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MandoBurger Versus Taco Hutt (Open to Mandos and Friends)

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler

A non-negligible chunk of asteroid city swirled with barbecue smoke and exotic spice, the fog of today's war. MandoBurger, the brand new brand name for Clan Rekali's food services, was launching against the entrenched monolith of Taco Hutt. Some said Nickel One's fast food market was saturated, and not in the lipid sense. But so far as Alec was concerned, MandoBurger had plenty of room to grow.

Clad in full beskar'gam and a beskar-cloth apron, Alec manned [sic] an open-air grill with a beskar spatula. She flipped burgers with abandon. No processed nonsense here; MandoBurger patties were pure nerf, the king of meats. Across the street, Taco Hutt was doing a similarly brisk business, even though it couldn't claim the same. Probably.

Expertly, she assembled a triple-decker FettBurger, wrapped it in greasy flimsiplast, and handed it to a friendly Verpine.


Another Verpine stepped up, this one wearing beskar'gam. "Yes, I'd like a RaveBurger?"

A portion of the grill surface already held rectangles of LeviaCan tinned meat, scorched to perfection. Jakobeast, terentatek, and leviathan -- with all kinds of Forcey implications for the customer. Alec plopped a grilled slice of LeviaCan atop a MandoPatty and finalized the burger around them.


Allyson did it all and she was sure the place of her primary employment the Rekali Clan knew of her previous job as a pizza girl. She had received notice that she was supposed to be working within the new establishment, but Allyson figured with how awesome Alec Rekali was...she'd be fine. Which the question was answered again when she poked her head in and saw Alec manning or well, womaning the open grill. Shrugging she figured the woman probably didn't know she was supposed to be working as well and walked in with her backpack and a wallet full of credits.

Waiting in line she was pretty impressed seeing how quickly the place was filling up. The home trained cook who could probably chef it up if she had the drive admired the establishment. Reminded her of her mother's wishes and then guilt set in. Shaking her head, she needed to keep happy memories not sad ones. She couldn't allow them to keep her down, if she did she wouldn't become the best pilot, smuggler, what ever else Allyson decided to become.

It was her turn and in typical Allyson Locke fashion, she leaned against the counter flirtatiously and gave [member="Alec Rekali"], that scruffy nerf herder smirk. "Well you're looking as radiant as always Alec, I'd like a Rave burger pleaaaaase. " Shifting her weight on her feet, she leaned farther onto the counter and waggled her brows. "Maybe a little extra love on it? For an employee of the clan~"
Scruffy Lookin’ Nerfherder
Nickel One.

A place rife with loss. Laughter here sounded bitter in Kade's ears. A hollow clanging, empty helmets strung up in the wind. He shuffled forward in line, a black, crazed intensity to his eyes.

"Complementary," clicked a Verpine.

"What?" Kade turned toward the bug, which promptly shoved a drink into his hands. He looked darkly at the drink, then nodded. "Gratitude."

Such kindness from the Verpine. They had always shown themselves true allies of the Mandoa'de. A far cry from the Republic's underhanded ways and all in spite of their 'democracy'. A two-faced people worshipping a two-faced god. Empty promises in one hand. Power in the other.

The Kelborn held up the strange fizzing liquid to his lips and gulped it down. He found the draft strangely pleasant. Kade turned to the nearest worker.

"Take coin and produce another."

[member="Alec Rekali"] | [member="Allyson Locke"]


I'm Sexy and I Know It
Taco Hutt. An experiment set up by the Tenloss Corporation to see how the company fared in the food industry. Sure, Popo's Peepers was doing well, but was more or less confined to the Wheel for now. Instead, Tenloss had pushed out the far more family friendly and fast food oriented Taco Hutt. It had been doing well, even entrenching itself in the Wheel and Roche, of all places. So far, it seemed to be popular and was dominating the fast food industry in both locations.

Until now.

MandoBurger had sprung up from seemingly nowhere and had promptly challenged Taco Hutt in an unspoken duel of fates. The air was thick with the steam and the smell of cooking food as both restaurants did their best to serve customers quickly and accurately. For Taco Hutt, that meant busting tail even more than before. Meat hit the grill time and time again as steak strips and poultry hit the hot surface. Meanwhile, meat grinders whirred and buzzed as fresh meat was ground and shredded before being cooked up and used.

