Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What email? I'd love to see it and perhaps answer any questions you might have. You can post it here or pm it to me. The same goes for anyone else who receives this email.
Seems legit.

I've got no mail in my-email from the site except notifications of posts in topics and such. It's either some sort of blackmailing by a rival site or someone who doesn't like that site or someone particular in this site, or an odd way of quitting the site.
We have rivals. Keep an eye out, everyone. If you receive an email from someone, PM it to a staff member. They're obviously malicious in intent. Once we know what's being said, we will respond officially.
Also, just to comfort everyone's curiosity, only the admins have access to your emails. This seems to be a case of "this person was a friend of an angry ex-member", and not specifically a rival board.
Well it's either the odd way of quitting but since he said he received an e-mail I could only think that it is someone who has the man's e-mail and that someone would be someone from the admins since they know the e-mails of the members or an admin of a rival board who found out that this guy was also roleplaying here (since admins on all boards could see what e-mail their members have). Still if I would quit I'd just stop going on the site without leaving a message. Smells like trolling.


The horror...THE HORROR!t


Disney's Princess
Okay. So after a little investigation and an arguement, the message in question was just a hoax. A form of intimidation from another writer that I have worked with before on another StarWars board. And while it saddens me to see a friend and associate use this type of tactic, I must apologize for my sudden exit. Sorry for the sudden scare. This was just a personal issue between me and someone else with a grudge. Someone I thought was a friend.

So yeah. All is well. I just fell for the oldest trick in the book. A smear campaign by someone on the internet I thought I could trust. :(

I hope to continue posting as a member of this community. Again, my apologizes. However, this was just a private concern that I had to investigate personally. Sorry for the delay. This has been a scary and embarrassing turn-of-events for me. Sorry if sound a little shaken.

I have resolved the issue with the other writer and I don't imagine anyone else in the community will be receiving a letter either. No information was lost or gained. I just dumped a friend.


here for your dad
I'm sorry to hear about your friend, dude.

But I'm super glad to see you back here! I was rather worried! If you ever have any doubts at all, feel free to come to me and I'll do my best to help. :)

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