Manfreid von Donitz
The Wolf Lord

The Family Sigil
NAME: Manfreid von Dönitz
FACTION: The First ORder
AGE: 33
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 189 cm
WEIGHT: 179 lb
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Blonde/Gold
SKIN: Fair/Light
Courageous: A hard man whose faced death since a young age
Intelligent: Born to an Imperial family and raised to one day become an Imperial Naval Officer
Prideful: Growing up among his proud Imperial family led to a somewhat overconfident attitude
Mistrusting: While some may call his skepticism of others healthy, it takes a lot more to gain his trust
Face shows signs of old scars from his childhood. Clothing attire revolves around standard Imperial Officer uniform, either with a half-cape or full cape draped across his shoulders.If the occasion calls for it Manfreid would wear his Nexu Shoulder guard pelt along with his Wookie waist coat pelt tied around neatly across his waist covering most of his upper legs.
Born to his father Rupert Dönitz and his sweet mother Rachael 'Serenity' Dönitz, the young boy Manfreid suffered greatly to all sorts of illness and a below normal immune system to properly combat them all. This persisted the boy until his eighth birthday where perhaps his family prayer's for a miracle occurred. Manfreid was a pale, thing sickly little boy no more, at least the sickly part. Presented with freedoms that any child his age would have, Manfreid soon explored the world around him.

Father, Rupert Dönitz
A Strong willed person and loyal to the Empire, his older age only solidifies his loyalty to the Imperial cause. Level headed and not one to take a gamble or risk that does not show a high rate of success. Obedience is key but sees the need for people to live through failures as a way to properly grow. His eye injury he never bothered to replace helps remind him of the importance of learning from one's mistakes and to correct errors.
"Never loose your sense of fear, allow it to sharpen your senses and give you pinpoint focus to eliminate the cause of your fear."
- Rupert Dönitz to his son when joining the Navy

Mother, Rachael 'Serenity' Dönitz
She is stubborn but fiercely protective of anything she deems her own, sees the need for passion and glory to motivate anyone. While risks and gambles are needed, she sees the larger picture and makes her decisions to realize the end goal.
"Remember to choose your friends wisely and your enemies even more so, it is important to understand that you need to be the best possible friend to your allies and utterly worst possible enemy to those you face out there in the battlefield. Do not expect them to honor any code. The best enemies to fight are the ones that fear you,"
- Rachael 'Serenity' Dönitz to her son upon his graduation from Imperial Academy
His father saw this an opportunity to enjoy time away from his military career to help his son explore this vast galaxy. His mother also found the idea appealing but still worried of their child’s immune system, regardless Manfreid began his firsts steps into this cruel but beautiful galaxy.
The first few years of exploring the galaxy was exciting but rather uneventful, up until a small hunting expedition turned near fatal for the young Manfreid, horribly scarred this nearly put the youngboy out of possible normal imperial life. Nearly. The boy stubbornly refused to let his near death experience and heavily wounded body deter him from any part of the galaxy.

Injuries Sustained
Now several years later, old enough to join the Imperial Navy Manfreid saw himself conquer the stars and spread the Imperial flag all across the galaxy. He came from a position of weakness, growing up with every possibility he might get sick and never recover and now Manfreid only had one goal. Never return to such a state. Strength above all, power and cunning as his tools and through the Imperial Navy he sees a path of war and glory.