Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Request Mandalorian Codex Entry Help

Hello Mandalorian writers!​

I realized that while I want people to write new Mandalorian characters, Chaos has a lot of history to sift through that directly affects the decision making of characters, factions, planets, etc.

That being said, I wanted to compile a codex of a brief overview of Mandalorian history on Chaos. The Codex IC-wise (unnamed as of right now) will act as a guide for foundlings, but OOC it'll let writers be familiar with events and be able to relate to them. Each event will only have 1-2 paragraphs describing the event and it's outcomes, and it's consequences, as impartial as one can make it, making it more of a historical record than anything.

I'm thinking that it should start with the Red Coronation, or perhaps earlier if it makes more sense.

If you have any suggestions for important Mandalorian events from 2019-present, please let me know. The goal is to have a good resource for new writers to have an understanding of events, and be able to sift through old threads from one Codex entry without ten million different opinions about it, or lacking context. I don't want to mention specific people in it either, unless they're vitally important to the listed event.

If you have any thoughts, suggestions, or links, whether it be private threads, codex entries, factory subs, relating to significant events, please DM me, drop a link in this thread, or DM me on discord at bigbirddog6.

The goal is to make it easier for people to write a Mandalorian, and have something they can read in about ten minutes or so to get a good understanding of what happened on Chaos that got Mandalorians to where they are now.


Occasional Roleplayer
I've never written a Mandalorian precisely because I've always felt their long standing and epic history on Chaos (what little I know of it sounds epic) made it tough for me, a lore-buff both and canon and chaos, to accurately engage with because of how extensively far back it runs. This is a really cool endeavor, can't wait to see your finished product!
Crowd sourcing this is definitely a great idea and having a pocket guide would be lovely! Great project!

My only caution (just in case anyone needs to hear it) would be to try not to get discouraged by the things you don't know or events that happenened before your time. SWRP has been around for over a decade and there's a TON of threads and plots that not everyone will be aware of. That's okay!

Just like it's okay to reference them if you DO know. It's less about what happened in the past these days and more what you plan to do now. Whatever path you choose to get where you want to be (whatever makes you happy) is awesome.

But if you're looking...I'd suggest checking with Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex for some info after the Red Wedding as a lot of other writers may not be present from that time, Avelion Avelion as they last led the Enclave, and Mia Monroe Mia Monroe for the skinny on current events.
Preliat Mantis Preliat Mantis

56 years ago in Chaos Canon (Provided it's still 900 ABY); Seris shot a God in the face with a blaster pistol and killed her. Netherworld Crisis was a fun event. But all I got out of it was PTSD and lousy immortality. Tefka Tefka will dispute that last part as a mere fabrication. Don't listen to him. He is the great deceiver and will lead us deeper into Chaos.

Tell the Foundlings that Mando's are the ultimate badass' because I proved we can kill anything. That we can both kick butt and chew bubblegum at the same time. And to eat all their vegetable to grow up big and strong like Mandalor. (Whoever they are right now. I haven't been following).

Not that anyone who wasn't at the event specific location knows who I am. Let alone those who were there anyways. I don't think i told anyone my name, lol. This was too far back for me to remember, but you can look up the final thread of the even for it. So in reality, no one knows who killed Akala. (I think).

Now what was the point of this post? Good question.

Because of these tons of information, I created an outsider clan who does only support work and has very peripheral connections to the mainstream Chaos Mandos.

I am, for example, always in fear, a planet I describe in my stories was blown up in the past or changed to something contradicting to my head canon.
I am also very reluctant to participate in events because of this.
When I read something like "Seris shot a God in the face" or Warhammer 40K references like "Nurgle" I am very irritated, too.

I would greatly appreciate a loose history of the Mandos
Thanks Srina Talon Srina Talon for tagging my OOC into this - really appreciate it, otherwise I would have seen it too late.

Preliat Mantis Preliat Mantis

I really like this idea. Like you say, Mando stuff is vast on Chaos. It gonna be hard to narrow it down, but would be awesome if you can pull it off.

