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Mallory "Mal" Bash

Mallory Bash


Mallory "Mal" Bash


NAME: Mallory Bash


SPECIES: Nagai/Human Mix

AGE: Early 30's

SEX: Female

HEIGHT: 5’8”

WEIGHT: 120lbs

EYES: light brown

HAIR: Black

SKIN: Pale

BIRTHPLACE: Dunari’s Rest Space Station, Mayagil Sector, Outer Rim

FACTION: The Galactic Alliance -3rd Expeditionary Squadron - 1st Expeditionary Fleet

RANK: Commander

LANGUAGES: Basic, Bocce, Huttese, Jawaese


(+) Spacefarer: Mallory is a highly skilled pilot (specifically small transport to medium freighters), decent mechanic and suffers no negative effects of prolonged time in space within the confines of a ship.

(+)Friends in low places: Mal learned early-on that information is a cargo cheap to carry and more lucrative than crates full of goods. While some scour the holonet and slice computers for information, Mal gets it the old fashioned way, from a network of contacts.

(+) Nagai enhanced voice: Mallory has inherited more than her jet black hair and light skin from her father. Her voice possesses the Nagai enhanced range with subtle modulations that can be incredibly soothing, aiding in influencing others. Also gives her a hell of a singing voice, though no one outside of her refresher have ever heard it.

(+) Nagai blade fighting style: Mal has nearly mastered the blade fighting style of her paternal heritage. She is lethally adept with any blade from a shiv to a katana sized weapon.

(-) Addictive behavior: Mal has a hard time saying no to just one more drink, or one more hand of sabacc. Her habitual drinking and gambling causes more headache and heartache than it could ever be worth. Mal's addictions have kept her perpetually low on credits.

(-)Sordid History: Her gambling problems, as well as a job or two that went bad, has Mal with several enemies to whom she owes money. Jilted lovers and conned businessmen are included on the list of potential trouble.


Of slender, sinewy build, Mallory has her human mother’s build and hazel eyes, but the black hair and pale skin of her Nagai father.
Mal prefers function over fashion, and if not in her uniform, she is in cargo pants and tee shirts. Her father's Tehk'lka Blade is always on her person somewhee. On her left upper arm is a curious tattoo of a stylized wing, one she got her first trip into space, to symbolize her freedom.

A Nagai mercenary visiting the space station Dunari’s Rest in the Mayagil Sector of the Outer Rim fancied a human dancer at a station casino. Their union begat a daughter named Mallory. Mallory’s father, to his credit, did not abandon his lover, but visited her and their daughter from time to time at the station and provided some meager additions to their income. But being raised by a mostly single mother on a station known for entertainment of varying virtues and trading of both the legitimate and illegitimate nature taught Mallory how things in life really worked.

By the time she was a teenager, Mallory had a reputation among the station regulars as a the go-to for info on local goings on, and for a cheap drink she would crawl into the engine compartment of your craft and fix that nagging coupler you just couldn’t reach. She was more tomboy than budding woman, and the sharp tip of her father’s vibroknife put handsy spacers in their place.

Along with the approach of adulthood came an increasing dissatisfaction with the confines of the station, and even the planet below. Mal worked her way onto a freighter crew as a grunt, quickly earning the respect of the Bith captain, Shem, who exploited her talents for little pay. But Mallory didn’t mind, she got to see other worlds, drink new drinks, play new games, brawl with new people. Shem became a father figure, if not a good one. It all ended when a tragic pirate raid on the freighter was thwarted by a local navy, but not before Shem and most of the crew were slain. Only then did Mallory find out that Shem had left his ship to her, should he die.

Working from the base of Shem’s clients, Mallory began to haul cargo and establish her own business. But her many shady contacts and knack for getting into trouble lead her into more lucrative and less legal jobs, as well as into the information business. During this time, she took on a Zelton woman as part of her crew named Glara. Quite unexpectedly, they fell in love. They lived it up, daring runs, drunken parties, winning and blowing credits left and right. Again, her world turned upside down when Glara turned on Mal, working with a crooked client to jilt her on payment for a load, as well as stealing other cargo that left Mallory owing her customers money.

Mal found herself looking for alternatives to business as usual, until things settled, or she could repay her debts. The 'illegitimate' life was hard with little fulfillment, so Mal sought something else, something new. For the next several years, the half-Nagai pilot found herself thrown into different causes, rebellions, businesses and even a vagrant fleet known as the Verge Flotilla. Learning how to better control her addictions, sShe began to shake the image of a shady freighter captain and more of a legitimate pilot. Mal sought someplace that she can truly call home. That was when she joined the Galactic Alliance Navy. She soon rose to take command of a Fleet Tender.


Hajen II-class Fleet Tender ANV Adranne
The Stellar Kart - personal transport

One Man's Trash
Mal joins up with a resistance movement to salvage scrap metal from Raxus Prime

The Riots Above Rychel
Moving to the Verge Flotilla, Mal attempts to help obtain food stores from locals to feed fleet refugees

One Way Ticket
A mysterious passenger hires Mal to take her into Sith Space

One More For The Road
While visiting the space station where she was raised, Mal finds an unlikely drinking buddy

You Aren't Who You Were
As a new Commander in the GA, Mal is surprised by whom she meets at the Jedi Temple

Tales of the 3rd Expeditionary
The 3rd Expeditionary Squadron gathers near Outlander Station

Crazy Way To Catch Up
Mal learns more about her mysterious friend, Damsy Callet


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