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Malin Spritejägare


Morality Policeman :)
Name: Malin Ohotnitsa Spritejägare

Faction: [None]
Rank: Lieutenant
Species: Human [Lorrdian ancestry]
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Height: 183 cm
Weight: 66.2 kg
Eyes: Green
Hair: Butterscotch blond
Skin: Sunburnt tan
Force Sensitivity: None
Dominant Hand: Left

Birthplace: Corellia

Strengths and Weaknesses:
+ Observant : An effective cop has a keen eye and a good sniffer. Malin is an effective cop.
+ Mama Said Knock You Out : Not so much aggressive as she is reflexive, Malin can capably defend herself and take down hooligans. Being decently tall doesn’t hurt, either.
+ Lorrdian Heritage : Malin’s parents passed down the art of reading, imitating, and communicating through body language.
+ Calculating Patience : Malin is the woman you want for a stakeout, not being one to whine or rush mindlessly into dangerous situations.

- Lethargic Complacence : Malin takes her time, hardly on the fast track through the ranks. She’s also the type to turn a blind eye if you’re not directly affecting her cop cred. She does, however, distribute her quota of speeding tickets.
- Bacta Intolerant : Malin was very sick as a young girl. Too much time in the hospital developed a bacta allergy, making potential medical emergencies very concerning.

- Apathetic Disposition : Malin lost whatever she cared about when Corellia was destroyed. There's not much to look forward to from her point of view.
- Broke : She should have never gone to university...

- Alcoholic : About everything she cared about being destroyed...

Spritejägare has a tall, sturdy build, immaculate considering her childhood illness. Her eyes are an emerald hue, slightly sunken. She has rigid cheeks and a full nose, always tipped red from sun exposure. Her hair is a thick, molten butterscotch.

Malin Ohotnitsa Spritejägare was born true blue Corellian and yet a purebred child of the Lorrdian culture--an interesting combination, to say the least. She spent half of her first eleven years in the sickbed, suffering from Kanju’s disease. One might suppose that she was always destined for a rough-and-tumble life.

Finally healed of her ailment in her teens, Spritejägare was able to actually try to appreciate a normal lifestyle. She served her time at Corellia University: five whole years. Time and money drained, she decided it was not worth the expense to continue her education after her fitness results came back from CorSec. She knew what she was going to do.

Hovering about in squad speeders, investigating drug deals, zapping unruly citizens and blasting troublesome foreigners, drinking caf all day, wearing a badge that says, “I will have a warrant in five minutes,” was something to romanticize for her--a change in pace. CorSec was her future. She was satisfied and settled into her position of mediocre authority, content to stay here for quite some time. The benefits were lousy but the extended paid vacation was sweet. Spritejägare could be found in Coronet City, keeping the streets safe for all your kids riding without helmets.

Then things happened. Malin had been aiding smugglers--of all people--in evacuating people and precious cargo off of Corellia as the One Sith moved in, when the world she had known all her life became no more. Her life, for what it was worth, had practically been erased. She was no longer Lieutenant Spritejägare, Corellian Security. She was just Malin, and nothing more. No family, friends, or anything familiar to her.

Now she was just a merc.

Personal Tools:
DH-17 short carbine

Sign language and other forms of silent communication
Reconnaissance and investigative procedures


Jail Break
Legitimate Cargo
Back to Reality
Weapons, Drugs, & Paperwork
Murder Investigation: Prime Suspect
We Got a Problem
They See Me Patrollin'
Something in Common
A Displacement Resolving
A Gran Walks into a Bar
Five Steps 'Til Suicide
To Start Down the Path

Yox Dikai

[member="Malin Spritejägare"]

I don't know. It just appeared out of my blue milk!

Good plan!

Perhaps an investigation leads Yox to Corellia and she needs a CorSec supervisor to continue? Or needs to access some information?

Yox Dikai

Either one works for me. They're fairly similar, so I could probably combine them. Perhaps she needs to pick up files or a prisoner for extradition.

[member="Malin Spritejägare"]

Yox Dikai

[member="Malin Spritejägare"]

Of course. It would be a rather boring thread without that, and she is the new person on the team.

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