Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Many Hands Make Light Work

the art of light

Efret Farr Efret Farr
Finally making good on his three-year old promise to his cousin Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren to invest more in his own fulfillment and happiness, investing in wiping away the honestly bleak outlook for his future on Hapes as not only a man, but a half-Hapan, among other concerns... well, that resolve couldn't have come at a better time.

Despite the reasons for it, the restoration of the New Jedi Temple and its cultural elements was a thing Ajinar could be thankful for and easily connect with. Otherwise, swapping his life on Hapes for the auspices of the Jedi path without a way to smooth that transition had until now made taking the plunge difficult, regardless of his unhappiness. He had felt so out of place with each attempt. Now, with something familiar to apply himself to, a place to use his existing skills in parallel to furthering his development in the Force, he felt hopeful that he could begin to weather adapting to Jedi life.

His greatest concern was that he wasn't entirely certain how to navigate the concept of equality. At least on Hapes, he knew his place... but this time he had decided to take things as they would come. At least the Order was headed by a woman - to him, it made sense - and not just any woman, but his cousin's former master. That was comfortable.

"Still so much to do," he breathed, pausing to be awed for not the first time by the scale of the Temple and its wounds as he ascended the rest of the steps, but the prospect made him smile, "to have a hand in it..." Well, that was an honour. "...but staring will accomplish little, ne?" He adjusted the bag over his shoulder, nudged himself with a little laugh - staring was perfectly normal in all of his portraiture work - and continued onward up the steps, and into the Temple.

There was, after all, someone he had to meet, and a time set for it.

Upon entering the table, Ajinar was craning his head back to take in the vaulted ceilings of the entrance hall, a thing he felt dwarfed by. He attempted to recall the likeness of Master Farr from their correspondence, but the preparations for his departure from the homeworld had been a whirlwind of figuring what to bring, what to leave, making and cementing promises... but there was one detail he could recall clearly: that she was both deaf and partially blind. His own parents were utterly sightless, reliant on the Force and those under their employ to navigate spaces around them.

It was a familiar thing.
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in the footsteps of a stranger

Efret still hadn't gotten used to being surrounded by such familiarity as was within the Temple walls even now, as cracked and crumbled as they were.

Before she returned from her latest archeological tour to join the Jedi's struggle against the Dark Empire, and now the Sith Order as well, she had spent a little more than a decade getting and remaining accustomed with change. Surrounding herself with strangeness of new places and its people appealed to her deeply as an archeologist and an anthropologist. The process for her had oft been stay long enough to begin to understand her surroundings, then move on to start anew.

Having a home that felt the same regardless of how much time and galactic shifts had weathered it was very abnormal.

Still, she was happy to have such a foothold, to be able to return from the more varied duties that call her to different corners of Allied space to the relatively repetitive task of stone carving on a world, or a part of the world, that did not hold any mystery for her to unravel.

She was even happier when Jedi reached out to her wanting to be of assistance in the redecoration effort. This was the first time she had been directly contacted by a padawan. // I'll be the one with the convor, \\ she had written to Ajinar in her last holomail, but if he had seen it before leaving Hapes was to be seen. Even if he hadn't hopefully they'd be able to find each other as she stepped into the entrance hall.


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