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Approved NPC Mamacchi

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Name: Mamacchi aka Big Mama
Loyalties: Logen Brunner
Role: Mama is not just a co-pilot/cook for the infamous Captain Logen Brunner, but she has played a mother figure for the scoundrel for most of his life.
Development Threads:
Age: 150
Species: Wookie
Force Sensitivity: No
Appearance: Mix coat of fur, lots of fur... but mostly dark and light shades of brown. Distinguishing feteature would be her round cheeks.
Weapon of Choice: Kashyyk stalker pistol, bowcaster, frying pan, butcher's cleaver, cooking pots.
Wealth: ha, what wealth?
Combat Function: She is a short tempered female wookie that makes great food and a good pilot on top of that. She also knows ins and outs of a ship. She has a motherly instinct over Logen and will protect him at all costs.
  • -Amazing Cook: Mamacchi primary role in life was cook for the pirate captain and his crew. She had decades of experience in the kitchen and most say her food tastes way better then what those food processors could manage.
  • -Good Pilot: She knows her way around a cockpit and his fairly nimble at the command yoke.
  • -Natural mechanic: Sides from being a cook for the pirates, she was also highly talented with a hydrospanner and seemed naturally gifted in the arts of mechanical wizardry.
Notable Possessions:
Other Notes:
BIOGRAPHY: Mamacchi was the property of a Corellian pirate Captain Tombs at the time she met a very young Logen Brunner. Logen, a child of twelve was plucked off the streets of corellia by the Captain and pressed into service. The wookie and Logen formed a mother son relation fairly quickly in the awkward circumstances. Mama was an excellent cook and a even better mechanic and she took the boy under her wing and taught him the ropes on how to keep a ship flying. Now Captain Tombs was a violent and abusive man that was well known to take out his frustrations on the Logen. On one particular day, the abuse was hitting critical and fearful for Logen's life Mamacchi sprung to action ending the Pirate captain with a single fell swoop of her large arms that broke his neck. They escaped the pirates by stealing one of the transport ships and found themselves back on Corellia where they had stayed a family.

Intent: Mamacchi was created to be a NPC family figure for Logen as well as duo service as a crewmate aboard his ship.
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