can be penetrated, as well as be extremely resistant to persuasion of the Force, such would be Telekinesis. Should a Force user find themselves struck with the slug, it can inhibit their powers, and if lodged within them, can even prevent all usage of the force unless the round is removed from the wound.
- Punching Up: Made with a Neuranium Core, and secondary layer of Voidsteel, the slugs have impressive penetration power. Namely being able to damage personal armors that Jedi, Force users, and the like would wear. Not only that, an Ion Cell is housed within the cylinder of the revolver like weapon. Charging the rounds with ions so that it can penetrate shielding that would have otherwise protected against physical rounds. Damaging the shield enough to shut it down, or outright passing through.
- Not Productive: A Force User will lose their connection to the force so long as they hold the weapon. Making it rather Ironic that they would choose to use the weapon. Using the weapon directly, inhibits the force of someone.
- Sweet Vibrations: Due to some of the materials used, Sonic based weapons can actually damage, or even destroy the frame of the weapon itself. Let alone the actual shot.
- Not the Fastest in the West: With having a larger frame, Manual reload of each individual round, and Single-Action fire, reloading, and firing the weapon takes quite some time. Making those valuable seconds in battle mean even more.
- Sectioned Belt: Unlike some Revolvers, Instead of holding 6 rounds, it holds five. Meaning you get five chances to shoot this weapon. Speed loaders are not a thing for this. Each round has to be dropped into its cylinder by hand, one at a time. So uh.. make sure you don't drop a round on the ground.
- Don't Pistol Whip: While the weapon is created out of Void Steel, as well as Hodharium, it isn't super resilient to being destroyed. Dropping it could dent the weapon, lightsabers can cut the barrel, and blaster bolts could maybe hit it a couple times before doing severe damage.
You could say it makes no real sense why a Force User would create a weapon that could very easily be his own undoing. A weapon that is meant to hunt down other Force Users. Using steels, stones, and even Neuranium to make rounds, and a revolver weapon that would be able to easily pass through force shields, and even ray shielding, to cause damage, and potentially prevent others from using the force. However, there is a reason.
Ensuing that singular word with those who are stuck by the weapon. Cursed to be unable to use the force so long as they hold it, or are struck with it. Even if the armor doesn't get pierced, the rounds can still embed themselves into the armor, and prevent the force against the Gunslinger. Even more so, the rounds can't be pushed away or use the force upon the gun to move the barrel away.
For those who need to learn that the Force, is not the end all, and be all of the galaxy.
Curses upon them.
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