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Private Mandalorian Corporate Outreach

Saram Kote

Strill Securities Al'verde


Friendly Units:
Tag(s): Shan Pavond Shan Pavond


Nar Shaddaa. Easily one of her least favorite worlds to conduct operations on. The company had numerous contacts on the world and so they had to be very delicate if they didn't want to upset the fine balance that kept their web of savory or in this case very unsavory contacts providing information happily and without the thought of double dealing in a way that would shab with company operations. It was for that reason that they were here, in fact. Well, that in and of itself was a symptom of another problem; a Jedi.

Said Jetii was on world tugging on every lead he could find. What was more, said Jetii was also not on assignment for the council. A Jetii getting killed, or causing a stir on Nar Shaddaa was an shit show that they could ill afford, especially when they were trying to make nice with the Alliance. She left the negotiating to those whose unfortunate job that was. Hers was to make sure that once the major decision making had been done, she and hers could achieve what needed to be achieved as quietly as was possible.

Even though the company was trying to play nice with the Alliance, she was initially less than enthused to go and try to deal with a Jetii trying to get himself killed by conducting an off the books investigation. Oddly enough, almost none of their contacts were willing to mention what it was that the Jetii was looking for. It took some careful digging, persuasion, coercion and only two bodies before one of the company's contacts, a slimy Devaronian going by "Hohk Dren" coughed up the information. The Jetii was looking for his buir.

His buir had apparently been pinched by one of the local slavers, who that was she hadn't gotten Hohk to cough up yet, even though he'd coughed up a lot more. Hohk had however managed to give them a general location to look. Tracking a Jetii when you had life form scanners and force sensitive detecting equipment built into your kit and a search radius was not a particularly arduous task, especially when said Jetii was the opposite of subtle apparently. Then again, were it her buir, she might be tempted to crack every skull her and solving the problem too.

"Got him, approaching the back entrance of The Crazy Nuna," said Ran over comms from his perch under the restaurant's flashy sign, a neon outlined cartoon nuna that looked all too happy to be flash-fried and served with flash fried protatoes. The back entrance was in an alley, a space shared between the Crazy Nuna and the clothing store next door. The alley was easily wide enough to permit a speeder truck to back into to drop off stock, 'fresh' produce and the like.

Saram glanced down the alleyway from atop the opposite building and saw the Jetii making his way toward it. If Hohk was to be believed, The Crazy Nuna was where a for-hire accounting service for criminals. Normally Saram would be inclined to think that criminals wouldn't trust a group like that to handle their money, but apparently their results were just that good. The money was laundered and legitimized faster and more efficiently than had apparently been seen before. Probably because the long arm of the Hutts was back to being the short flabby arm of the Hutts.

"I'll go see if I can't talk some sense into him before he kicks over the strill's nest," said Saram, taking a breath as she did a quick check around for obvious hostiles. "Alright, vode, remember, we're not trying to leave anyone or anything that can give anything more than the vaguest description." Jaing and Ran didn't need to be told twice, the anti-security blades in all three of their armors went live, tuning out the security devices in the alley, both the ones that were too cleverly disguised to immediately pick up as well as those that weren't.

"Remember, vod, he's not a thawed out Clone Trooper, you'll have to try harder," joked Jaing over comms. Saram, knowing who he was talking about, tried to ignore her usually quiet, grumpy technical specialist as she prepared to leap into the alley below. She'd told him to stay off the topic,

Then came Ran's laugh and her attempt was rendered moot. "Jaing, I will shabla stab you, you hear me?" she snapped at him, only half-joking, as she leapt off the building, sound-dampened rocket-repulsor pack slowing her descent to almost nothing. With her sound dampened boots and armor stealth systems still active, she made almost no noise. Rifle in hand, she made her way quietly up the alley.

"Loud and clear, alor," said Jaing over the comms following a husky chuckle. She didn't need to be able to see his in-helmet feed to be able to picture the cheeky grin plastered across his face.

