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Populate Mandalorian Crusade for the Lantillian | War Chest

RAISED: 626,000/600,000 UCs
1 - Trajan Fett Trajan Fett for Clan Fett [190,000]
2 - Ninurta Slaabur'r Ninurta Slaabur'r for Clan Mudhorn [100,000]
3 - Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl for Clan Akahl [100,000]
4 - Careena Fett Careena Fett for Clan Fett [100,000]
5 - Nej Tane Nej Tane for clan twin bedroom [60,000]
6 - Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo for Clan Dryggo [40,000]
7 - Zandra Ruus Zandra Ruus for Clan Dryggo [26,000]
8 - Biala Prahl Biala Prahl for Clan Prahl [10,000]​

This is an ALPHA phase of an idea I have in mind of utilizing the Megacorp mandate for IC purposes. I may continue it, I may drop it. Rules may change on a whim as I am still trying to find out the best application of this.


Crusade Pledge Guidelines

1. Write a Post of Your Pledge:
This could literally be whatever you want. A single sentence if you like. A communique, a journal, a “i watch my caravans depart towards the sunset”, like whatever as long as it is IC and you state the amount you have donated to the Hakon Fett subaccount. If you don’t know how to use this donation mechanic on the board, DM me.

2. UCs Represent In-Character Resources:
UCs are simply an OOC representation of IC resources you're pledging to the Crusade. These can be credits, weapons, supplies, manpower, materials, logistics, intel, or any other resource. Just keep it reasonable (no Death Stars).

3. UC Cap:
The target for UCs in most Crusades is 600k, which is the maximum allowed per calendar month to conquer 6 hexes, as per the mandate. We don't have to hit this target to earn rewards.

4. Dividing the Conquered Worlds:
Once the Crusade ends, any conquered worlds will be divided among the clans that pledged resources. The number of worlds your clan gets depends on the percentage of the total UC pot your pledge represents. For example, if the total UC pot is 200k and your clan pledged 100k, you'd get 50% of the conquered worlds. If the Crusade took 10 planets, your clan would receive 5 of those.

5. Limit for Larger Clans:
To ensure fairness for smaller clans or newer players, no clan can claim more than 50% of the total worlds, regardless of how much they contribute. For example, if the total UC pot is 200k and your clan pledges 150k (75%), you will still only receive 50% of the worlds (so 5 out of 10).

6. Rounding Percentages:
I may round the percentages up or down when dividing worlds, depending on the situation.

7. Not Enough Planets to Divide?
If there aren't enough planets to divide among the clans, I'm working on a system to reward smaller contributions in other ways. This could include holdings on a world claimed by a larger pledge. For example, you might receive control of a space station, fort, outpost, forge, or something similar. Feel free to get creative with the type of holdings you'd like, and we can explore rewarding those based on your pledge. Hell, maybe you find a planet in those sectors/systems that's not on the map and add it through the Map Update thread on the board.

8. World Stewardship:
When you receive worlds, you hold them as stewards for the Crusader cause. While world-building is encouraged, the essence of the worlds shouldn't be drastically altered (e.g., don't turn a Exegol into a utopian paradise), but if you're stripping mining - go nuts, we need the stuff for WAR. I will be addressing this aspect separately and in more detail as in time.


  1. Aquaris​
  2. Katarr​
  3. Velmor​
  4. Azure​
  5. Taanab​
  6. Thisspias​
  7. Alpheridies​
  8. Contruum​
  9. Noverskaa​
  10. Lantillies​
  11. Roche​
  12. Orleon​
  13. Trasse​
  14. Bimmisaari​

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Zandra had landed with a cargo freighter owned by clan Dryggo, loaded full with the spoils of their raids across various worlds. Most specifically they were loaded with weapons and riches found when she and Sig burned the city-tree on Cathar. While those natives didn't offer much in the way of luxury goods, they did have vast stockpiles of weaponry, all made to an exacting standard.

(26,000UC for clan Dryggo)
Chaotic Evil - Alor of Clan Dryggo

Neo-Crusader War Chest
Tag(s): Hakon Fett Hakon Fett
Objective(s): Donate


Sig had already sent Zandra Ruus Zandra Ruus to deliver the few spoils their last raid yielded. Still he never felt it would be enough. A war machine as fine tuned as the Neo-Crusaders needed to be maintained constantly. To that end he had sent M9 to deliver further contributions taken from Sig’s personal stash of weapons and credits.

It wasn’t much, but it was enough to keep the flames of war burning. Between him and Zandra he aimed to claim at least one of the intended target planets for Clan Dryggo. The goal was Contruum.

(40,000UC for Clan Dryggo)

Tags: Hakon Fett Hakon Fett

Statement from Clan Mudhorn to the Neo-Crusaders:

"To the Neo-Crusaders,

Clan Mudhorn stands with you. As a clan made up of younger Mandalorians and foundlings, we don't give our resources or loyalty lightly. But your consolidation of Mandalore and the surrounding planets has sparked a revival of our traditions that we cannot ignore.

Ninurta, one of our own, has been a strong advocate for the expansion of Mandalorian culture and influence, and we believe in his vision. It has inspired our clan, boosted morale, and reignited our commitment to seeing Mandalore thrive.

That's why Clan Mudhorn, big and small, has settled on contributing 100,000UC to the cause. We see the Neo-Crusaders as the future of Mandalore, and we stand ready to fight for that future.

