Ashin Varanin
Professional Enabler
A non-negligible chunk of asteroid city swirled with barbecue smoke and exotic spice, the fog of today's war. MandoBurger, the brand new brand name for Clan Rekali's food services, was launching against the entrenched monolith of Taco Hutt. Some said Nickel One's fast food market was saturated, and not in the lipid sense. But so far as Alec was concerned, MandoBurger had plenty of room to grow.
Clad in full beskar'gam and a beskar-cloth apron, Alec manned [sic] an open-air grill with a beskar spatula. She flipped burgers with abandon. No processed nonsense here; MandoBurger patties were pure nerf, the king of meats. Across the street, Taco Hutt was doing a similarly brisk business, even though it couldn't claim the same. Probably.
Expertly, she assembled a triple-decker FettBurger, wrapped it in greasy flimsiplast, and handed it to a friendly Verpine.
Another Verpine stepped up, this one wearing beskar'gam. "Yes, I'd like a RaveBurger?"
A portion of the grill surface already held rectangles of LeviaCan tinned meat, scorched to perfection. Jakobeast, terentatek, and leviathan -- with all kinds of Forcey implications for the customer. Alec plopped a grilled slice of LeviaCan atop a MandoPatty and finalized the burger around them.
A non-negligible chunk of asteroid city swirled with barbecue smoke and exotic spice, the fog of today's war. MandoBurger, the brand new brand name for Clan Rekali's food services, was launching against the entrenched monolith of Taco Hutt. Some said Nickel One's fast food market was saturated, and not in the lipid sense. But so far as Alec was concerned, MandoBurger had plenty of room to grow.
Clad in full beskar'gam and a beskar-cloth apron, Alec manned [sic] an open-air grill with a beskar spatula. She flipped burgers with abandon. No processed nonsense here; MandoBurger patties were pure nerf, the king of meats. Across the street, Taco Hutt was doing a similarly brisk business, even though it couldn't claim the same. Probably.
Expertly, she assembled a triple-decker FettBurger, wrapped it in greasy flimsiplast, and handed it to a friendly Verpine.
Another Verpine stepped up, this one wearing beskar'gam. "Yes, I'd like a RaveBurger?"
A portion of the grill surface already held rectangles of LeviaCan tinned meat, scorched to perfection. Jakobeast, terentatek, and leviathan -- with all kinds of Forcey implications for the customer. Alec plopped a grilled slice of LeviaCan atop a MandoPatty and finalized the burger around them.