Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Reply Mama if that's movin' up, them I'm movin' out...

If the abyss stares at you, don't blink

LOCATION : Jedi Temple | OBJECTIVE : Packing up
TAG : Open​



"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"


OOC Linear Note - Set after this thread, but ahead of here.

Pick one… we’re coming back in a minute, you can pick another. You wanna help, right?

Canting his head sideways for a moment, Buster seemed to be waiting for the confirmation that they would be coming back before he sniffed and grabbed one of his toys to carry as Conne had picked up a box.

Connel Vanagor had always felt like he didn't quite fit in at the Jedi Temple. While he excelled in his training and was a skilled fighter and duelist, trained in one discipline of the Jedi and learning another there was always a sense of unease within him. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but he knew that he needed to leave the Temple in order to find his true purpose. He was determined to find out what it was that was drawing him away from here. He knew he had to find his own destiny, and he knew where to find it.

As he continued up his belongings, memories started to come back to him. The countless hours of meditation, the rigorous training sessions, there were even a few friendships he had formed with his fellow Jedi. But despite all of this, there was a nagging feeling that this was not the place to be here for his future, this or the Prosperity. He was not leaving the Jedi, he was leaving the Temple, his destination (if ever asked) was the planet Kashyyyk, he was going to The Shadow Temple. It was a better environment for Buster and a better environment for him to learn how to be a Shadow.

Buster, his loyal Aak dog companion, nuzzled his hand as if sensing his inner turmoil. Connel smiled down at the creature, grateful for his unwavering companionship. Together, they made their way to Connel's ship, the Silver Seraph, which was docked in the Temple hangar.

As he loaded more of his belongings onto the ship, Connel took a look at the Temple. The grand structure loomed before him, a symbol of everything he had known for so long. But now, he was ready to leave it all behind.


More trips to and from what was more and more becoming his “former quarters”, more conversations with “Buster” telling him to pick a toy to carry until there was one left, it was time. They were making the final walk to the ship.

With a heavy heart, Connel took his time on this walk and bid farewell to the Temple room by room. He knew where he was headed, he didn’t openly tell because no one had asked at this point.

Repli Implants that would be for the limbs
Bonemer enhancements to strengthen structure of the body
Muscle enhancements.
Hemo enhancements for blood flow
Hawkeye implants for eyes
Advanced Medical Implant
Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor

"Pip" ryana called out as she walked down the halls as connel felt a russle in the box he was carrying connel could hear ryana call out for pip again. As she walked around the corner she saw connel "how have you been connel" she said before looking down seeing buster wagging his tail and butt in excitement. "Hi buster have you been a good boy" she said in a loving and high pitched tone as she scratched buster behind his ears as the pup practically jumped into her arms.

Ryana gladly picked up buster and his toy as connels box russled again "going somewhere" she asked as she petted buster she would follow connel if he continued walking. "You haven't seen pip have you the annoying little furball is avoiding me and I can't seem to get a bead on him through the force" she asked. Before box in connels arms popped open and pip popped out and almost immediately locked eyes with ryana who looked like an angry mom back at pip before she sighed. "Your a pain in my lekku" she said honestly to the small racyon that was currently looking like the cat that ate the canary before pip looked at connel. Ryana was partially surprised buster wasn't trying to get to pip and the reverse as buster was happily in her arms getting headscratches.
If the abyss stares at you, don't blink

LOCATION : Jedi Temple | OBJECTIVE : Packing up for the Shadow Temple
TAG (FRIENDLY) : Ryana mina Ryana mina | TAG (FOE) : @​



"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"


Heyyy… no I can’t say that I have.

The bustle and popping open of the box in his arms immediately told Connel where the little hellion was and why. As Pip was looking up at Ryanna, Connel reached in and held up the bag of treats. Three guesses why…

As Pip went all “grabby hands” for the bag of treats (which Connel kept just out of reach), Connel slowly kept walking, but making sure that Ryanna was walking with him. He was not going to simply “walk away” from her. He would get Buster to walk on his own, but knew Ryanna would have none of that, besides, she was “family”. Makes me wonder where you hid Buster’s bed? He said with a wry smirk directed at Pip.

So, are you going to come visit us at The Shadow Temple. Maybe we can get your Master to agree with some downtime. I can show you around. He didn’t know if she had a Master or not, many of the Padawans running around here don’t seem to want one.
Repli Implants that would be for the limbs
Bonemer enhancements to strengthen structure of the body
Muscle enhancements.
Hemo enhancements for blood flow
Hawkeye implants for eyes
Advanced Medical Implant
Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor

Ryana chuckled when connel pulled out the bag of treats she wasn't surprised "you fat little turd I feed you enough" she said as pip spoke up while trying to reach for the treats. She followed connel with buster in her arms happily she loved buster alot they became snuggle buddies while connel was recovering. When buster and pip weren't playing or sometimes the two would play on her lap it was an adorable site to see regardless.

"Don't worry I'll help you find busters bed I know pips usual hideaway spots" she said as buster yawned "you can't be tired buster pips here" she said. Knowing pip was more interested in the treats than buster if she had her way the two would have time to play before connel and buster left for their new home.