She glanced at the Jedi ahead, she wasn't sure if he'd picked them up. Their armor did have that Taozin nodule liner, but she knew that some Jetii were sensitive enough to pick them up even with it. Once she was about ten meters away, she deactivated her armor's camouflage suite. The device flickered off asymmetrically, likely likewise revealing her armored form as would be seen without it active. "Just stop a moment before you swing that lightsaber. You're Shan Pavond, right? Strill Securities. we know what you're here for, we're here to help," she said as quietly as was possible to still be audible, with her Verpine Shatter rifle held by its fore-end in her left hand, barrel facing the sky.

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It had been over a year now. A year since his mother had been kidnapped all because he had went to the Jedi and he wasn't here to help heal some gang member. Shan would have been lying to himself if he said he wasn't angry over it. He had blamed himself, day in and day out for it, at least on the days when he had a free moment to think to himself which was growing increasingly rare over the past few months. Becoming a Knight gave him both more and less freedom than he had been expecting. Mostly because he was putting the pressure on his own shoulders instead of having someone else put the stress on his shoulders.

By now, Shan had stopped checking out the remains of his childhood home. The windows were still boarded up and the graffiti only seemed to be piling up more and more against the walls. His dad had seemingly left the moon a long time ago now, which was completely fine in his mind. The deadbeat had attempted to shoot Shan in cold blood, in their own home. There was no way he was going to stand by his father after that. It just made Shan an orphan in his own way now. There wasn't any family for him to rely on anymore. Sure, there were the Jedi but they weren't like real family at the end of the day. Sure, he had been hurt for some of them but he couldn't really call them family.

For now, he was focused on his own goals, running a hand through his hair as Shan sighed to himself. This planet didn't feel like home anymore to him. It was strange. He had been raised here for years but now? It just felt like another planet. Nowhere felt like a home to Shan and whilst other people told him that felt like it would be a good feeling, Shan felt otherwise. Without a place to call home, Shan just felt like he was drifting through the Galaxy. Even with the Jedi, there wasn't anywhere to call home. Coruscant had been attacked, the current temple was just some space station going through the Galaxy. Where else was he meant to consider his home?

He was utterly oblivious to the fact that he was being tracked by anyone. Sensing was never a talent of his. He was better at dealing with things in the physical aspect than dealing with the things he can not see. So when he heard a voice calling out to him, Shan was taken by surprise, turning his head over towards the armoured voice, blinking a few times at them before looking down towards his lightsaber that was on his belt. Who did she think he was, going to be swinging his lightsaber about? He was a Form 0 practioner first and foremost. Talk things out. Then if that doesn't work, punch them in the face. Then if that doesn't work, use the lightsaber.

Saram Kote Saram Kote

Saram Kote

Strill Securities Al'verde


Friendly Units:
Tag(s): Shan Pavond Shan Pavond


Saram looked at the Jetii for a moment, unsure of what he was going to do. Probably weighing his options. From the look on his face and his bio signs she was willing to bet that he indeed had not "felt" them coming, or he would have been waiting ready. She wasn't sure if that information comforted her or concerned her. Probably both in equal measure for entirely different reasons.

"You're looking for your mother," she tried, carefully observing both his facial emotions and his vital signs for any sign of a reaction. "We don't know where she is either, but we've got the kit and we've got the contacts." Saram slowly raised her right hand up to head level, a universal gesture that she was sure that the Jetii understood. "Let us help you."

"At least he hasn't stabbed you," chimed in Jaing over the comms. With her helmet's full 360 degree field of view, she could see Jaing's outline where his IFF placed him. If it wasn't going to give away his position, Saram would've given him a blank faced t-visor glare that which even then she wasn't sure would dissuade him. When Jaing was in the mood to be a cheeky di'kut, there was little that was going to stop him.

"Then pay up, you atin'la ruug'la di'kut," said Ran immediately. She caught a barely audible "osik" from Jaing. Saram didn't know whether to sigh or laugh in the privacy of her sealed helmet, she might have done both if she wasn't focusing on keeping an eye on the Jetii in front of her. Truth be told, she wasn't sure what to do, he hadn't spoken.

"Whatever information you want from us, we'll give you, but we can't stay here," said Saram, the fact that they'd scrambled the camera feeds meant that pretty soon someone was going to come looking to see what in haran was going on. When that happened, she'd rather not find out first hand if this jetii was up for a pitched firefight with little in the way of cover without much room to move.

