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Many Bothans Died

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Tanomas Graf


During a drawn-out pursuit of a rebel fleet, after they had attacked an expedition, by a small detachment of the Imperial Navy, said rebel terrorists took refuge on the nearby world of Bothawui where the terrorists then used the civilian populace as hostages in an attempt to bargain with the Empire for uninterrupted passage away from Imperial territories.
Torn between their duty to protect civilians no matter what and the Empire's policy against the insurgency, Grand Moff Tanomas Graf was forced to initiate a sector-wide lockdown and begin a surgical invasion of Bothawui in order to remove these interlopers.
Deploying from the shipyards of Krant and from the capital of Kamino itself; an estimated 2.5 million stormtroopers along with several dozen starships including multiple Imperator-class Star Destroyers were divvied up between six individual star systems ranging from Bothawui to Bresnia.
While casualties are still being counted in the twilight of this destructive military campaign, many reliable sources, both Imperial and foreign, consider this a decisive victory for the Galactic Empire, having eradicated the Rebellion that started over Kothlis many months ago.
STATEMENT FROM THE IMPERIAL MILITARY: All those who participated in the Bothawui Theater are hereby awarded a service medal for their duty in completely dismantling a major threat to Imperial order across the region -
Glory to the Empire!

(OOC: Good job to all of you! The Empire finally completed its first true T3 dominion, and I couldn't be prouder! The new dominion, featuring the entire Tatooine sector, will most likely begin today, but don't let that deter you: All of you have been granted a vacation on Scarif!)
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