She laughed at connels offer "do you think the temple would survive a visit from pip because nothing short of the entire galactic alliances defense force would stop him from following me i thought about leaving him" she joked. As she played with buster and followed connel "I'm between masters at the moment so shouldn't be a huge issue" she said.
If the abyss stares at you, don't blink

LOCATION : Jedi Temple | OBJECTIVE : Moving Out
TAG (FRIENDLY) : Ryana mina Ryana mina | TAG (FOE) : @​



"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"


It's probably under the bed, no worries.

Buster looked up at one of the words he knew the most “bed”. Yes, your bed is hiding.

She didn’t seem to want to go, which was fine, it was a friendly offer, but if she was just making sure there would not be an issue, he would clarify. Plenty of other little friends to play with. He laughed. These two “Terror Twins” would be running things…

You need a Master?.

Repli Implants that would be for the limbs
Bonemer enhancements to strengthen structure of the body
Muscle enhancements.
Hemo enhancements for blood flow
Hawkeye implants for eyes
Advanced Medical Implant
Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor

"You should know by now how smart that furball your carrying is but that is one of the spots I was going to suggest" she said as she watched buster react to the word bed. She hugged buster lightly who licked her face as she set the little akk dog down he proceeded to follow ryana and connel with his toy in his mouth. Ryana scooped up pip who still tried grabbing at the bag of treats "you don't need more treats or you'll get fat" she said as pip screeched in protest then left his tongue sticking out.

"I'd feel bad for everyone at that point these Two running amok with a small army of furry creatures causing chaos" she said walking with connel she looked down at pip who calmed down and was content with being held. "A master wouldn't hurt I've mainly been learning from holocrons and data pads along with the occasional group class" she said honestly as pip began playing with ryanas lekku gently "although finding a master who can tolerate pips shenanigans is hard to find" she said.
If the abyss stares at you, don't blink

LOCATION : Jedi Temple | OBJECTIVE : Moving out
TAG (FRIENDLY) : Ryana mina Ryana mina | TAG (FOE) : @​



"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"


It’ll be fun to watch though, especially when these two get a load of “W.O.O.K.I.E.E.s”. Buster knew the word, that he knew, he wasn’t sure about Pip. So there was no real harm in doing it this way. The “Shyyyo’s Heart” tribe were more than welcome to the Jedi, especially the Vanagors, but it will be fun to watch them chase the two little hellions running around.

A couple of protocol droids walked up to ask no doubt for “exit paperwork” when one of them noticed Buster and was not very welcoming. They were backing away as if ready to be attacked, he was wagging his tail and bouncing around as if ready to pounce. Next time, buddy, next time.

Ryana’s explanation of her education so far then gave him an idea. Connel did not consider himself a “Jedi” in any sense other than the title. Maybe this will finally give him the feeling of one. What about me? He laughed. We already know each other well, we both have something to prove, if not as Jedi but to ourselves… He shrugged.

Just a thought….

Repli Implants that would be for the limbs
Bonemer enhancements to strengthen structure of the body
Muscle enhancements.
Hemo enhancements for blood flow
Hawkeye implants for eyes
Advanced Medical Implant
Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor

"Oh pip would lose his little mind at the site of one let alone a group" she said chuckling at the thought of it as she looked down at pip who was looking up at her with his little tongue out. "Was I talking about you you little terrible furball" she said as she played with pips tongue as pip began purring he was really to smart for his own good.

She watched buster get excited and try and play with the protocol droids that seemed unwelcome to the idea of playing she chuckled as pip tried to wiggle out of her grasp to join buster. She caught pip using Telekinesis and floated him back to her grasp "nows not the time to play later" she said as pip let out grunt.

Connels offer came as a surprise to her she wasn't sure how to react at the offer right away but thought about it "your leaving the temple I'm at to move to a different temple and yet offering to teach me" she said as pip began chirping up "don't get me wrong I can hardly think of a better option especially since pip likes you alot and it would give him time to play with buster" she said not sure of what to say.
If the abyss stares at you, don't blink

TAG (FRIENDLY) : @ | TAG (FOE) : @​



"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"


Simple, come with me. Or commute, or I’ll commute. He shrugged again, frankly he could use the experience and she needed a Master. Why not a Master she knew she could trust and vice versa?

The droids could not exit the area fast enough as Buster seemed disappointed. Of course Connel could not let that stand and scratched him behind the ear.You’ll get’em next time.

Back to Ryana. I’m just offering to take you on as my Padawan Learner, not pick out silverware patterns. He smirked. I mean, if you want to pick out silverware, I’m sure that my mother knows a few places…

Repli Implants that would be for the limbs
Bonemer enhancements to strengthen structure of the body
Muscle enhancements.
Hemo enhancements for blood flow
Hawkeye implants for eyes
Advanced Medical Implant
Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor

"Come with you do you know how pip proof this new temple would have to be plus the droids they just got done pip proofing this temple" she said half joking but mostly serious. The paper work alone would be horrendous as pip began wiggling in her arms "yes I'm talking about you you little terrorist" she teased. But she was glad that connel offered plus he was someone pip got along with and would somewhat listen to but most importantly he had buster.