"...Considering I'm from here, I find it difficult to believe how much more information you know about the local gangs than I do. And erh...are you sure I can trust you? Normally when I let someone help me on this planet, they turn out to be a Sith...I mean, you're a bit too armoured for a Sith, but you can never be too safe at the end of the day."

Rich, coming from Shan who normally trusted everyone but considering they were a stranger, on Nar Shaddaa, offering free help? Of course he was going to be somewhat more suspicious than he normally would be. They were hiding their face as well at the end of the day, and you couldn't trust someone who wouldn't show you their face. At least in his opinion. There were a few Mandalorians he'd probably call exceptions but the one ahead of him was not one of those exceptions

"I'll come with you in a minute. Let me just...leave the people who are gonna be showing up a small little gift. Needa make sure they aren't going to follow us all the way back to well...wherever you're going be taking me."

With that, Shan rummaged around in his pocket, throwing out a simple paint grenade. His plan was to cover the area in the colours of a rival gang. That way, him and his little "helper" can get away without being followed. He rolled his shoulders back at that, rubbing the back of his neck as Shan went to follow Saram Kote Saram Kote out of the place with a smile. He was...surprisingly relaxed at the same time about all of this.

Saram Kote

Strill Securities Al'verde


Friendly Units:
Tag(s): Shan Pavond Shan Pavond


Saram stared dead at the Jetii for a few moments, considering if he was serious about what he was saying or if he was just messing around with her. "You're...joking right? Please tell me you're joking." After a few moments went by to her enhanced senses, she realized the Jetii was dead serious and now she wasn't sure what the shab to do for a was almost a full half minute. "You're not..." she said out loud, taking a deep breath in the privacy of her helmet. "Well, we'll have a nice face to face conversation where I'll explain who we are, how we know things and why it stands to benefit us to help you when we get the hell out of this back alley."

"Hate to ruin your plans, vod, but we've got incoming. Armed speeder truck, looks like its moving on its own, but you've got two squads headed your way from either side of the alley, one a side," informed Ran over comms. Saram sighed in the privacy of her sealed helmet. She highly doubted that they were the intended targets, which really left only one alternative. Whoever they were, they clearly moved faster than she'd initially given anyone on this planet credit for, a mistake she was not going to make again,

"Ran, you and Jaing deal with the speeder, the Jetii and I will handle the mercs," she said quickly after barely a moment's thought further on the matter. Unmuting her mic, she said to Shan, "Mr. Pavond, I hope you're at least a half way decent fighter, because we're about to have incoming. Four man fireteam from either side of the alley. At least 1 light repeating blaster per squad." Without waiting for his answer, Saram brought her rifle back into a high ready stance and turned her back to him. "I've got this side, have you got the other?"

"I mean, I joke pretty often. But no. That was not a joke."

Shan shrugged his shoulders at that, having a completely neutral look on his face. He didn't know Saram as much as far as he could throw her. Which is to say, not much. Maybe without all of the armour, he could throw her further...which meant he'd probably trust her more without the armour. But that was neither here nor there. What was here and there was that apparently there were some troopers coming towards them and Shan just broke out into a little grin as Saram asked if he had his side.

"Oh no. I was thinkin' of letting you handle both sides. I mean, you are the more equipped and well armoured of the pair of us. I mean, even if you get shot, you'll be in such a better position than me."

The Mirialan broke out into a shit-eating grin at that, before stretching his hands and cracking his neck slightly. Linking his fingers together and cracking them as well. He figured this was meant to be somewhat low-key, so no lightsaber it seemed. That was fine by him. He had a fair few tricks up his sleeves. Sure, he couldn't use any earth since was just cold hard metal underneath them, but that was going to work even better in Shan's favour as he unholstered his blaster. As much as he was a pacifist...There was sometimes Shan needed to let loose. And this was one of those times. Deal with the repeating blaster, and he'd be fine to take the rest on in fisticuffs