Workers placed cooked meat and condiments on taco shells, burrito wraps, and even into bowls before serving them to customers. The drink machines worked full bore while happy customers munched and crunched their way through their meals in tables set all around. Everyone was busy and industrious, even Popo, the Tenloss CEO. Where was Popo, you ask?

Up at the front of the shop danced a giant taco. Specifically, the official Taco Hutt mascot danced, jiggled, and generally entertained customers. Usually, the mascot was a specially made droid or a designated pair of employees tasked with making the costume work; one to act as the front of the Taco Hutt, one to act as the Taco Hutt's tail.

In this case, it was the real deal.

Donning the official taco shell suit, Popo was indeed the Taco Hutt. A specially made repulsor suit designed to look like a taco shell complete with lettuce, tomato, and cheese wrapped around Popo's body. In one hand he carried a giant dinner fork complete with a giant, fluffy burrito on top of the tines. On his head was a styrofoam hat representing sour cream, shaped into an oversized pompadour. His other hand was empty, all the better to wave at customers and take holos with the public. All in all, it was somewhat humiliating, but Popo knew he had to rock the Taco Hutt costume.

He refused to lose to MandoBurger.

[member="Alec Rekali"] [member="Allyson Locke"] [member="Kade Kelborn"]
Faith stood on the corner looking at Mandoburger, and then over to TacoHutt scratching her head she had this terrible craving. She wanted both. She tugged on Draco's arm, "I'm hungry and the twins say they are hungry too."

It was the smell of grease though that hit her first her stomach making it jump followed by goosebumps running down her arm oo maybe she couldn't handle both. She felt uneasy, "I need water too" she smiled, which way to go first, "do you care which one we eat first?"

Like he would have any choice in the matter on it, she'd go where the craving led and he'd follow.

[member="Draco Vereen"]
"How about we tell the guard to go into Taco Hutt for you, and we will go into Mandoburger, and he can bring us that meal." Anything to keep from having to enter the den of sin and disgustion that was Taco Hutt, rumored to use Hutt Meat, more likely replacing grease with Hutt Slime given the smell. A strong, well learned hatred of hutts, and a distaste for their menu made him reluctant to go inside. "That way you can have both at the same time." He smiled weakly. She would deny or accept his proposal at her whim, and he would stomach his displeasure without complaint. He was her Dragon after all, her protector. He could handle a smelly Hutt restaurant.

Weird cravings indeed wanting these foods when the pair had access to gourmet food processors, but he was a live in, house, boyfriend right now, and so he was not about to tell Faith no. Besides, he liked getting to go out with her, and likely this wouldn't be the only stop they would make.

Her request for water was answered almost immediately, pulling a canteen from his belt and handing it to her, "Here you are my love." That was about all he was readily prepared for. The ship was waiting for their return, and the guard in his House Organa colors walking behind them was ever present.

[member="Faith Balor-Organa"]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Allyson Locke said:
It was her turn and in typical Allyson Locke fashion, she leaned against the counter flirtatiously and gave Alec Rekali, that scruffy nerf herder smirk. "Well you're looking as radiant as always Alec, I'd like a Rave burger pleaaaaase. " Shifting her weight on her feet, she leaned farther onto the counter and waggled her brows. "Maybe a little extra love on it? For an employee of the clan~"
"You know I can't resist waggling brows," replied Alec metafictionally. She shoved a burger patty and a slice of grilled LeviaCan on the lower half of a bun, then looked through the comestibles for something that fit the description of 'extra love.' Alec being Alec, she settled on hot sauce. Bright red, Yavin-pepper base -- well, why not mention the sauce? It pretty much sold itself.

"This here," she said as she doused the grilled LeviaCan slab, "is from peppers that grow in Yavin's Sith temples. The marketing people are debating between 'Dark Lord of the Sauce' and a few similar labels." She replaced the bottle and added the top of the bun. A few other condiments, too, and leaf vegetables, and sliced savory fruits called tamat, and pickle.