You have our support. This is the way."

- Clan Mudhorn

War Journal of Carduul Akahl
Tightening the Noose

The southern front goes well. While some of our kin have moved to claim the immediate area around Mandalore and strengthen our borders against the many foes surrounding us, others have taken to the sizable gap between galactic powers where the initial raids were able to gain purchase. I am among this number. In securing this, we secure more hyperlanes that are vital to properly gauge an avenue an attack. All while we deny and intercept well-established supply lines, much to the surprise of the unsuspecting traders who frequent the Perlemian Trade Route. It has been a rather lucrative avenue for them, between the Empire and the Alliance - until now, anyways. In history, even Coruscant rotted without access to its vast network of suppliers from the Hydian Way. The traders' added contributions to our crusade are appreciated.

Contruum. Manaan. Umbara. Neutral worlds, all, and yet they garnered such a hefty response. Much of the galaxy knew what it meant. It called me. It called others. It invoked our enemies to take up arms over the barest inclination of what we intended. This served its purpose well.

I don’t even think we, as Crusaders, were expecting this much success this swiftly. Contruum, for example, was burnt to cripple our enemy’s supply lines. Now, not long after, it rests within our control. Still, we have managed to not desolate the lands enough to potentially establish a supply line of our own. It holds a strategically important position as an agriworld that may yet be leveraged.

But that is for a later topic. As I write this, those placed under my command have taken to dealing with what resistance remains on the neighboring planet from which I write upon, Noverskaa. Interestingly, there was not much to contend with in the first place. The surrounding worlds have been a different story, and we’ve had to demonstrate why our predecessors were so convincing to many newfound vassals. We will need them if we are to continue.

The culture here is strikingly similar to ours. It is direct. Efficient. Adaptable. They understand what it means to earn something for yourself through trial and tribulation. All they lack is the drive for more, total, conflict. I have given uncooperative cells the courtesy of reminding what the importance of such a drive is for Mandalorians. Their numbers are small, and their combat prowess not enough to negate this fact.

Most of all, this planet is even better a staging ground than Contruum could ever hope to be. A mostly defunct fortress easily serves just as much a purpose as Dxun did, if not a greater one. A rallying point for our kind. A training center. A place to build a future. So many possibilities from just one planet, of many. It would not be as efficient compared to a dangerous planet for the purpose of recruits, but it will suffice until we expand our reach.

As a sister from Clan Fett commented while sparring, it holds a rather pleasant visage, as well.

Even I can appreciate the importance of a moment of respite. I quite like this place.

Prisoners for conscription and labor have been sent back in armed transports, along with various miscellaneous goods from intercepted traders and raided holdouts. Such goods primarily included medical equipment and supplies, rations, building material, and a few batches of weapons that were originally meant for other wars. A supply line is being established along the rapidly-expanding southern front. The sum of these contributions roughly equal 100,000 UCs.
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Several transports from Hoylin and across various planets that had served as hidden caches for the spoils that Careena and the Mandalorians under her service had arrived, providing the resources and wealth that had been stockpiled over the past few years. Crates of weapons from both Imperial and Sith Imperial armories that had been pillaged were offloaded, additional arms to either be used or sold on the black market to help bolster the growing Neo Crusader movement.
Careena had dedicated much of her life to serving the Mandalorian cause, waiting for the day that would come where the worthy rose to reclaim their heritage and offer her full support. The Neo Crusades had the full united support of Clan Fett to back them in the battles to come. Whilst the Alor herself was not personally present, her regards were delivered alongside the rest of the clans contributing to the cause.
May their battles be glorious and their victories bountiful.

[ 100,000 UC Donated ]



Whilst he'd carried the banner of the Crusader's cause, Trajan had not always been so forthright in his allegiances. Since the age of fifteen, spare a short tenure in the New Imperial Army, he was a bounty hunter by trade. A choice act for many of the Mando'ade. Even without his Beskar'gam, he was effective and now, renewed with purpose and with his true face and visage returned to him, he kept the practice alive and well, his skills sharp and perhaps now, most importantly, his coffers deep.

Credits gained from the heads of criminals, Sith, Jedi and hooligans alike joined a stock of seized Imperial Beskar, spice shipments and the profits form underworld information all joined together to make Trajan's contribution to the war chest. Each one of his enterprises, none of them scrupulous were accompanied with the blood grain of Concord Dawn- Fett's symbol and a simple message.

Clan Fett pays its dues.

[ 190,000 UC contributed ]



With the impact of a handful of credits, pocket lint, and breath stick compiled-Clan Prahl at the majority’s behest began to stockpile. They were trades-people with no holdings, their worth came from their work behind the forge, the ingots minted, and fabrication. The Neo-Crusade was but another movement among many the remnants of Mandalore had taken off like a wildfire. So they waited, watched. Yet in one way or the other their blood fought, and even though they had never sunken their teeth into any real means of glory.

Almost all of Caeos’ kin remembered the fall, and perhaps this was what would cement a free Mandalore for the greater generation. This was their way, if only to rear their visor back at the next threat to their mother planet. From their old workshops on Echoy'la to their foundry workers on Concord Dawn, volunteers amongst them armed themselves and set out. Meager, but war machines yearned for warm bodies to fuel them and with them they brought metal and skilled trade.

[10,000 UC Donated]


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