Easiest summary I can give for all of Enclave's mando exploits would be our timeline. Enclave's been around since early 2020, so the timeline summarises the important bits. It runs all the way from 858ABY's Hammerfall to current timeline's fall of the Enclave IC.

If you need any more information, links or clarity on some events on the timeline, just lmk either on the board or on discord. Would be happy to help.

Btw, Jurr Awaud Jurr Awaud , seeing as I saw you back recently - I've been doing some small scale, superficial stuff on Vlemoth Port with some of my Beroya charries for fluff if you wanna get together on Discord to discuss (I'm Avelion5500). Would love to do some story with you some time and collab on lore and such. The planet is still safe and sound and in mando hands IC. It used to be Enclave for a time and is still neutral.
Thanks Srina Talon Srina Talon for tagging my OOC into this - really appreciate it, otherwise I would have seen it too late.

Preliat Mantis Preliat Mantis

I really like this idea. Like you say, Mando stuff is vast on Chaos. It gonna be hard to narrow it down, but would be awesome if you can pull it off.

Easiest summary I can give for all of Enclave's mando exploits would be our timeline. Enclave's been around since early 2020, so the timeline summarises the important bits. It runs all the way from 858ABY's Hammerfall to current timeline's fall of the Enclave IC.

If you need any more information, links or clarity on some events on the timeline, just lmk either on the board or on discord. Would be happy to help.

Btw, Jurr Awaud Jurr Awaud , seeing as I saw you back recently - I've been doing some small scale, superficial stuff on Vlemoth Port with some of my Beroya charries for fluff if you wanna get together on Discord to discuss (I'm Avelion5500). Would love to do some story with you some time and collab on lore and such. The planet is still safe and sound and in mando hands IC. It used to be Enclave for a time and is still neutral.

Thanks, I think this timeline will help me build off links too. Appreciate it!

I can help with the present events or anything pre 2019 as thats when I took my break. Interested to see how this looks!

Good Luck Preliat Mantis Preliat Mantis

Thank you thank you. I think pre-2019 is kind of old news, and the people that are still here from that are few and far between and as other people have pointed out to me recently, bringing up things that I think are more recent than they actually were and are OOC/IC wise is definitely alienating.

Because of these tons of information, I created an outsider clan who does only support work and has very peripheral connections to the mainstream Chaos Mandos.

I am, for example, always in fear, a planet I describe in my stories was blown up in the past or changed to something contradicting to my head canon.
I am also very reluctant to participate in events because of this.
When I read something like "Seris shot a God in the face" or Warhammer 40K references like "Nurgle" I am very irritated, too.

I would greatly appreciate a loose history of the Mandos

As an aside I don't have a timeline for when this'll be done but I'm hoping within a week or so.

....also any name suggestions would be great, Mando'a or otherwise.
Because of these tons of information, I created an outsider clan who does only support work and has very peripheral connections to the mainstream Chaos Mandos.

I am, for example, always in fear, a planet I describe in my stories was blown up in the past or changed to something contradicting to my head canon.
I am also very reluctant to participate in events because of this.
When I read something like "Seris shot a God in the face" or Warhammer 40K references like "Nurgle" I am very irritated, too.

I would greatly appreciate a loose history of the Mandos

I feel you on the 40K references haha. I know a lot of people love it to death and I respect that but there are certain terms that also make me itch because they don't feel very Star Wars. However - This website is huge.

You don't have to acknowledge anything IC that you don't want to and you're not bound to interact with every writer. If they don't fit your vibe? That's cool. It happens no harm no foul. We just move onward and upward.

If you're worried about a custom planet getting "destroyed" just don't put it on the map. You can create one and keep it off the map which prevents it from being subject to annihilations. You're also not required to follow every event in every thread. Some people write Mandalore as a glassed out crater and some people write it having recovered.

It's the beauty of Chaos....Think of it like a buffet.

Take what you want, ditch the rest.

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