"It's probably alchemical."

She wrapped the burger and leaned across the counter, then tapped her cheek. "Reciprocal love. Right here."
Sturgis walked up to the counter of Taco Hutt and looked up at the menu. The Shriek-Hawks were making a short stop in Roche to refuel before making the rest of the way to Gromas for another job. So while the ships were refueling he had wandered unknowingly into the food war of the century. The Mandalorian steel wide brimmed hat sat on his back and his helmet was dangling from his belt. He stood with his chin in his hands, staring ahead of him. While the cashier thought he was looking at the menu he was actually gazing into the back kitchen where a Togrutan worker had caught his eye.

"Umm...Excuse me sir?" The timid part-timer asked, "There is a line behind you..." Of course, Sturgis was deaf, and while he could easily read lips, he often used it as an excuse to do what he was currently doing. Oogling women.

"Hey partner!" A man behind him was getting impatient and grabbed the Mandalorian by the shoulder. His mistake. Sturgis' training kicked in and in seconds the man was on the floor. But then it happened. She caught his eye. The cashier at MandoBurger. He read her name tag from across the room.

'Alec Rekali...' he thought to himself as he released his captive and made a beeline to MandoBurger.
[member="Alec Rekali"] [member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Faith Balor-Organa"] [member="Popo"]
Allyson's mouth watered as she waited for the burger and listened to Alec comment on waggling her brows and the hot sauce. Girl knew her stuff which was quite impressive, especially to the Smuggler. Musing over the delightful tastes that awaited her, Allyson nearly missed the last comment. Alec leaned over and presented her cheek for reciprocation of the love.

"Ha. Should have known it wouldn't be for free. If you would have thrown some fries in there I'd have to kiss you some where else." A smirk and a flirtatious wink that would make the young Talith that she had courted fly through the in window and drop kick her, was offered as she leaned on the counter and gave her payment to the Rekali woman. Soft kiss was a good price for a good burger with some extra spicy love.

Seemed fitting for the Rekali woman to interpret 'extra love' for hot sauce. Grabbing the burger, Allyson smirked seeing that Alec didn't know she was supposed to be helping her out. Day off and a good burger. [member="Alec Rekali"]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Sturgis Tal'Verda"] [member="Allyson Locke"]

Not for the first time, violence broke out as someone tried to cut in line for delicious MandoBurgers. Those things tended to sort themselves out in a Mando manner, so Alec just took a look to see that no heavy weapons were involved. A stubbly man in a wide-brimmed metal hat was staring at her chest, possibly her name tag. Alec smiled faintly and returned her attention to Allyson while assembling the next patron's FettBurger.

"Well honey, we've got fries and then some. You want it now, or can you wait 'til later?" Without missing a beat, she wrapped the FettBurger and passed it off to a ravenous Barabel. She tossed six more patties on the grill and flinched as grease spattered her cheek. She wiped it off with the back of her hand, smearing char and sauce in a streak from chin to cheekbone. "And you want a drink with that? Someone's lookin' awful thirsty."

The Barabel, who thought he was talking to her, took a bottle of Detta Yellow.

What the kark was a burger? Why was she flying? Oh god, was the rumbling normal?!

After a relatively short flight, a simple bucket of bolts and rust came in for a landing. The transport was literally the definition of hot garbage, but it got Skorri from point A to point B. The pilot, a fellow Brokarra, had been kind enough to give the young woman a lift to Nickel One. Why? Well, he had business there. She wanted to know what the hell a burger was.

Supposedly it was something edible. did he put it...delicious? Yes. That was the word. Delicious.

A short stumble off the ship turned into an anxious walk towards the establishment. Hoo boy. Crowds. Skorri didn't do too good in crowds. They made her even more antsy than normal. To make matters worse, lines were a foreign concept as well. Regardless, Skorri entered the MandoBurger and squinted at the menu. There was only a single, Basic word that she recognized: Fett. An edible Fett? This she had to see.

Skirting the violence, Skorri approached the counter and said: "Wun Fett." She then slapped her clanmate's credit chit down on the counter, as per his suggestion.

Oh. Manners.

"Wun Fett. Peas."

