Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Staff Mandalorian MFO Relieved Of Duty, Site Owner Assumes MFO Duties

Unfortunately we're no stranger to this scenario. It'll play out like every scenario before it. Arla Rodarch has been relieved of MFO duties for ban evasion, violation of the MFO COC, violation of the SWRP General COC and TOS. This is not an appealable offense, and is a permanent ban.

I will be standing in as MFO. We did this much more informally before, with Dark Empire's MFO facing emergent issues IRL, and in the past when an MFO is required to be banned from the website. The reason I stand in as MFO is twofold - to ensure an unbiased, fair election takes place with expediency to find a new MFO, and to ensure order reigns supreme in an otherwise chaotic faction that has had it's leader toppled.

The evidence behind Arla's ban is irrefutable, open and shut case. There is no more discussion to be had, given the information I now possess. No more delay. The urgency now is to ensure the Mandalorian Protector faction has ample opportunity to recover and find themselves a new leader in the same fashion any faction does - through an unbiased vote by active members who roleplay with them. Attempts to interfere or misrepresent yourselves in this election will not be tolerated and will face swift and public persecution. Yeah, you read that correctly. Don't get persecuted, bro.

As Mandalorian MFO, I designate the Faction Admins as advisors in proceeding with a new discord, as I believe ownership was given to Arla of the previous one. Get together, discuss things. I do not need to be brought into your private chats. I strongly advise separating yourselves from Arla as soon as possible, however - they are a proven liar, have misrepresented their online identity, and are a previously banned member who struggles for anonymity to protect them from moderation. They are not welcome in this community, as proven time, and time, and time again. And will continue to be unwelcomed, no matter how many times I personally have to do it, whether Revelation or the end of all things comes first. Their only hope is that I die, and even then, one of my last instructions will be to unban them for five minutes, then reban them again.

You are Sisyphus and I the rock. No matter how close you get to freedom, you will be forced to restart, ad infinitum.

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