
NAME: Malik ZarranFACTION: One Sith, Sith Empire and The Avidon Oligarchy
RANK: Sith Apprentice to Darth Naefas
SPECIES: Human (Corellian)
AGE: Late teens
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6"1 (Armoured) 6"0 (Un-armoured)
WEIGHT: 192kg
EYES COLOUR: Tainted Yellow
HAIR COLOUR: Dark mahogany brown
SKIN COLOUR: Paling flesh

Like most Sith, Malik's rage is his greatest ally. Through having a calm composure and rational personality Malik has trained himself from a young age to control his anger so that it may strengthen him when he needs it in battle and in mediation. When focused on a task Malik usually is unwavering until it is completed, he makes decisions based upon cold calculations and logic before allowing his passionate emotions to fuel his resolve until victory. However Malik is still young, and only an apprentice which means in no way whatsoever is he immune to loosing control of himself. Bloodrage is common among young Sith, when one looses control over themselves and acts until exhaustion or death. Malik's primary weakness is his ability to manipulate the Dark Side of the Force, which is something he wishes to remedy through the teachings of his Master Darth Naefas. Malik also possesses a scar on the left side of his face, obtained during his time as a neophyte for his disobedience. Due to its positioning on his face and the manner of which it was set upon the wound is a painful hindrance that when struck sends agonising sensations across throughout Malik's body.

Malik could be considered attractive, by Corellian standards beside his scar but truly cares little for how he looks other than making sure he is always clean shaven in respect for his superiors and adorns the same hairstyle for convenience. His complexion is becoming more tainted as his exposure to the Dark Side of The Force continues, along with his Iris's becoming more and more darkened with each passing day and every atrocity committed. He adorns simple yet practical tunic and robes with a durasteel armour overlaying them. His armour consists of an obsidian black chestplate with matching shoulder plates as well as matching bracer's and shin greave's. Imprinted onto the left side of his chest plate is the insignia of The Sith Empire.

Born within the nobility of Corellia's pro-Republic society, Malik grew up with propaganda being forced down his throat from every angle. His parents, grandparents, his friends and the rest of his family were Republicans, they believed with all their hearts that the Republic truly was the galaxies salvation. But in every family, you have that one black sheep. Malik was that sheep. When the Omega Protectorate took control of Corellia, Malik's family fled the system along with countless other Republic sympathizers not out of fear for their lives, but out of fear of what will come in the future on a Corellia without the shining light that was the Republic in control. Malik took this chance to escape the grasp of his family and instead sought out a new begining as far from Republic as he could get, which inevitably lead him to Sith space. Malik was captured upon entering the Sith Empire and enslaved, it wasn't until a routine medical check a year later that revealed his Force Sensitivity to his captors. In that time Malik has endured pain and hardship that few in the galaxy have experienced which only strengthened his mind and body. During his year as a slave Malik fantasised about how he he wanted to take back his home, and now with his new found powers as a Sith his fantasy has become his ambition.