Marcus Faust
Fracti No Ultra
"There is a monster inside of us all, Jedi cage it, Dark Jedi let it run loose, but we Sith, we put it on a leash."
NAME: Marcus Faust
FACTION: Sith Empire
RANK: Sith Knight
AGE: 24
HEIGHT: 5'10
WEIGHT: 203 lbs
EYES: Sickly Yellow
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Pale White
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ Faust has a particularly strong affinity with the force, especially for an apprentice
+ Infiltration, stealth, deception, Marcus has the trademark skills of any good spy/assassin
+Is very socially gifted, and can talk his way through most situations
+ Skilled with using the two shoto's attached to his forearm's using gauntlets.
+Skilled duelist
+Level headed and smart about picking his fights
-His skill with and actual saber at this moment are crude to say the least, but this is not a permanent condition
-Is arrogant and overconfident
-Has a hard time knowing who and who not to piss off
-Still has a lingering sense of morality (bad for being a Sith) Totally merciless
-Fractured mental state, show signs of oncoming multiple personality disorder
-Has no skill outside of basic force abilities for Sith
Xo'Xann Star Destroyer Black Sky
Born into an extremely wealthy political family on Corellia, Marcus lived a happy life full of friends and fun, but one day his paradise came to an end. On the eve of his eighteenth birthday his family was butchered by lightsaber wielding Dark Jedi. Further investigation revealed his father had once been a Jedi Shadow, but had left the order. Those who had killed him sought vengeance for his getting them expelled from the order and humiliated.
After finding his father's robes and weapons Marcus lashed out, using his hatred to fuel the force inside him and kill the Dark Jedi one by one. It took years, but once he had finished it was to late, his rage had consumed him and turned him into the very monster's he'd fought to kill for so long. He fled his home and soon found himself pledging his allegiance to the Emperor. His rage would have purpose.
Soon he would undergo a merciless training regime which shattered him to his very core. The cannibal futanari Shinju took him as an apprentice, torturing him, and shattering what remained of his light side presence. She finished off the training by having him kill a small child, whose face still haunts him to this day.
Shortly before Knighting he deployed for the first time, killing several HVTs as the Sith took over a world. After this he would meet up with the other Sith and deal with a master level force user pest. Then, after proving himself time and time again, he became a full fledged Sith Knight.
His first task with the rank was to hunt down and kill the now Emperor Dranok Lussk after he defected from the Empire. Not only would he fail, but he would be mercilessly beaten by a duo of Jedi in the alley's of Coruscant, something both Knights, in time, will come to regret.
After said defeat Marcus remained off the radar until Tyrian Ardik rose up and overthrew Darth Fatty (I can't spell that name). He would then participate in the most recent battle between the Republic and Sith Empire, Metalorn, helping to hold a strategic location. Doing assassination ops and training a slew of apprentices (the majority of which fled after the training proved to intensive).
One fateful day Mikhail Shorn lead a coup, in which Marcus ended up fighting a Sith Master to a stalemate, but at a steep cost to his body. He would serve his new Emperor faithfully, participating in the battle for Yaga Minor, the reformation of the Imperial Military, and much more. He also would lead the Imperial Forces on Hapes initially.
Sometime during these years, a certain individual contacted him, and drafted him into a extremely secretive sect of the Sith Empire, the Shadow Order, where he would serve to fill the roles that involved people dying in silence.
NAME: Marcus Faust
FACTION: Sith Empire
RANK: Sith Knight
AGE: 24
HEIGHT: 5'10
WEIGHT: 203 lbs
EYES: Sickly Yellow
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Pale White
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ Faust has a particularly strong affinity with the force, especially for an apprentice
+ Infiltration, stealth, deception, Marcus has the trademark skills of any good spy/assassin
+ Skilled with using the two shoto's attached to his forearm's using gauntlets.
+Skilled duelist
+Level headed and smart about picking his fights
-Is arrogant and overconfident
-Fractured mental state, show signs of oncoming multiple personality disorder
-Has no skill outside of basic force abilities for Sith
Xo'Xann Star Destroyer Black Sky
Born into an extremely wealthy political family on Corellia, Marcus lived a happy life full of friends and fun, but one day his paradise came to an end. On the eve of his eighteenth birthday his family was butchered by lightsaber wielding Dark Jedi. Further investigation revealed his father had once been a Jedi Shadow, but had left the order. Those who had killed him sought vengeance for his getting them expelled from the order and humiliated.
After finding his father's robes and weapons Marcus lashed out, using his hatred to fuel the force inside him and kill the Dark Jedi one by one. It took years, but once he had finished it was to late, his rage had consumed him and turned him into the very monster's he'd fought to kill for so long. He fled his home and soon found himself pledging his allegiance to the Emperor. His rage would have purpose.
Soon he would undergo a merciless training regime which shattered him to his very core. The cannibal futanari Shinju took him as an apprentice, torturing him, and shattering what remained of his light side presence. She finished off the training by having him kill a small child, whose face still haunts him to this day.
Shortly before Knighting he deployed for the first time, killing several HVTs as the Sith took over a world. After this he would meet up with the other Sith and deal with a master level force user pest. Then, after proving himself time and time again, he became a full fledged Sith Knight.
His first task with the rank was to hunt down and kill the now Emperor Dranok Lussk after he defected from the Empire. Not only would he fail, but he would be mercilessly beaten by a duo of Jedi in the alley's of Coruscant, something both Knights, in time, will come to regret.
After said defeat Marcus remained off the radar until Tyrian Ardik rose up and overthrew Darth Fatty (I can't spell that name). He would then participate in the most recent battle between the Republic and Sith Empire, Metalorn, helping to hold a strategic location. Doing assassination ops and training a slew of apprentices (the majority of which fled after the training proved to intensive).
One fateful day Mikhail Shorn lead a coup, in which Marcus ended up fighting a Sith Master to a stalemate, but at a steep cost to his body. He would serve his new Emperor faithfully, participating in the battle for Yaga Minor, the reformation of the Imperial Military, and much more. He also would lead the Imperial Forces on Hapes initially.
Sometime during these years, a certain individual contacted him, and drafted him into a extremely secretive sect of the Sith Empire, the Shadow Order, where he would serve to fill the roles that involved people dying in silence.