Grey Eyed Castaway
Jasper trudged his way through the ancient battleground of Malachor V, blood trickling from his brow. His claymore dragged in his hand, drawing a line in the dust. It's blade was smeared in a red fluid, the trail it left in the ground leading back to a freshly fallen individual. Sith acolyte, imperial inquisitor... their identity hardly mattered to the Sentinel of Harmony. The Jedi Knight simply marched onward, a stagger in his step and an awkward twist in his ankle.
He had to keep moving.
The grey, lifeless surface was littered with bones and ancient armor, the remnants of a battle unlike which the galaxy had ever seen. Even thousands of years later, tremors could be felt in the Force, a wound that left all who tread it drained. He paid the old, shattered lightsabers no mind, moving onwards towards a ruin in the distance. It stood small compared to the ancient Sith temple, no larger than a freighter. Jasper limped towards the structure, throwing his weight into the door and toppling it. The old stone hit the ground with a thud, kicking up a cloud of dust. All at once, the weight of a thousand stars fell on the Jedi Knight's shoulders, all from the sight he found within.
It was the one thing that he had feared he'd find.
A young nautolan woman was slumped in the corner, her robes tattered with plasma damage clean across her chest. Her eyes remained open, still capturing the horror of her final moments. In her hands was a communication devce, still broadcasting her final distress call. Jasper shuffled up to them, slumping against the wall hard. With a grunt, he reached up to their face, closing their eyes. The Sentinel of Harmony retrieved their lightsaber and padawan braid before turning back, trudging his way out of the building.
Her body had been cold. Who knows how long her distress call had been made use of to lure Jedi in. Jasper silently hoped that he had been the only one to heed the call, but he couldn't say with certainty. When the Knight stepped outside his knee buckled, forcing him to lean on his sword. With a sharp exhale of pain he threw himself onto the sloped wall of the structure, sliding down to a sitting position. Jasper let his head fall back, closing his eyes.
It didn't matter what he did. The stench of death was always ever-present, following behind just in the corner of his eye. A truth so inescapable that the words were carved in his chest, writen beneath the skin in his own blood. Yet even then, death seemed so distant. A plague to befall all but him, because for all of his struggle and torment he couldn't seem to just keel over. Perhaps it was just his misfortune to be a survivor. Battle after battle, Jasper began to wonder who would even be left come the end of the road. Would he be alone again? He couldn't bare the thought.
Jasper shook his head, letting out a sigh. Rest. He just needed to rest for a little bit...
OOC: This is more of a discussion/character interaction based thread than a combat focused one. If you are looking for a duel, I ask you look in another thread. Thank you in advance.