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Mando'ade: House vs. Clan {Contains potential Rebels Spoilers}

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
So before I begin, I must admit, my knowledge of the Mandalorians comes from very few experiences. Many of my Mandalorian colleges are much more well versed in the lore of the culture than I as my only experiences come from KOTOR (I-II), the prequels, Republic Commando, Star Wars the Clone Wars (tv series) and the New Jedi Order novels they were in (especially during the Caedus ark, that's where I get most of my idea of their culture), so when I saw this clip I was actually pretty confused. Forever I thought that Mandalorian leadership only went as far as clans and clan heads etc. So does anyone know the difference, or rather the significance of a House vs a Clan? Or is this something potentially interesting and cool that Rebels and Disney have brought to our beskar clad warriors?​
I have read close to pretty much everything on the Mandos... I spent a good amount of time designing Atin, consulting w/ Traviss and other sources who had written about the culture, from the Republic Commando as a costume for the Mercs (for my second approved kit) but injuries and weight gains made me postpone it. This is, to my knowledge (which isn't perfect) the first mention of this... Be interesting to see...

[member="Gilamar Skirata"]
My view would be that Larraq would be a House, and Dem'adas would be a Clan.

Or the other way around. Think of a House as being individual family groups within a larger clan. Kinda... Feudal Japan-ish.

Or... that's my guess anyways.
[member="Gilamar Skirata"]
House is the greater clan, as she noted (in the video) that she belonged to "House Vizla". So the first clan name would be your last name, immediate family and all that, and then your house would be the people you swear loyalty to that your family basically originates from. I'm going to assume that post-19 BBY that Mandalorian clans became more spread out and included more and more minor clans that fell under the umbrella of more well-known ones, and referred to the more well-known ones as their house and their immediate family name being their clan name.

Taa Nul

CEO of Kamigen Incorporated
Yeah, clan is your immediate family and house is the greater family your clan is attached to, from what I can tell. Also, love how the old Death Watch theme starts playing when she mentions her house. :p

[member="Gilamar Skirata"]
I feel that it may be the other way around. She said Clan X and House Y. But it wasn't until she named the house that they went "Heeeeey. You're Death Watch!"

So either A: They didn't recognize her clan by name, but recognized the larger house name.

Or B: It was not the entire Clan that turned to Death Watch, just one of their houses.

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