Saram Kote Saram Kote

Saram Kote

Strill Securities Al'verde


Friendly Units:
Tag(s): Shan Pavond Shan Pavond


Saram let out an amused snort. So he was funny when he wanted to be. Funny enough in any case. "A funny Jetii, what's next, a sane dar'jetii?" she asked rhetorically with perhaps a little bit more sarcasm than she'd have ordinarily intended before turning back to face her 'side' of the alley. With her scope linked to her HUD, this was an entirely unnecessary gesture. Without a word, Saram re-engaged armor armor's active camouflage systems, vanishing into nothing once more. The camouflage system flashed a 'ready' status indicator onto her HUD and none too soon apparently, the first fireteam of the squad attempting the classic pincer maneuver from her side of the alley came into view, stepping around the corner of the buildings.

Enhanced reflexes honed to an almost monomolecular edge by two decades of experience and adrenaline were kicked into top gear. Trained hands reached for the HE-loaded magazine on her webbing, swapping the loaded magazines with practiced ease. These mercs weren't exactly packing light armor, and so while the baradium high explosive round was going hurt and possibly main, she wasn't hoping to kill any of them with it. The round landed precisely where she'd intended it to, among their feet. This threw the four mercs off their feet.

She took aim once more, highlighting three of them as targets for her NML-02VTB nano missile launcher. Three nano missiles sped forward and executed three of the downed men. The fourth's continued survival was put an end to when a depleted baradium tipped round splattered the contents of his torso all over the already far from pristine alley. It was over so quickly, adrenaline still pumping through her veins, that she didn't have a chance to pick up anything other than the sound of Jaing's PC-02 Pulse Cannon opening up on the armed speeder in the near distance.

She could hear panicked shouts from the remaining fireteam on her side of the alley, though few phrases between the string of epithets and general sounds of panic were discernable. The one that told her she was going to have to finish them off was, "Kriff! That wasn't the Jedi, he's got help! We need backup!" Leaping into the air on invisible wings of fire, Saram could easily see the last four unfortunate mercs, including two with a pair of repeating blasters from her new aerial vantage point. Classic fire and maneuver teams. Unfortunately for them their maneuver team was very dead, and they were quite disinclined to step into the alley of death. She had a brief moment. Curious, she glanced over at the other end of the alley to see how Shan was doing.

Huh. An invisible Mandalorian. An invisible warrior. Strange concept to him. Then again, the entire idea of having warriors were strange. He was always focused on being a healer. Someone who helped people. Through pain, suffering, and chaos. It's why some people might have expected him to go easy on the men coming after him but hey. Here's the thing. Healing doesn't just involve making people better. It also involves getting rid of the root of the disease, and these mercs were a disease spread far and wide amongst Nar Shaddaa. Sure, this wouldn't make a huge dent in the disease but medicine wasn't something that worked straight away. It was slow work and Shan was very, very patient.

He rushed down his end of the alleyway to make sure the mercs were going to be in for at least somewhat as a surprise as he twirled his blaster around in his hand, skidding to a stop as soon as one of the mercs came face to face with the grinning Mirialan who with a quick wave of his hand to move the merc's blaster out of the way of Shan so he could place his own blaster against the merc's chest. Of course, they were wearing armour so Shan gave a few trigger pulls, blasting the merc with perhaps more stun rounds than was necessary...but hey! Better safe than sorry right? To add extra insult to injury, Shan placed his free hand against the unconscious merc, using a Force push to send him hurtling down the alleyway and past his friends.

It was good he wasn't using his lightsaber. Shan's fighting style with his saber was much more of a steady wall. Waiting for his enemies to approach him before he advanced at a slow but steadfast pace. This time though? He was using his fists. Especially as he shoved his blaster back into its holster and broke out into a sprint, slightly enhanced by the Force, and holding his elbow out, almost in like a tackle. Using the soft to solid technique to add an extra bit of oomph and power to his elbow as he charged into the second attacker. Without the solidifying, his elbow probably would have been throbbing against the armour but he was doing fine...For now.

