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Mandalorian Moon, Mandalorian Metal [Concordia]

[member="Mongo Booshi Mella"],

Rygel Larraq walked slowly across the broken ground of Concordia. Before him, he watched in silence as workers and droids alike struggled with massive chunks of machinery and metal. Tank sized actuators and skyscraper sized pistons were connected to city-block sized sections of metal as his employees slowly and carefully attempted to assemble the Harvester-class Mining Facility. The progress of which was recorded and reported to the CEO of Mandal Hypernautics every ten minutes via the datapad.

"Slow down on leg four Mr. Anderson." Rygel Larraq said to the communicator in his ear. "If you assemble that joint wrong, you'll be risking the entire project."

"Yes sir." Came the response of the foreman responsible for that particular assembly section. Sliding a finger along the screen of the datapad, Rygel Larraq closed the link and continued scanning the three dozen update reports he had received in the last minute. As his eyes skimmed through the reports, a small beep and an automated audio message played from the datapad. "Incoming transmission." came a feminine voice from the datapad.

Mongo Booshi Mella said:
Customer: Mongo Booshi Mella.
Company: Mella Industries.
Recipient: [member="Captain Larraq"], Mandal Hypernautics.
Holo message:

The holo message flared to life scattering darkish blue light out in a bowl like shape, that of a corpulent, mucus-covered beast of a hutt could be seen.​
"Jee gee bacaka bai bavaka bidwata bahceuoy."
"The Great Mongo declares-" a voice pipping up from the back ground, a wretched sight if ever there was one a near human sniveling next to the Hutt's form, round bulbous eyes with a milky quality to them. "-that he wishes to buy mining equipment."
Annoyed, and with little time or attention to spare from the project already directly in front of him, Rygel Larraq responded to the message with a simple, premade transmission.

Rygel Larraq would like to invite your employer, Mongo of Mella Industries, to meet with him at the Mandal Hypernautics property on Concordia to discuss the terms of your purchase.
The great slug thought highly of himself, go in person ludicrous but he was in a rough patch and Mandal Hypernautics was a respected company and he could use their help. It was settled he would go to meet this Rygel Larraq, the ship left the swollen grey atmosphere of drunkenwell and into hyper space, the streams of light whirling past in a continued blur of white and fast moving star. Half an hour later Mongo would land, exiting out of hyper space and into real space he approached the planet, punching in the codes with a grubby fist he approached the coordinates.

Leaving in a shower of steam, the gangway would extend and bite deep within the earth the slug would move out and onto the ground accompanied by a few makeshift B1 units and a near human with large eye's that shut with tightly wound lids.

"Jee bouih thee, mee dan dah uba an mee pacmona, Jee dotmay jeejee caiot reach ba bashodue che copah um baw wah bidwata bahceuoy."
"The Great Mongo greets thee, and he wishes many blessing on you and your company. And he hopes we can reach an agreeable price for the mining equipment."
| [member="Captain Larraq"] |​
Rygel Larraq had been informed when the Hutt's ship had exited hyperspace. In all honesty, the only reason it hadn't been apprehended by the Mandalorian equivalent to the Coast Guard was because of the message he had sent them before the Hutt had even left Drunkenwell. He had a guest arriving for a business meeting.

So as the Hutt slid himself from his shuttle, Larraq was waiting to greet the self-inflated slug. "Many blessings to you and yours." Larraq said to the protocol droid, mimicking what the Hutt apparently considered a polite and appropriate greeting. With a quick 'come, follow me' gesture, Larraq turned from the pair and began walking down the hill that connected the makeshift landing pad to the rest of the mining operation. "Mandal Hypernautics produces some of the best mining droids on the market. They are rugged and durable and can operate for months at a time in harsh conditions without breaking down." He said as he walked ahead of the two, trusting in the droid to hear him and translate for the Hutt.
"We create a line of mining vehicles unlike anything currently on the market." Larraq continued as he walked, holding his datapad with his left hand and manipulating it with his right. "It's capable of operating in space or on a planet with equal ease. The size and strength of it allows the vehicle to out-perform a dozen mining droids or two dozen men." He continued as he tapped away on the datapad, relaying orders to the thousands of workers and droids that comprised this particular mining site. "And it can do so safely and reliably in nearly any environment."

