Character Info
Name: Malika Mantis
Faction: Mandalorian Empire
Species: Shi’ido
Age: 273
Sex: Female
Height: 6’
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Skin: Fair
Force Sensitive: No
Malika can take on any appearance she chooses, though her days of vanity are far behind her and she opts to one main form. A blonde haired, blue eyed, human female. Her armour is basic, simply because when battle rage takes hold of her she tends to take a form that suits her and beskar’gam can be very restricting.
Buir Jorir
Her go to form when she’s angry, because nothing says i’m pissed at you better than a big black bear roaring at you. She earned the nickname Buir Jorir during a raid on her homestead on Ordo when pirates tried to take her son.
Cin Rekr
Following the death of her husband, Malika took to solitude, separating herself from society for a time, she wondered as the white wolf. The form has become another one of her favourites for the ties it has to the man she loved.
For a time, Malika was content, more so than she could ever recall being, which for a woman of her age was a mean feat. However, as with all good things, he happiness was not meant to last. The first blow came as her husband developed a heart condition, his health rapidly deteriorating despite changes made to accommodate for him. He didn't keel over, but simply passed in the night. Waking up to find him so still beside her shook Malika to her core.
Overcome with grief, she struggled to push on with life, retreating inwards and avoiding the need to talk to people by spending what time she could as the white wolf. She was needed as a mother and even this she began to struggle with. Perhaps that was something life understood when it turned its attention to her son.
The first warning sign that something was wrong, came in the form of a seizure that landed him in a hospital for several weeks. The doctors told her many things, some though it was cancer, a tumour in the brain, another said that their machines had told them otherwise, that it was a disease, a virus that was attacking his brain.
So why wasn't she sick? The disease only affected epicanthix and there was no cure. Just like her husband, Malika had to sit and watch Fenn die, unable to take him home to his own bed for the risk of infecting others, she stayed with him day and night till the very end.
Guilt ridden and unable to seek comfort in her home, Malika fled. Returning to Mandalore, and looking for her brothers.

Name: Malika Mantis
Faction: Mandalorian Empire
Species: Shi’ido
Age: 273
Sex: Female
Height: 6’
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Skin: Fair
Force Sensitive: No
+ Shapeshifter - as a mature shi’ido, Malika can change her form at will for as long as she likes, even increasing her mass
+ Battle Veteran - she’s fought in a lot of wars, she’d be lying if she said she didn’t enjoy them
+ Deceptive - choosing a simple human form as her main, she hides her true strength
- Allergic to technology - Malika has an almost Yuuzhan Vong like attitude toward technology. She'll get on a ship, even use a comlink, but don't except much more than that from her.
- Blunt - she stopped beating around the bush about things a long time ago, though tactful with children, she is less so with adults, earning her enemies. Not that she cares.

Malika can take on any appearance she chooses, though her days of vanity are far behind her and she opts to one main form. A blonde haired, blue eyed, human female. Her armour is basic, simply because when battle rage takes hold of her she tends to take a form that suits her and beskar’gam can be very restricting.

Her go to form when she’s angry, because nothing says i’m pissed at you better than a big black bear roaring at you. She earned the nickname Buir Jorir during a raid on her homestead on Ordo when pirates tried to take her son.

Following the death of her husband, Malika took to solitude, separating herself from society for a time, she wondered as the white wolf. The form has become another one of her favourites for the ties it has to the man she loved.
Malika’s history is unknown before her becoming a Mandalorian and she likes to keep it that way. Adopted into Clan Wren over eighty years ago, a part of House Vizsla she took the path of a nomad for many years before she met and fell in love with Tristan Mantis, elder brother to Preliat and Silas Mantis and settled on Ordo, leaving her clan and life as a mandalorian behind. And turning her attention to building a family instead, bearing a son by the name Fenn.For a time, Malika was content, more so than she could ever recall being, which for a woman of her age was a mean feat. However, as with all good things, he happiness was not meant to last. The first blow came as her husband developed a heart condition, his health rapidly deteriorating despite changes made to accommodate for him. He didn't keel over, but simply passed in the night. Waking up to find him so still beside her shook Malika to her core.
Overcome with grief, she struggled to push on with life, retreating inwards and avoiding the need to talk to people by spending what time she could as the white wolf. She was needed as a mother and even this she began to struggle with. Perhaps that was something life understood when it turned its attention to her son.
The first warning sign that something was wrong, came in the form of a seizure that landed him in a hospital for several weeks. The doctors told her many things, some though it was cancer, a tumour in the brain, another said that their machines had told them otherwise, that it was a disease, a virus that was attacking his brain.
So why wasn't she sick? The disease only affected epicanthix and there was no cure. Just like her husband, Malika had to sit and watch Fenn die, unable to take him home to his own bed for the risk of infecting others, she stayed with him day and night till the very end.
Guilt ridden and unable to seek comfort in her home, Malika fled. Returning to Mandalore, and looking for her brothers.