Switching his focus to his fist, Shan then used the technique once more. Well to be fair, he was just focusing it throughout his entire body at this point but his fist was what he was focused on right now. He had tried this trick out in private training, but this was the first time he was doing it in an actual combat situation. Focus. Breathe. As the Mirialan brought his fist forward, he tried to bring the Force around his fist into a concentrated point, as a blue aura radiated from it. With the fist smashing against the second attacker's chest, a sudden shockwave erupted as Shan released the Force he had built up, sending a highly concentrated and powerful Force push into the attacker, sending him hurtling back into his friends...Well. That was more effective than he expected.

Saram Kote Saram Kote

Saram Kote

Strill Securities Al'verde


Friendly Units:
Tag(s): Shan Pavond Shan Pavond


No lightsaber was drawn. No characteristic snap-hiss that she'd come to associate with the presence of force users, hostile or friendly, Jetii or Dar'jetii. For a moment she wondered how he'd been outed as a Jetii. That was until she saw the state of the mercs he'd engaged, and where some of them lay in the alley relative to him. They were still alive too, not doing great, but alive enough to talk about who beat the osik out of them. She was probably going to have to have a chat with him about that. She'd be lying, though, if she told herself that she wasn't impressed that he didn't have to resort to pulling his lightsaber.

Saram returned her attention to the more pressing issue at hand, namely the four surviving mercenaries on her side of the alley. She traded the magazine loaded in her rifle for one she had loaded with depleted baradium tipped armor-piercing rounds. She adjusted her position in the air as she brought up a picture-in-picture scope feed and took aim. Her conscious mind barely registered the almost instinctual motion of squeezing the trigger. The first man was dead before he even hit the floor. Another of his colleagues joined him microseconds before gravity finished its work.

"Lenedat kyaryc! Utre'la!" called Ran. She could see the marker on the tactical map that used to represent the speeder was no longer there. Returning her attention to the two surviving mercs after the half second distraction of Ran's report, she took aim once more. The two mercs to her enhanced reflexes seemed to take their sweet time before deciding that living to fight another day was a good idea. That or living to consider a career change. Either way, neither one got to do that.

"Utre'la," she called over squad comms. "Ran, Jaing, see what you can find on the bodies. Either check it here or make sure its safe to take," she said as she made a repulsor arrested fall back into the alley. The sound dampeners in her boots cancelled out what little sound her boots made on impact with the alley. A pair of acknowledgement signals flashed in her HUD from the other two in response to her orders about the same time as she shut off her camouflage suite and began making her way back to where she'd left Shan, having full confidence that the mercs on his end were either all incapacitated or that they would be by the time she crossed the distance.

There was no chance that Shan was going to finish off the people he had beaten. It wasn't in his nature. Plus part of him was hoping it would play into their ego. What self respecting merc would admit that they were beaten to a pulp by someone with their bare hands? Even if it was a Jedi, it was still humiliating to admit that you were thrown around like a ragdoll. It was a nice stress reliver anyway. Sure, it wasn't exactly your typical rage room...but in the rage room, whilst he'd be breaking glass or broken electronics, here he got to break deadbeats. Plus the amount of time it would take them to heal would make life easier on their targets...or if they used bacta, that would be a lot more credits out of their pockets.

Either way, there were still a few more threats he had to deal with, rushing towards them. Of course, his lightsaber was still an option, but leaving slash marks with the lightsaber would clearly be enough evidence for people to say there had been a Jedi here. Whereas there were still plenty of species that could do this amount of damage with their bodies. It did mean that he had to be a lot more focused on dodging and moving quickly as compared to using his lightsaber to stand his ground. But hey, Shan would be lying to himself if he said that this wasn't actually that fun.

The Mirialan was a rush of fists as he moved through the other mercenaries, weaving his way through like a flowing wave. Lashing out every few steps, keeping up his technique. Staying fluid in his movements, whilst also making sure no-one was going to be caught in the crossfire as Shan weaved between all of them. Though he left one conscious at the end. He needed to send a message at the end of the day right?

"Next time, have your boss send more men. And make sure they go after the right person? Because you did not manage to find the Jedi. Yes?"

Shan raised an eyebrow...before headbutting the merc to knock them out. With that, he pushed himself up to his feet, brushing off his hands for a moment with a smile on his face before looking over towards Saram, giving the Mandalorian a small wave as he noticed they were coming over. Well, it looked like they were done on their end.

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