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Approved NPC Mando Ori'ramikad Yalilyr - M.O.S.

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Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
Mando Ori'ramikad Yalilyr - M.O.S.

Name: Mando Ori'ramikad Seekers
Intent: To Flesh out the organization of the Mandalorian Supercommandos
Affiliation: Mando Ori'ramikad
Availability: Very Rare

Type: Espionage Infantry
Strength: 50~
Quality: B

Description: Equipped with a bare minimum amount of gear, M.O.S. operates as an off the grid espionage and reconnaissance unit. Disguised as average, working-class citizens or soldiers of the enemy's military they blend in with the crowd and use various tools and strategies to obtain information. Often working in groups of three, these Ori'ramikade are prime slicers, smooth talkers and assassins. Their second and arguably most important job is assessing risk and taking action. Many of these men and women often stay deployed for months, if not years at a time in the same location working in secret with some even deployed in Mandalorian space as a safeguard against chaos that could occur in times of great crisis, for example, they were an integral part in restoring order quickly in territories that had lost contact with Mandalore during the great vanishings that crippled most of the Galaxy.

Vehicles and Modes of Transportation:
Civilian-level speeders, skiffs, etc.
Shev'la Kal
The Bral
MT-1 Repulsor Pack

Notable Tools:
E4-GLE Scouting Droid
Force Breaker Grenade
MT HoloNaviation Kit
BioFoam and other Medical Applications
Various Firearms
Verpine Shatter Rifle
TR-97 Military Chrono
Basic 3 Day Survival Kit
Beskar'gam - If things actually get hairy
Various disguises and clothing

Associated Programs:
Mando Ori'ramikad
Ge'tal Dabida Ramikad

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

Prior to creating the subdivisions, which I only did because of the NPC approval process, all the units were under the name Ori'ramikad. There have been a few threads where the ori'ramikade have been used, though I guess the closest thing to this particular "branch" I had a PC that was a part of them and he did a thread post-One Sith invasion of Coruscant with the Rebels Alliance smuggling weapons and agents in, and a Mando skirmish on Coruscant where they were part of getting the Mandalorian forces planetside, but I can't find them at the moment. The PC I used for that I killed off and had deleted, but as should be obvious from the Chrono which was made for them, a long time ago, they have been around and were also mentioned in a location sub I recently did.

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
[member="Valiens Nantaris"] the only reason they are being subbed here is because lore was taken out so I guess that's fine. Wasn't planning on using them in invasions anyway, B it is.
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