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Mandos and the GAPDP

Ugohr Poof

The Traveling Gungan Salesman
Knowing the Galactic Alliance, they will let anyone with the proper finances build property up to Codex standards under the GAPDP aegis so long as proper channels are made use of. IGR contributed all the entries on Dulvoyinn and Malastare up to this point. Nominally the King of Naboo, [member="Marcelo Matteo"] is in charge of the Naboo segment of the GAPDP, but the last contribution on Naboo was made out of private pockets. Maybe His Majesty would step up to the plate, even if the next Codexed property was built by a non-Alliance party. And same goes for Dagobah Tech, which was codexed centuries after its construction, even though IGR led the reconstruction efforts for Sebulba's Legacy, playing host to the Malastare 100 podrace, considered prestige-wise to be "entry-level" among gold-level tracks or to be a high-level silver-level track; there is that hierarchy of podracing tracks in terms of which races does what for a pilot.


ATTN: [member="Titan Katan"]

First off, congratulations for you becoming the vice-president of Commenor. But today, I'm writing to you because you placed a HoloNet request for the purchase of land on Naboo. Even though I'm still stuck on Chandrila, I'm sure one of the Gungan realtors in Moenia will be able to help you out. You probably remember me from being on the Outer Rim House Hunter's Show. But I would also like to help out the realtors on Naboo before you show up in their Moenia office. I have to ask whether you have a land area preference or a terrain type preference, or even an area on the planet you rould prefer. The Gungan realtors on Naboo will help you out any way they can: if you build on Gungan land, non-Gungans will be charged some tax differential that is city-dependent.

Ugohr Poof
Owner, IGR Brokerage



Well-Known Member
RPLY: Mister Poof, in that case I assume you are a ill awaiting trial? The Muunilist town house has served me well, although the time I spend on assorted trips limits the amount of time there. I want to build within reach of The ed and may be few other cities so I can easily transport goods to them. Other than that not many preferences. Nice to talk, we should get together sometime.

[member="Ugohr Poof"]

Ugohr Poof

The Traveling Gungan Salesman

ATTN: [member="Titan"]

Unfortunately I'm still awaiting trial... I feel uncomfortable with the aftermath. For the time being, no military missions, no Jedi missions, can't leave Chandrila. Plus my lightsabers have been seized - they assume that, without access to weapons I'm still mostly harmless; I'm a Jedi Brute after all. Depending on the outcome of the trial, there may be a chance that only the Naboo office in Moenia could handle the matter, rather than me personally. Is there any reason why you want to meet with me personally then?

Ugohr Poof
Owner, IGR Brokerage


The Moenia office would probably suggest Titan to build at the base of the cliff, near the spaceport; hopefully [member="Marcelo Matteo"] (a.k.a. the King of Naboo) will allow it. Perhaps the plot size will allow Titan Industries to build some business location - a shipyard or any manner of heavy industries will probably be off-limits, but the land immediately surrounding Theed Spaceport is royal property. He should probably try for Moenia itself: the place is mostly a college town and could use some industrial activity.

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