Captain Larraq
Upon one of the many Goten-class Shipyards owned and operated by Mandal Hypernautics, Rygel Larraq sat within the primary briefing room and studied the content that had been arranged before him. Thousands of sheets of paper littered the desk. Performance reports, after-action debriefings, maintenance reports, blueprints, schematics, component lists, manufacturing costs... every aspect and detail Rygel Larraq could have asked for had been arranged before him. And in triplicate. Not that he had wanted three copies of anything. Rygel Larraq had called for all relevant data on three separate starfighter designs. Each of which, for one reason or another, was not performing as desired upon the battlefield and was not selling as desired on the market.
And for Larraq, it was the latter which concerned him the most.
To resolve the issue, the man now sat among a group of Mandal Hypernautics designers and engineers to review each design, identify each design's best features, and incorporate those features into a new design comprised of the best features of each craft.
And for Larraq, it was the latter which concerned him the most.
To resolve the issue, the man now sat among a group of Mandal Hypernautics designers and engineers to review each design, identify each design's best features, and incorporate those features into a new design comprised of the best features of each craft.