Larraq walked for a few moments in silence, allowing the Hutt and droid to follow at their leisure before continuing again. "But I doubt very much that a Hutt like yourself would travel so far for a few simple droids and vehicles, no matter the quality." He said as he came to a stop. Larraq had just passed a rather large rock. On the other side of which, the path turned sharply to the left and began going down-hill at a much steeper rate. As the Hutt and droid approached Larraq, the Mandalorian Capitalist gestured politely to the Hutt's left as he passed the rock.
There, in its full operational glory, stood a Harvester-class Mining Facility. Six massive legs stood wide, bracing the frigate-sized mining platform in place. The slight shimmer of an active shield could be seen extending from the outer-most portion of each leg and extending over the entirety of the massive mining machine. "You're here because you've heard that Mandal Hypernautics produces the largest self-moving piece of mining equipment in the galaxy. And you want one." He said matter-of-factually. To accentuate himself, Larraq pressed a button on his datapad as he finished the sentence. By the time the droid had finished translating for Larraq, the massive machine began to move. Its core body lurched forward and down slightly. Brilliant, blinding light erupted from under the Harvester's spider-like mouth and a deafening sound akin to a roar rocked the trio that looked onward. Dust and debris clouded the air inside the protective shield and was illuminated from afar by the pulsating beam of heat and light that burned rock and ore to dust and glass and molten metal. As the dust swirled and glowed around the machine, Larraq could not help but to compare it to a demon from the nether.

[member="Mongo Booshi Mella"]
It was something to behold, the great slug heavy lidded eye's widen a low rumble could be heard as the Hutt adjusted himself, the rolls of fat moving with a timed response, the lash like tongue rolling over the craggy lipless mouth. A Hutts place was long past it's prime in the galaxy, slave kings and an empire that stretched from planet to planet, now mere gang leaders if that. He wasn't even sure if he could afford this mechanised monstrosity.

"Da doth hih ba kacmhate cag see bahceuoy uba gee heee, kava che doth bu bolla che copah che hee kaa, an hatkocanh uba dwana fa che da saconba?"
The slugs translator scrambled to his side, adjusting himself to be more presentable to [member="Captain Larraq"], if ever a thing was possible it was not done by this near human. It was almost worse than the Hutt, it had pale and semi translucent skin with a hunch about it that made moving looking like it hurt, it was a joke no doubt having someone lesser in the presence added to the illusion of grandeur for the Hutt.​
"The great mongo, says that it is quite an impressive piece of equipment, he ask how much is the going price for such a thing, and will you sell it for that question?"
| [member="Captain Larraq"] |​
Rygel Larraq watched the machine churn away at the crust of the planet for a few more moments before turning and responding to the question. "The going rate for a Harvester is around 15 million credits." He said as he pulled out his datapad and began scrolling through it once again. "Mella Industries." He said as he stopped scrolling and simply held the datapad out so that he could read it. "Once known as 'Goods and Droids'. Recently bought out by one [member="Mongo Booshi Mella"], whom the company was re-named in honor of. Known associates of the company and CEO are the Red Ravens criminal syndicate and The Jackles, a minor pirate group." Larraq said flatly as he addressed the Hutt and his translator. "No known subsidiaries. One known facility of note. No known major projects. Currently ranked as a class two company." He said before making a final swipe at the datapad and returning it to his breast pocket.

"I don't care who your friends are, Mr. Mella." Larraq said as he straitened his jacket. "And I can identify with a man that has to start at the bottom. But we both know that you can't afford the equipment you need from me. So we're going to make a deal, and you're going to receive a shipment of five of these." He said as he gestured towards the Harvester.
It wasn't something he was prepared for, its form convulsed the air constricting in its very throat a look one might give someone who has relieved his deepest darkest secret, it was that look now that burnt in his eye's. But five, he couldn't afford one. He knew something was coming, something he wouldn't like but for now he would have to do as told, [member="Captain Larraq"] was right he was a man at the bottom or at least a slug.

