Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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RANK: Acolyte
SPECIES: Chistori
AGE: 25
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6' 9”
EYES: Yellow
SKIN: Purple and Tan
[+/-] Do the Worm! - Mantorok has a unique and manipulative neurax worm that is slowly burrowing into his brain, which comes with its own strengths, but also weaknesses. The motive of the creature is ultimately unknown and is thus symptoms are erratic and almost impossible to predict. He is not aware of the presence of the worm.​

[+] Parasite Powers – The Chistori's worm has also manipulated his midi-chlorians, shifting him from the realms of not very notable to a frightening world of potential in the realms of the Force. Although, he would still have to be taught, naturally.
[+] Chistori Superiority – Mantorok's species is of an incredibly physical nature. Both large and imposing he possesses a hinged jaw with mouthful of razor-sharp teeth and a tenacious scaly hide. Not only blessed with strength he is also quite lithe as he species tends to be. Steve Irwin wouldn't stand a chance.

[-] Parasite Problems – The worm seems to be a creature of chaos and at any given moment can hit Mantarok with an array of different effects. These range from minor to major, progressing more over time. The altering of hormones, dopamine, serotonin and other neuropathic manipulations cause many effects to happen at random. Ranging from bouts of immaturity, confusion, despair aggression all the way up to hallucinations, blindness and seizures. Also not limited to feelings of adoration, devotion and even moments of transcendence.
[-] Latrophobia/Pharmacophobia – Mantorok has developed a severe fear of doctors, medics and medicines. This means that if wounded he will avoid any form of treatment or remedy unless sedated or physically forced. This is likely self-preservation from the neurax worm.
Fortunately the presence of his parasite has not affected Mantorok's appearance.

In fact, from a Chistori perspective he is incredibly standard looking, the king of the average looking saurians. His colouring is the standard purple and tan. Everything is the right size and shape, he has the correct amount of teeth and for a species being known for anger and violence has the average amount of superficial scars upon that scaly hide. There is one exception of course, the yellow colouration of his eyes is not standard, but it is also not his original eye color.

Of course, from a standpoint of the smaller creature one can imagine that Mantorok is a rather imposing figure. His facial expression is seemingly one of hunger, and those beady predatory eyes surely cannot be trusted. Can't sleep, lizard will eat me.

Mantorok's personality is a literal minefield of confusion.

Originally the average template for the Chistori he was known as a tenacious, ferocious and independent saurian (who don't need no man). As typical for his species he was impatience and quick to solve any problems that arose with generous helpings of violence.

However with the introduction of the worm to his brain his personality has taken a nose-dive for the unpredictable.

It's difficult to know if any decision that he makes was really his own doing or if it was the manipulation of the creature latched onto his brain.

He is not made for missions of diplomacy as his behaviour is now simply too erratic and dangerous for him to be of any positive use, and even on the field of battle Mantorok can take a turn for the worse at any time. One cannot stress how unstable his personality now is, although there are periods of clarity in which he is his usual ill-tempered aggressive self but these are growing less frequent as the worm gains more control.

The beginning of Mantorok story is a standard tale.

It is the story of almost every space-faring Gamorrean, Trandoshan and Chistori around. The story of the mercenary, the slave, the bounty hunter. The story of scum and violence.

Born on Tattooine Mantorork was destined to live a life of brutality, running with the Dusk Raiders from a rather early age. His size meant that he was a useful asset in the realms of muscle, and the older he got, the bigger he got, the more musclin' he did. Hey, it brought the credits in. Say what you will about morals but the average spot of thuggery is pretty great for income.

But swoop gangs come and go and eventually the saurian moved onto greener pastures, well, metropolis...pastures? What I'm trying to say is Coruscant, he went to Coruscant with the hopes of moving on up.

Which he did.

No, no, he didn't become a crime lord, but he worked for one. No longer was he muscle for a small time swoop gang on Tattooine, no, he was a bona fide mercenary for big time crime lord. He spent his time looking imposing in cantinas, ensuring that deals went down correctly and hammering on those who needed to pay up, and even on those who didn't all the while ignoring the headaches that were beginning to plague him.

He was sent on a standard job to trash a private medical facility that hadn't been upholding its end of the bargain, details were on a need to know basis, and as a mercenary Mantorok did not need to know. The rampant destruction was going well, until a sudden loss of consciousness occurred.

Mantorok awoke securely strapped to an operating table, surrounded by a host of intrigued (and disgruntled) scientists and doctors alike.

Something interesting had been found.

In his head.


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