She saw buster get sad as the droids exited as fast as they could she kind of felt bad for the little pup. "It's ok buster you and pip can get them next time you come and see me and pip" she offered as buster barked in agreement.

She looked back at connel as connel spoke to her "I accept your offer plus it will give pip and buster plenty of play time" she said staying near connel and buster. "Silverware has patterns I just thought they where metal and cheap I didn't know they made fancy silverware" she said her time as a slave and then having anything expensive near pip was bad so she never whent out and bought anything nice for herself.
If the abyss stares at you, don't blink


"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"

LOCATION : Jedi Temple | OBJECTIVE : Moving |TAG (FRIENDLY) : Ryana mina Ryana mina

You’d be surprised at how well the place is set up. Even this little… yeah you.. He joked, looking at Pip whose tongue was out. Sure, he’ll probably figure out ways to get past some things, but it’s pretty secure, and nice. Who knows, it might prove to be a new fresh start. Like I said though, it’s up to you.

They were close to the landing bays where two almost identical “Jedi Defender” Corvettes sat. One was clearly Connel’s as recognized, the other?If you change your mind… the one on the right has an astromech and two pilot droids sitting in it ready and waiting. He knew that she was not trained yet in piloting, so he made sure to add the last three amenities.

Picking up a scratching Buster, he continued. It’s not a keeper… unless you want it… that is up to you and Father… but it is there as long as you need it. He knew she had a rough upbringing and did not want to overwhelm her sense of personal pride, though he was probably doing just that. He nodded with an appreciative smile as she spoke on how she accepted his offer and even laughed on the “silverware” retort. He needed this… Good, I’m glad, I will make sure the necessary “paperwork” or whatever gets put through…. And don’t worry about calling me “Master” unless it is in an official capacity in public… like if we were in front of dignitaries or whatever… not that we would be in front of dignitaries ever… I mean we… okay I’m rambling….

Repli Implants that would be for the limbs
Bonemer enhancements to strengthen structure of the body
Muscle enhancements.
Hemo enhancements for blood flow
Hawkeye implants for eyes
Advanced Medical Implant
Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor

Pip got excited as connel was talking about him as he started wiggling about in ryanas arms. She held him just fine being used to the little racyons antics the lethan twi'lek "trust me if anyone can find gaps it's him the temple guards had me and him run a security test for small infiltrators the results helped tighten security" she said. As pip purred with satisfaction not knowing he made his own life harder in doing so.

"I'll keep that in mind and have a talk with him this one doesn't do well in fighters so I'll need a ship like that" she said as she looked at pip. "Plus if I need to watch buster for an extended period again they will need room to play" she said. As both buster and pip agreed both barked ryana looked at pip surprised "well that's new" she said. "Don't worry about it I can deal with rambling" she said as pip began chittering.
If the abyss stares at you, don't blink


"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"


LOCATION : Temple Landing Pad OBJECTIVE : Getting ready to Leave |
TAG (FRIENDLY) : Ryana mina Ryana mina | TAG (FOE) : @

[COLOR=DARK ORANGE]Well, like I said, it's open and up to you. Listen, my father is going to be teaching a flight school. It's the beginning course for those who want to become a Jedi Ace, but it encompasses the basics. If you want to give the place a try, you could come for that. Not necessary as you're welcome regardless, but still. [/COLOR] The moments later, a labor Droid came walking up carrying Buster's bed. The little Aark dog was hopping up and down seemingly excited that the bed he rarely uses was there and would make the trip.

As the pup ran up the loading ramp, seemingly leading the Droid and wanting to show where to put it, Connel gave one last glance to the castle. It's weird. I'll be back as often as needed, but it feels like this is the last time I'm looking at the place.
Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor

"I'll take him up on the offer then it is a skill I should be good at anyway especially if I plan on making regular trips to the shadow temple" she said.

Ryana watched buster get excited and happy it made her smile and chuckle "buster is too adorable for his own good" she said as pip spoke up ryana looked down "your just a handful" she teased as pips upper legs flailed proving her point. Looking back at connel ryana looked back at the temple "it was your home now it isn't it makes sense that it would feel different than before since it holds a new meaning for you" she said.
If the abyss stares at you, don't blink


"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"


LOCATION : Jedi Temple Landing Bay | OBJECTIVE : About to go |TAG (FRIENDLY) : Ryana mina Ryana mina

Yeah, maybe. You make a good point. Looking around one last time, he let the ship's steward Droid who was humming an operatic tune (a playful nod back to Pip) take his box and Buster's bed up to the ship before turning to Ryana. Alright, I guess that is it then.
Buster's mood suddenly became anxious and a little sad, Connel already knew what this was about. It's okay, you'll see her soon enough, she'll be giving you all of the attention you make like I don't.

Crouching down and picking the Mountain Aak dog up, he got a firm grip that still was not quite enough as Buster was living up to his "wigglebutt" nickname. Guh... he... alright... come on... Okay now. Say "goodbye for now". Buster of course was wiggling and wriggling and his tongue was going a mile a minute trying to give "kisses".

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