"Jee sonpa uba che mee mo-" he paused. "-Um Jee katka saconba, haku katka Jee woy du moova mee?"
"Mongo thanks you for your offer." It was a pause just like the Hutt did too before him, the translator capturing every mannerism to every character of the slugs translated sentence. "But he must ask, what must he do in return?"
| [member="Captain Larraq"] |​
"I want exclusive purchasing rights on the minerals gathered from four of the machines." Larraq said as he reached up and pinched the collar of his jacket. A Ani'jarkiv Luxury Limo swooped down to land beside the trio as Larraq continued to talk. "At a 20 percent discount, for the next decade. You'll still make plenty of profit and grow your company by leaps and bounds in the process." As the luxury speeder settled down, two seperate doors opened on the side of it, revealing that this particular vehicle had been modified to accommodate up to two Hutt sized creatures and up to twelve guests. "You get the means through which to expand exponentially for the next few years, and I get ore at a premium." He said as he stepped into the vehicle and indicated that the other two should as well.

Within the luxurious interior, a soft but modern music was playing via the droid DJ and drinks had allready been prepared by the droid bartender. "There is one further catch though." Larraq admitted to the Hutt. "You'll sign over twenty percent ownership of your company to me. At the end of the next decade, our contract expires and you'll be able to buy back my twenty percent stock with the fortune I've helped you build." He said as he took a seat and sipped at the drink that had been prepared for him. "It's a long term gain, and we both know you'll live long enough to see it through. I cash out a decade from now after having helped you expand the company by leaps and bounds... And you walk away from this with the potential to become one of the richest Hutts since [member="Popo"]." He said as he rolled the glass of amber liquid within his hand. Glancing about the interior of the vehicle, Larraq added a final stipulation to the deal. "And if you accept, you get this Limo." He said casually, as if the Limo alone was worth accepting the deal.

[member="Mongo Booshi Mella"]
He shuffled into the speeder, the long waggle of his form and the roll of fat as he adjusting himself to sit, there was a gurgle and his grubby finger's ran the length of a leather satchel around his lower abdomen, withdrawing a dried eel. "Bargon." The Hutt said throwing the eel to the back of his mouth with a throaty gurgle, the crunch and long slurp of meat in the maw of the slug could be heard as he ate.

"Jee ye wanya nudd bai tee jewz ku."
"Mongo, says he looks forward to this future 'partnership'." the translator emphasised 'partnership', it was the way Mongo had said it so it was the way his servant said it, he was under no illusion this was actually a partnership it was servitude, but mongo would have to do as he was told and he would.​
| [member="Captain Larraq"] |​
Rygel Larraq smiled at the Hutt, held his glass high in toast, and downed the last of it in a single go. "Alright then." He said as he placed the glass in one of the nearby cup holders. "Driver, take us to Mr. Mella's transport."

The driver, a droid, complied with the command and banked the limo smoothly towards the transport the Hutt had arrived in. "Upon my exiting the Limo, transfer all ownership and command protocols over to Mr. Mella." Larraq said aloud to the driver as they rapidly approached the transport. "Order acknowledged." Came the brief reply from the driver moments before the Limo reached a low enough height that Larraq could safely exit the vehicle. "Have a safe trip home, Mr. Mella. I wish you the best of luck on your future mining operations." Larraq said as he exited the Limo. "I'll have my people send you the official paperwork shortly. For now, I do have a mining operation to get back to."

As the door slid shut behind him and the Limo began the delicate process of loading itself onto the transport, Larraq began walking back towards the active Harvester-class Mining Facility. He could hear the roar of her mining laser boring through rock and metal even through the shield that protected him from the dust and debris which would otherwise be filling the air. He could even feel vibrations in the ground caused by the mining. It was a minor thing, a slight tremor that ran up his leg, but enough to know that something strange and powerful was happening in the ground beneath his feet.
"What's the status of the drill?" Larraq asked to the communicator in his ear.

