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Mandalorian Medical Corps formation.

Rianna had been tossing the idea for sometime, countless conversations with Ordo long into the night. His constant support for the idea that she presented to him, and still she felt a bit of nerves. It was not that she did not think the idea was good, or that there was responsibility to be gained, but it was would they allow her to help them when the need rose.

A skilled healer cannot sit on her laurels for accolades, a Jedi craves not these things. Rianna only sought to help the clans by forming a medical corps for the mandalorians. She had battle experience when it came to treating the wounded. She had enough strength, now she needed some helping hands. Would anyone come.

Baar'urs (medics) were needed to form the base of the corp. Rianna was not even quite sure if there were medics on Mandalore. Today she would find out. Rianna paced around the little room that would serve for the meeting of those interested in joining the corps. It was recruitment day. The door opened, Rianna like a deer in the headlights stopped and looked, "Hello" oh a mistake she should not have said hello, "Please come on" in moments the room was filled and the line was out the door.

Rianna did not have time to think she nodded and took names, as they filled out forms and explained their training to her. It was going to be a long day.

[member="Briika Tor"]
Shieldmaiden of Clan Munin (semi-retired)
Briika Tor was coming back from the 'fresher when she saw an advertisement on the bulletin board behind the bar at the Oyu'baat regarding the formation of a dedicated medical corps to serve the Mando'ade, and of course this piqued the medic's interest. She'd been wanting to put more time in using her baar'ur skills, but ever since her riduurok Bree had been working mostly around the Detta homestead out in Bralsin fixing it up and/or helping her riduur out at his brewery he owned with is brother.

After finishing up a cup of tea to hopefully help settle her uneasy stomach that plagued Briika every morning nowadays that she was pregnant, the golden-haired Mando'ad made her way to where the recruitment was going on for the medical corps. It looked like it was going to be a good turnout with the crowd gathered. A smile lit her face as the young woman approached the dark-haired Jedi Healer who was heading this venture up.

"Su'cuy, [member="Rianna Ordo"]. I am here to sign up and offer my services."
Rianna smiled broadly up at the young woman before her, "Su'cuy [member="Briika Tor"]" Rianna handed her the forms, "Excellent, and how is your riduur doing?" Rianna remembered the early days of her own marriage having attended Briika's not too long ago she wondered how the young woman was doing.

"I appreciate your coming, what type of training do you have?" Rianna had heard the Briika was a medic but what Rianna did not know was did she have specialization. Was she first responder? Triage? There was no way to just guess. There had been so many names everyone wanted to be able to support the Vod in some way. First aide to those fighting the wars was popular. Rianna brushed back her hair, it was getting in the way again. "And do you know of anyone else with training that we can...convince to join us?"

Rianna knew there were others, it was just a matter of time before they revealed themselves. Some did not like the crowds and who could blame them.
Shieldmaiden of Clan Munin (semi-retired)
Briika looked over the forms briefly, then answered [member="Rianna Ordo"] after sitting down at a nearby table as her stomach was starting to get queasy again.

"I did my basic medical training under ner buir'ka. She's a general practitioner who specializes in midwifery up in Enerci. Since I came to Keldabe, I've been a combat medic with the verde… That's how I met my riduur. I also treated yours while I was working under the Field Marshal during the invasion on Eriadu. I've been on a couple of doms since then and most recently was on Bastion during that invasion," the blonde said, then took a small sip from a water bottle she had brought along. Staying hydrated seemed to help quell her symptoms along with eating several small meals a day too keeping her blood sugar more even not to mention less to throw up.

"Since I found out I"m pregnant though, I haven't done much other than tend to the homestead and help out at the brewery… I'm itching to practice some still, but dropping out of a pod isn't exactly the best idea in my condition. I thought maybe you could use me off the front line though still in the theater as trauma would be my specialty I guess."
[member="Briika Tor"] had treated [member="Ordo"] well now she felt as she owed her something anything that she could give for someone who had tended to the wounds of her riduur. Rianna nodded she could feel the life within Briika stirring growing. A child how wonderful for them, and so soon.

Rianna nodded, "Pregnant, congratulations some crackers might help too in the early morning before you even rise" Yes many woman needed something to settle their stomachs the first semester of pregnancy often brought morning sickness. Rianna had to consider Briika's condition no she could not be doing anything that stressed the body a great deal. But the triage during battle that arrived by ship yes that would be good. Though still have to be watchful there were times they came under fire.

"The Triage would be great we always need help getting everyone moved along and into care. Espiecally someone that can take some of them by the scruff of the neck and make them sit still" Some did not want to be treated as long as they could move it was admirable that they did but much longer and the blood loss would make them pass out, and then die. If not at the hands of someone taking advantage of a weakness, then just from the loss of blood.

