Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Marcellus Decker

I am a son of the Mountain.

NAME: Marcellus Decker



SPECIES: Thyrsian

AGE: 32

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 6'3"

WEIGHT: 218 lbs

EYES: Brown

HAIR: Black

SKIN: Brown



{+} Fearless: Marcellus does not fear death or pain. He often welcomes the challenge that could mean risking life and limb.
​{+} Strong: Along with his considerable physical strength, Marcellus has a mental and emotional resilience that is hard to shake. Because of that he is not easily intimidated or tricked.

​{-} Impatient: Always eager to prove himself and his abilities, Marcellus can be quickly riled to action, even in the most dangerous of situations.
​{-} Angry: Much like his impatience, Marcellus' anger has proven to be irrational and can lead him into many problems. While he is not easily brought to anger, once his temper has snapped he often goes too far.
​{-} Addiction: During his time in the spice mines, Marcellus has gained an unfortunate spice addiction. I he does not use at least once or twice a week, he will begin to go through withdrawals which cause his anger issues to get worse as well as effect his health.

Marcellus is of average height for a human male, standing just over six feet in height. Although he appears to be healthy , his time in the spice mines of Troiken have caused some damage to his body. His bronze skin is slightly paled from lack of sun, and his hair has lost much of it's body and is beginning to gray in some areas. His bare body is riddled with scars, bred from his run ins with Energy spiders within the spice mines. Along with the bites and cuts he received from the spiders, he has also been lashed several times over the past ten years, making his back a hive of long thin lash scars.

Outside of his injuries and scars, there are not many other identifying marks on his body. His hands, which are slightly rugged from the years of hard labor, also have markings on the back of his palms. Each hand has been tattooed with the rugged image of a web, the sign of a slave sentenced to the spider filled spice mines.

Marcellus' story both begins and ends with the Hutt crime families. As a young orphan, he never knew much about his parents or where he had come from. His earliest memories are from the hot, swamp filled home of the Hutt's, Nal Hutta. As a youth he was brought to that planet to serve as an errand boy for one of Drogge The Hutt's Lieutenants, a Twi'lek named Cassius Morde. Morde, being the closest thing that Marcellus ever had to family, took the boy under his wing and began teaching him about Drogge's main business venture, casinos.

​On Hutta, Morde taught the boy to count cards, maneuver guests, and anticipate marks. By his teens Marcellus was well on his way to becoming a full blown casino manager under Drogge and Morde. However, everything was earned under the Hutt's. Drogge was unconvinced that Marcellus had been truly introduced to the world of crime, so at the age of sixteen, the Hutt offered the boy freedom in return for a five years as a Hutt Soldier. Hutt soldiers, or button men, were the thugs who worked the drugs, extortion, and gang cells of the crime family. While Morde had attempted to keep Marcellus from that part of the family, the young Thyrsian was eager for it. Eager to prove himself to the Hutt as well as his adopted father, Marcellus quickly became one of the most aggressive soldiers in Drogge's army.

​After five years, his hunger for consideration had earned him a new position. On the other side of the Kessel Sector, Drogge had been constructing a small casino on Handooine, to gauge the profit of a casino in that sector. A start up casino, capable of hosting no more than one hundred patrons. Marcellus was awarded control of that station. Forming his own gang called, "Marcs Boys," Marcellus took control of the casino and had undisturbed success for the entire next year.

​It was his success, however, that made his downfall. After the second year of independent success, Marcellus began to question his tether to Drogge and Morde. Eager to advance himself by his own right, he cut ties with the Hutt and claimed the assets on Handooine as his own.

​It was not long after, Drogge's vengeance fell down on him.

​Marcellus had expected some kick back from the Hutt, yet he had vastly underestimated the man. In response to Marcellus defection, Drogge redlisted the man's casino to the crime world. In only a month, the packed casino on Handooine became a ghost town. The crippling stagnation quickly broke down Marcellus' manpower. His gang, which had once numbered over fifty men strong, had been dropped down to less than twenty.

​They were no match for Drogge's army. Hundreds of mercenaries were sent to take back the casino, kill the Marc's boys, and capture Marcellus. Marcellus and his men fought an earnest fight, however in the end there was no chance for anything other than defeat. The battle was quick and lined with death, but in less than two days Marcellus was in chains, on his way back to Nal Hutta.

​To this day Marcellus can still remember the laugh. The arrogance that bled from his former Hutt master.

​Marcellus did not host any ideas of surviving the encounter. He expected to be fed to the Hutt's Maalras or have his head taken for what he did. Morde, who was staunchly loyal to Drogge was equally expectant of such an outcome. So it came as a shock when Drogge revealed that Marcellus would not die for his crimes. The Hutt, in a way, admired the boy's fire and aspiration and even admitted to understanding the man's actions. While he may have understood, he could not forgive. Drogge sentenced Marcellus to work on the Hutt spice mines on Troiken, until every credit he had wasted on the boy was earned back. By the Hutt's calculations, that would take nearly three hundred and fifty five years. Once the boy's time was up, he would be free. The lifetime sentence was received with a smirk, and Marcellus gave Drogge and Morde only one response:

​"You're gonna regret not killin' me."

​The early years of the spice mines were the worst, hard and long. Even for Marcellus who had grown up under the thumb of the Hutt's, it was a living hell. Each day was the same, he would awaken in a cell made mostly of rock and steel. Early in the morning he would be sent to work. He would be given a special pair of gloves, a rebreather apparatus, one canteen of water, and a container to gather the spice. The spice, which was held in the webs of energy spiders, was difficult to handle and acidic to the touch. The gloves protected the man from horrid burns, but his hands would be heated through out the work day.

Though the work itself was horrid, it was the spiders that were truly dangerous. The spiders were known to carry slaves off into the caves and kill them, and while the Overseers were armed to protect the slaves, they seldom did.

For nearly ten years Marcellus was forced to endure this hell, his only reward being the occasional vial of spice that were given to prisoners to keep them easily controlled. Marcellus, having seen the effects of the drug, tried to use it as little as he could but soon was struggling with a bad spice addiction.

Death seemed to be his only chance of freedom.

Just as hope had slipped from his fingers, Marcellus met a man. A man who also had tested Drogge and failed. Xyrn Oaoko, an aged Nemoidian who seemed to be as decrepit as any man, had taken notice of Marcellus for years. Having heard of the boy's story from the guards, he was very interested in the man. Xyrn approached Marcellus, asking if he too had been wronged by Drogge and Morde. Upon hearing his adopted father's name, Marcellus found his own curiosity piqued.

When Xyrn finally heard the story from Marcellus he seemed more amused than anything. Amused that a young boy thought he was ready to go against a Hutt Lord, amused that the boy though a ragtag gang could face hardened mercenaries, however he was not amused by Marcellus' promise of vengeance. That, was what interested him. Xyrn finally revealed his own story to Marcellus, divulging that the Nemoidian had stolen millions of credits from Drogge, and hid them far away from the man. For his crime, Xyrn was tortured for years, until eventually he too was imprisoned in the mines.

​Marcellus and Xyrn, bound by their shared hatred of Drogge, began a plot. A plot for Marcellus to escape the prison, find Xyrn's lost credits, and exact revenge on the Hutt lord and his lieutenant.

​The deal was struck, and Xyrn promised the information and resources that Marcellus would need to break out of the spice mines. It was not long after the information was passed on, about the hidden credits and escaping from Troiken, that Xyrn finally died. Died with a smile, and a parting statement:

​"Do not die in here boy. Live, to have our vengeance."


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