"Still within acceptable levels." Came the response of a female voice. The foreman to be sure.

"Take it easy on her. I don't want to risk a containment failure." He said, knowing the damage that could be done should the operating mechanism overheat, overload the magnetic shield, and explode in a violent outburst of radiation and plasma.

"Yes, Mr. Larraq." Responded the foreman, knowing that she had few options when given a direct instruction by the man that owned not only the Hyperion Mining company for which she worked, but the parent company of Mandal Hypernautics as well.

It would take only a few minutes to round the same path as before and once again be within sight of the massive machine. From there, it would take several more minutes to travel down the winding, broken path that led from the landing pad to the drill site. During that time, he watched the Harvester go through three cycles of drilling and rest as tractor beams hauled up molten and broken ore for processing and the laser bore ever deeper into the depths of Concordia.
It would take the rest of the day to reach their desired depth. After hours upon hours of repeated cycles of activation and rest, the massive mining laser of the Harvester simply... stayed silent. It was an eery change of pace for those who had grown accustomed to the rhythm of it all, but it took only a moment for Larraq to realize why the drilling had stopped. "Status?" Larraq had asked into his communicator.

"Optimal depth reached." Reported the female foreman. "Mine depth exceeds maximum range of tractor beams."

"Well done." Larraq said to the woman. He could barely see the Harvester through the shields anymore. The dust and ash and glass particles swirled around it so thickly that the entire machine looked like a shadow in a dust storm. But on the outside of the shield, all was calm. The pollution of the mine was contained within the protective shield offered by the Harvester... as had been promised when initial proposals for new mining of Concordia had been brought up. No pollution. Had been the very strict and unwavering guideline by which he had to comply. And one which he had assured many a politician and humanitarian that he could and would make good on.
Larraq's gaze shifted from the dirt containing half-dome of the Harvester's shields to the screen of his datapad as he checked the status of the machine. Air scrubbers and powerful magnets worked overtime to try and clear the air within the Harvester's shields. The processing plant within the machine's massive rear section was working overtime to process the massive supply of ore that had been gathered so far. But until the air could be cleared and the shield lowered, no shuttles could dock with the Harvester. No ore could be transferred into their cargo bays. And the Harvester could not make room for more ore to be processed.

In spite of this, he could see on the screen of his datapad as the entire complement of mining droids and walkers activated and began unloading themselves onto the surface of Concordia. Normal sensors were inoperable within the soup of floating debris that was the inside of those shields, but thermal imagers worked just fine. On his datapad, Larraq watched over a dozen AT-MP mining walkers and hundreds of droids march towards the mouth of the massive cavern drilled by the Harvester. The monster of a machine's four cargo shuttles dipped themselves into the cavern, which still spewed forth dust and wind into the colder, surface air above, and rocket against the torrent of wind and sand that rushed past them. Determined to make as much headway as possible, in spite of the delays imposed on them by the need to scrub the air around them, the shuttles began loading droids by the dozens and transporting them to the bottom of the cavern.
It took eight minutes of fighting an updraft before the first shuttle reached the bottom of the mine. The entire process of deploying men, droids, and walkers into the shaft took the better part of two and a half hours. By the end of which, little progress had been made on filtering the air of particulates. It would be a further five hours before the first hauls of ore would be shipped back up to the surface, and still there was no determinable improvement in the quality of air within the shield. Not even a fraction of a percentage.

Larraq knew that scrubbing the air clean would take far longer than drilling the mine itself, but when the first number on his screen rolled from a zero to a nine, Larraq knew that his initial estimates would be falling horribly and laughably short. "Keep it up." Larraq said to the foreman as men and droids began heaping Beskar ore upon the surface of Concordia, stacking mounds of the precious resource between the massive legs of the Harvester machine. "I'm going to make some calls... and see if we can find some way of hurrying this up." He said as he turned from the walker and began making the return trek towards the landing pad.

"Of course Mr. Larraq." Was the only response the foreman gave before returning her attention to the task of making another man rich.

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