Malikai Graush
- ALIASES: Malikai Graush
- AGE: Adult
- HOME WORLD: Dosuun
- SEX: Male
- SPECIES: Human-Sith Pureblood Hybrid
- EYES: Amber
- HAIR: Platinum Blonde
- HEIGHT: Six foot Seven
- WEIGHT: 244lbs
- BUILD: Athletic
- X
- X
- The First Order
- The Sith Empire
- Graush Laboratories
- A'sharad Graush
- None
- Warrior's Bloodline: Like the Sith Warriors of the Massassi caste from millennia past, Malikai's height and physical strength knows few bounds. Under the tutelage of his Father, a renowned Sith Lord and combatant in the western reaches of the known galaxy, leading up to and during the pinnacle of the First Orders power, Malikai's knowledge and combat prowess boast mastery in all things War.
- Horticulture: Even bloodthirsty Sith have hobbies and the growing and maintenance of his decorative garden is one of few things that Malikai's attention is drawn to. Despite having the natural instinct and craving of combat and death, Malikai's interest lay with creation and growth, in place of the growth and creation of empires, as his Father had before him.
- Light: As a being wrapped up in darkness, intense exposures of Force light possess the ability to separate him from the Dark Side, or the Force for any length of time, potentially permanently. Even going as far as to inflict intense physical pain.
- Impure: What with all the mixing of species of his immediate family, the Human-Epicanthix portion of his father's bloodline is tainted, to the point that he does not possess the natural ability to resist invasions of the mind.
s/o Ellie Mors for template <3
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