"I look forward to us being able to work together Briika, and seeing to the needs of all the vod, there are some trips that will need to be completed to ensure we have all the supplies needed. Ord'ika has many connections but sometimes they are out of stock and we cannot tend our wounded without them. I am also thinking of more clinics across Mandalore, and perhaps another hospital. " Rianna smiled, "What do you think?" It was nice to have another woman to talk with, thought she talked to her daughters she had few friends outside of Clan Ordo.
Shieldmaiden of Clan Munin (semi-retired)
"Vore, [member="Rianna Ordo"]. [member="Kable Detta"] and I wanted to start our family sooner than later so we are very excited about the baby. And yes, crackers have been my best friend for a few weeks now," the blonde smiled, reaching into a pouch on her belt and slipping a salted white cracker out.

"Triage I could definitely do… And I too look forward to working with you. Well the hospital here in Keldabe is pretty antiquated compared to something you'd be use to say on Coruscant, and the outline areas could always use more clinicians. For instance, my buir'ika is the only baar'ur to cover the northern territory. She visits the individual villages around Enceri on a regular basis unless pulled away for either an emergency or a labor and delivery."

Bree took a couple of nibbles off the cracker, then followed it down with a swig of water. "So do you have a specialty as a healer… I don't know much about how Jedi go about this kind of thing."
Rianna listened to the excitement in Briika's voice her whole life was before her and she had everything to be desired life was good. She smiled knowing she felt the same way that she lacked for nothing.

"Well Ord'ika is currently working to put together a new company Briika MandalMedical, and with it we will be able to update the hospital and make new clinics, and more hospitals. WE are going to do wonderful things for our people" For the first time Rianna truly felt she had found her place among them, not only was she to be seen as Ordo's Riduur, but also as a contributing member of mandalorian society.

Her specialty, "OH well I am a trained doctor I trained at the Coruscant Medical College, and interned on Kashyyyk, Corellia, and here on Mandalore. My Jedi skills enhance my skills as a doctor, speed healing, set bones quicker, able to react faster in battle than normal. But there are somethings that will never change, research is still the same unless intuition blossoms. I guess I never really thought about it" She laughed she was a general practioner she guessed. "Does that help [member="Briika Tor"]?"
Shieldmaiden of Clan Munin (semi-retired)
Briika could hear how proud [member="Rianna Ordo"] was of her riduur's assistance in this endeavor that would help the Mando'ade; their people, as the Jedi Healer was definitely one of them now. The combat medic already knew what a good warrior [member="Ordo"] was having served under his command, but did not know of his business sense.

"Well with Marshall Ordo backing us, WE will indeed make a difference," the blonde nodded confidently, then took another sip from her water bottle as she looked around at the others gathered. Some Bree knew, some she did not. It was a good turnout. Now to see how Rianna intended to put it all together. The Force-using doctor's explanation of her training and such impressed Briika. She looked forward to Rianna using her Jedi skill in action both in a clinical sense as well as to fill her own curiosity.

"Yes it does… Your credentials are impressive, Rianna. I'm not Force-sensitive, though I have been around others that are and have seen amazing things they can do. I really do look forward to working by your side and learning from you."

Briika recapped the water bottle as she seemed to be feeling better now as the morning sickness was beginning to subside again, which normally happened about this time every day. She thought of a question, then asked it. "So how do you see this all working? What kind of structure do you propose?"
She had a plan yes and now she had someone else to share it with someone who would understand. "I see this as set up much like any hospital, there will be leads over each team, assigned to different ships when needed and when we can have our own ship." Rianna took a breath, "We will travel with the fleet ready to be on the ground the ship will be the traveling hospital. I do not think we need to get too complicated unless the situation calls for it. We can provide first aide training, as well as triage training."

Rianna shifted slightly, "for here at home we will need a team or two that can travel to get to the ones who need it, or are unable to come in" Rianna felt as though she were saying her words too quickly she paused again.

"Am I going to fast, does it make sense what I say?" She hoped that she had not allowed her thoughts to run while her words played catch up.

[member="Briika Tor"]
Shieldmaiden of Clan Munin (semi-retired)
"Not too fast for me, [member="Rianna Ordo"]. The team approach will be very doable, allowing our differing skill levels of our medical personnel to work efficiently together for maximum benefit to those we treat whether it be on the battle field or at home."

Maybe Briika could get her buir'ika to head up the home health part of the medical corps as the baar'ur basically was already seeing vod in their homes and communities.

"I have a bad feeling there will be much need in the coming weeks and months for our services as all-out war seems to be a hair breath away. I know my riduur talks of it so we must proceed with this endeavor quickly. Have you acquired a ship already and the means to finance this venture?"
[member="Briika Tor"]

Rianna smiled, "Yes Ord'ika has made arrangements for it all. The company has been set up, MandalMedical, and we can use the Dancing Thranta until the ship is ready" There had been plans she knew she had watched Ord'ika lay the structure of the ship out, showing her how many bays it would have, how many droids, everything. It was a wonder to behold, and it was much appreciated by Rianna that her riduur was so supportive of her efforts, funneling credits into it to make it a success.

All should be like him. She couldn't help but feel warm wishing he were closer to hug him tightly.

"We can start with the medical supplies, and then making a schedule to begin visits right away" Rianna could see that Briika was thinking on something, "What is it?" She asked quite curious.

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