[member="Alec Rekali"], [member="Allyson Locke"]
What was the clone doing here? It had been many months since his last time he had ever participated a battlefield. Was he a deserter? Many would argue so, but he had his own reasons of why he took a hiatus from his service. There comes a time in a soldier's life when they were just tired and tired of the same daily routine. Wake up early, hit the gym, exercise, have lunch, have a break, go back to exercising, go to bed, repeat. And frankly, Canal needed some time away from the battlefield. For too long he had fought on the front lines and not have a single break because his duty came before him and his needs. Eventually, he would go back to fighting for the Galactic Alliance but now he needed a breather.

And what better way than to start with a burger?

The clone ate whatever grub the cooks offered to the soldiers and most of the time it was awful. He adapted to the food and didn't complain about the taste of it. He was, indeed, foreign to the food that citizens enjoyed and didn't dare to venture out to explore other tastes as he wasn't in position to do so. In fact, he barely walked in towns and cities unless he was ordered to patrol them. He spent his life within military installations and the ruthless fields of war. So he was here on Roche , heard about the advertisement of MandoBurgers and challenged the long standing fast food corporation of Taco Hutt. He never had a burger from MandoBurger nor had a taco from Taco Hutt, but chose the burger over the taco. Canal was in the line and saw the violence made by some man which was quickly diminished by a man with a steel hat. Luckily, the clone had his armor and was armed with two blaster pistols in case of any hostile attack towards him. With the violence gone, the Fett clone continued to wait in line for his burger.

[member="Alec Rekali"]
Faith wiggled her nose and thought about what Draco said, now she could purr at him and coo like some addled minded female on drugs but she wasn’t up for that.

She tried to figure out why he wouldn’t want to go there and while her one encounter with Sempre the Hutt had left her feeling used she had no other experiences to draw from that said to avoid them. She took the water from him, “mandalorian scout, always prepared?

She took a draw on the water, look back at the guards. “They really aren’t for fetching things, they are for protection.” She tapped her foot thinking, “How about we go to Mandoburger first, and then do take out from TacoHutt?”

Her stomach was growling now, “We need to decide”

She was amicable but she was also pregnant and hungry. One thing Draco would learn, do not get between a pregnant woman and her food.

[member="Draco Vereen"]
He smiled at his beloved, holding her hand, fingers intertwined. "It sounds like you already have your mind made up already, love." He tugged on her gently, pulling her towards Mandoburger. His eyes glanced back at the pair of guards following with the pair. Protectors they were, he supposed. Draco could probably survive getting take out from the Hutt greased fast food chain that didn't even score on any food and health standard.

Once inside the couple could see the crowd of people and the line progressing and growing as people were fed and were getting into line. The smell of freshly grilled nerf meat wafted through the air. Too much food like this would kill a man in a few months, but Draco knew much better than to get between Faith and her cravings at the moment.

"Alright baby," He began slipping into the line, letting the guards stand on either side of the pair. She was almost always escorted by a pair of warriors from Alderaan. "What do you want?" His question was posed only so that she could begin thinking on it and looking over the menu while they waited in line, and while Draco stood behind her, his arms wrapped around her waist for now.

[member="Faith Balor-Organa"]
She grinned she knew she'd get her way even if it was just take out, "I want a royal nerfburger and an order of fries, and ummmm that pie thing, and....water" She looked back at him, "what are you having?"

Faith did not usually eat this much food but eating for three at one time was most definitely driving her hormones and her hunger. She couldn't run in the morning now she walked instead. She had been able to keep up all activities with Bud but this time because she was a little older Tia wanted her to be more careful.

She rested gently against Draco as she looked at the menu, man anyone eating this for any length of time would sure to be fluffy in no time, she heard Draco comment about his abs, "Yes I like them all rippled like they are, some fluffy is good but for you a warrior, and leader you should look commanding to everyone but me." She smiled.

They were moving up in the line, "have you decided?"

[member="Draco Vereen"]
What she wanted wasn't an enormous amount, but it was more than she normally ate, and was far from her normal diet. Draco couldn't remember her eating fast food like this since they began spending time together. "Those are good choices. I think I will have the same but with a soda." She would normally get her way with things as trivial as food choices. He certainly wasn't going to argue more than suggesting against drinking wine anymore. Things like this weren't worth arguing over and he could stomach anything for her if he had to.

