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Approved NPC Mandalorian Ram'ser

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Valdus Bral

️ Clan Bral Alor ️| Warlord of Nellogant
  • Intent: To create a potent sniper unit for Valdus Bral's small militia force.
  • Image Credit: "Dusk" by David Paget
  • Role: Sniper Unit
  • Links: N/A

[*]Description: Ram'ser are cloaked in baffleweave and armorweave with minimal duranium armor plating to protect vital organs and contact surfaces such as the knees and arms. Each Ram'ser has the Bral Clan Mythosaur embossed on their chest plates and helmets. This unit normally keeps to itself and does not interact with other units once debriefing has finished. While there is no personality trait that is common across all who are in this unit classification, all members tend to be more reserved and level headed. If one is lucky enough, or unlucky enough, to see a Ram'ser they will be in high vantage points or in shaded locations. Ram'ser will not stay in one location for long and follow the guideline that they will not stay in the same location after firing more than two shots.
COMBAT INFORMATION: The combination of Unit Size and Availability below is the indicator of how numerous your unit is. Stormtroopers for instance would be considered Large/Common, while Rogue Squadron would be a Small/Unique unit. Majority Force User Units are prohibited from being Common or Large. The stronger and more specialized your unit is (FU or NFU), the smaller and less common it should be.
  • Unit Size: Small (3)
  • Unit Availability: Unique
  • Unit Experience: Elite
  • Combat Function: A unit that infiltrates behind enemy lines in order to report enemy movements or used as support in a firefight by picking off high value targets from hidden locations.
  • Clandestine: This unit has numerous ways of keeping itself hidden and off of multiple types of sensors. It is highly likely that if this unit doesn't want to be found, then it won't be.
  • Cyborg: This unit has an Advanced Alacrity Implant and as such it is much more dexterous, agile, and quick than those who are 'merely' organic. The reaction time, agility, and dexterity is on par with those who are imbued with the Force.
  • Master Marksman: This unit very rarely misses its target, provided there is time for this unit to acquire its target.
  • Independent: This unit does not need to be in a formation and is very capable of being left to its own devices in order to complete its objective.
  • Stealth Field: This unit has a stealth field generator that is active as long as it is not firing its weapon.
  • Encrypted Comms: This unit makes use of an Encrypted Commlink that has far harsher encryption than the standard, it is unlikely that its comms can be compromised.

  • Anti-Force: This unit's armor uses a special alloy of Arikyrzium Crystal that has a constant and passive moderate dampening and destabilizing effect on the force, force powers, passive force abilities, force constructs, and force healing within one meter of this unit's members.
  • Lone Wolf: This unit normally works alone and as such is at an immediate disadvantage if it is discovered by hostiles.
  • Best of the Best: This unit is extremely hard to replace and there are not many to field onto a battlefield.
  • Careful Aim: This unit does not have a fast firing rate and, while it will normally kill off a single target efficiently, struggles against groups.

  • Scout Armor: This unit does not have any deflector shields and only uses minimal Arikyrzium Crystal - Beskar Alloy Armor plating, which provides excellent protection to vital organs, but forsakes the rest of the body to armorweave.

The Mandalorian Ram'ser is one of the few elite units that are within Valdus Bral's small, but elite, militia force. These expert marksmen are hand-selected by Valdus Bral from references put forth by the Mandalorian Wardens for their natural talent and aptitude. In exchange for large sums of credits, an enhancement, free gear, glory, and acceptance into the Bral clan these elite snipers have joined the ranks of the Bral militia as scouts and snipers. While their ranks are the smallest of any unit or droid to-date within the militia, their impact on the battlefield is immense. Each Ram'ser has undergone the rites of passage into the Mandalorian culture, if they had not already, and thus dedicate themselves to the Resol'nare.
[member="Valdus Bral"]

Because Personal Cloaking Devices are on the Restricted Materials list, this limits its use to 'semi-unique' production. I'm going to need you to either remove the advanced stealth unit from your equipment *or* drop the unit availability to Unique.

Valdus Bral

️ Clan Bral Alor ️| Warlord of Nellogant
[member="Irajah Ven"]

You said "semi-unique" previously, do you want the unit to be "unique" or is it ok to be "semi-unique" as stated before?

Edit: Oh, it seems there isn't a "Semi-unique" option, unless I read the charts wrong. If I drop the unit availability to Unique, may I include 2-3 Ram'sers into the unit size? Or must unique units be 1 in unit size?
[member="Valdus Bral"]

The Unit Size doesn't need to be 1. The unit availability needs to be Unique. The size is how many people are in this unit (around a dozen or less for a small unit), while availability is how many versions of this unit exist. For this situation, because you are using a tech that is limited to Semi-Unique (around 10-12 individual items allowed), it means that your unit must be Small/Unique to use that technology.
[member="Valdus Bral"]

Before I stamp this (cause it's fine now) - is 3 people in the squad what you would like/picture? Cause you can have up to a dozen and it's just fine. Want to make sure you aren't limiting more than you actually need to there because you think you are supposed to.

Valdus Bral

️ Clan Bral Alor ️| Warlord of Nellogant
[member="Irajah Ven"]

I want to play them as some of the most elite in their role. Originally I was going to use 3x units of 1 Ram'ser at most. I figure it's best to keep the units really small if i'm going to play them as the best of the best. If you take a look at most of my units they follow that pattern. Even the veteran ranked ones are fairly small squad sizes.


The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
Submission Modifications

Original Approval 02.20.2019
Equipment: Duranium Armor (minimal plating)

Scout Armor: This unit does not have any deflector shields and only uses minimal duranium plating, which provides excellent protection to vital organs, but forsakes the rest of the body to armorweave.

Sub Modification 03.03.2019
[Added to Equipment]
Orbital Strike Sniper Rifle
Jurkad Beacon Electrobinocular accessory configuration
Repulsor boots
Mandalorian Vambrace

[Changes in Equipment]
Light Arikyrzium Crystal - Beskar Alloy Armor

[Added to Weaknesses]
Anti-Force: This unit's armor uses a special alloy of Arikyrzium Crystal that has a constant and passive moderate dampening and destabilizing effect on the force, force powers, passive force abilities, force constructs, and force healing within one meter of this unit's members.

[Changes in Weaknesses]
Scout Armor: This unit does not have any deflector shields and only uses minimal Arikyrzium Crystal - Beskar Alloy Armor plating, which provides excellent protection to vital organs, but forsakes the rest of the body to armorweave.

[Added to Strengths]
Anti-Force: This unit's armor uses a special alloy of Arikyrzium Crystal that has a constant and passive moderate dampening and destabilizing effect on the force, force powers, passive force abilities, force constructs, and force healing within one meter of this unit's members.
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