Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mandalorian adoption

Right, so. I was considering making a Mandalorian character, as i've always wanted to roleplay a Mando, but I've never rped one before. I read the wookiepeedia page, the Resol'nare, ect, but i'd like to develop a character from scratch without any past knowledge of Mandalorian way of life, as I know very little. Plus it would be fun to develop a character like that. I scoured the Mandalorian wookieepedia page for a way to do this, and found that Mandalorians often adopt orphans, children with potentiel, ect/. So, would any mandalorians be interested in adopting an Umbaran? The character would most likely be force sensitive, and a natural telepath like his species, but would have no force training, only able to use basic telepathy, and prehaps a basic form of force persuation and only that since his species is already naturally telepathic, and naturally uses a jedi mind trick-like power. I really would like to develop a character from a child, and eventually grow him in to a full Mandalorian. So, who wants to adopt? :)

(Joking note: Well, there's been a Sith orphanage, then a Jedi one...what did you all expect. Seriously. :p )

[member="Mrrew"] I have a thread going. Just join the Mando faction and you'll see it.... Called Wookiee's Dream or something such.

I could be your buddy, anyway. This character's only 20 (young, for a Wookiee)

It would be an adoption thing, not a parent-child thing, though.
Well, I haven't made the character sheet, yet. If I end up joining your thread, I'll write up a backstory of some sort, that led a child to somehow get in to that. But, I wanted him to learn more stuff then he would by just floating around the faction. So, i'm going to write up the character sheet tomorow. If no one bites on this thread, i'll make up some reason, and join your thread. But i'll have to make him a teenager, probably, instead of a child- so i'm going to see if someone bites first. Tyvm for the offer though, and I will take you up on it if no one bites :)

[member="Mrrew"] Hello there.

So here's my two credits worth on this idea. I'm all for adoption by the Mando'ade. It is honestly how most members become Mandalorian. Azrael himself was adopted into the culture. However, as a child moving and progressing, remember that this board goes through a full OOC calendar year before the next one occurs. I started back at the tail end of 835 ABY, and it is now 837 ABY. So if you want to grow a child to an adult, you're looking at a good twenty OOC real life years on this board, and I really don't think you're looking for that commitment. There are of course otherwise you can "cheat" and age a character, but I'm just going off of the normal way.
[member="Azrael"] - I didn't realize... :L
[member="Dred Malachore"] - Sounds good!
Ty for the information, Azrael

EDIT: Changed my mind, decided to take Dred up on his offer. :)

Kor Rinn

(This is Mrrew)
Right, I'm making my character sheet. Slight question... Since i'm going to be roleplaying the character as a kid through past rps, then eventually roleplay him as an adult, should I make the character sheet protraying him as a kid, or him as an adult. Since in the current timeline, he's an adult, but i'll start by rping him as a kid. ._. I look forward to the threads though.

[member="Dred Malachore"]
[member="Kor Rinn"]
Make him a kid now, and one you do a few long-ish threads (like 15 or something), you should be able to legitimize having him older.

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