He had been keeping up with his exercises, while she walked, he hit the gravity room and trained at twice standard gravity with saber droids and training droids. It was hard work, but she liked the abs and muscles all rippled they way they were, and the look of her face when she touched them was something he liked getting to see. The line moved up and Draco rattled off the pair of orders to the cook, a Mandalorian woman wielding a beskar spatula. "Can we get two Royal nerf burgers, two orders of fries, two pies, a water, and a soda please." His deep baritone rang through the din of the kitchen as he placed money on the counter to pay for their meals.

[member="Alec Rekali"] [member="Faith Balor-Organa"]
He caught that. He caught it from a mile away. He smirked before walking up to the counter after the rather brash young woman before him. He rubbed the stubble on his chin to feign deep thought, pulling the same stunt he had at the Taco Hutt. Normally civilian, non-Mandos fell for the deaf speech; pity, sometimes awe inspired relations would come after he spoke a few words. He hated speaking, but he also liked Zeltrons and Togrutan dancers, so it was a bit of a trade off. Sometimes it worked on mercs, but he had a feeling he was going to need to put all his cards on the table here.

He brought his hands up to about his chest level and began to sign, Mando'a sign language,

{I'll take a #2, the two Jango Minis, no sides, water and your lunch break.} Over confident as ever the quick fingered Mando was a hopeless flirt when it came to Mando women.

@Skorri @Alec Rekali
Faith watched with anticipation she looked up at the picture once again this burger was breakfast and lunch at the same time. She smiled at [member="Draco Vereen"] and looked at the young woman cooking her burger [member="Alec Rekali"] .

All those calories were going to sit on her hips for a month or so. But it was going to taste SOOOoooooo good. A deep breath filled her lungs and tempted her taste buds.​
[member="Canal"] [member="Skorri"] [member="Allyson Locke"] [member="Kade Kelborn"]
[member="Alec Rekali"]
[member="Sturgis Tal'Verda"]

Allyson smirked as Alec mentioned the fries now or later, could have meant a many of things but Allyson just chuckled at the fact that Alec never missed a beat. Either it be throwing down burgers on the grill or having a witty come back to her flirtations. Seeing the grease on her face, a part of the smuggler’s gut wished she was back there – though it would be more a distraction that what Mandoburger needed to draw people into the establishment. The thirst comment came and Allyson couldn’t help herself with that one.

“Only if I could get a tall glass of whatever you are Alec, then my thirst would be quenched.” Once again, a smirk and then she bit into the burger which was utterly delicious. She remained at the counter mostly to bother Alec as she attempted to work through the rush of people ordering burgers. Glancing over at the woman while the gentleman who was signing in mando walked up, Allyson licked the corner of her face free of the pepper sauce Alec had tossed into her burger.

“I’ll take those fries after you give the guy his food, just let me know where my ­payment is required.”
Draco was just about the farthest thing from a calorie counter. He had eaten animals in the wilderness raw before, and had no qualms about eating fast food, especially when all the rumors pointed to eating pure, one hundred percent Nerf meat. The smell wasn't that bad either. Fresh cooked took a moment though, but the cashier pushed two drinks on the counter towards them and Draco handed the person a fairly large credit chit, only to be handed the chit back. "Smaller bills only."

Draco dug through pockets and pouches for a moment, "Screw it, keep the change. I don't have anything smaller." He wouldn't miss the eighty two fifty for more than a second anyway. The cashier grumbled but put it into the register and shooed the couple away from it, pocket twenty or so credits off the exchange.

The mandalorian filled the cups, water for her, a soda for himself, leading her to find a seat while they waited for the fresh cooked food. It wasn't exactly fast food, more food fast in Draco's mind. "Are you feeling okay love?" He asked, certain the response would be hungry and maybe a little short tempered. Perhaps the cook would finish their meal soon.

[member="Allyson Locke"] [member="Faith Balor-Organa"] [member="Sturgis Tal'Verda"] [member="Alec Rekali"]

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