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Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders

The Old Ways.

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Mandalorian Society


Mandalorian Society under the Neo-Crusaders,
circa 900ABY

The Mandalorian society is a regimented, hierarchical society that follows strict social stratification centered around order and stability, and ruled by the warrior class. At the apex, naturally, is Mand'alor—the Sole Ruler—functioning as the ultimate authority. Beneath them, the Field Marshals and Clan Chieftains (Alore) serve dual roles of commanders and governors that forms essentially the higher echelon of the warrior class. Rally Masters and Crusaders, while the latter is subservient to the former in war duties (combat, training, etc), form the remaining, and largest, part of the ruling, warrior class.

Supporting the warrior class is the builder classartisans, merchants, and farmers—who provide the essential economic foundation through craftsmanship and agriculture; while lacking political or military power, they are integral to the society's functioning.

At the lowest tier are slaves, whose labor sustains the infrastructure.

Notes: From an IC perspective, at this point in time, it can be assumed that this system is more integrated in some places than others; however, it should be expected that upon the ascension of a Mandalore this system's enforcement would be fast-tracked.

Mandalore's new vision of society ruled by warriors & Edo Society in Japan.

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