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Approved NPC Marcus's Misfits

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  • Intent: To create a merc gang, primarily fore rp and story purposes, aswel as to assist Marcus in combat(when applicable).
  • ​Image Credit:
  • Google image.

  • Jeffren Brek by Graysun-D on DeviantArt (source: )
  • A Twi’lek from The New Essential Guide to Alien Species by CHRIS TREVAS (source: )
  • Erita Ayy'lur - Hutt Slave Dancer Girl by Lorenzini (source: )
  • Trandoshan (been unable to find the artist/original souche) (source: Googel images i geas.)
  • Geonosian Warrior, Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones (source:
  • Quarren from EA Star Wars Battlefront (source: Googel images i geas./ Ea star wars battlefront, )
  • Role: A small Mercenary team.
  • Links: N/A
  • Group Name: Marcus's Misfits
  • Classification: Mercenary gang.
  • Headquarters: A apartment complex on Nar Shadda.
  • Loyalties: The group is Loyal to Marcus Lund.
  • Group Sigil: N/A
  • Description: Marcus's Misfits are a small mercenary gang based out of Nar Shadda, the group is made up of people thad don't realy fit in in the normal criminal climate of Nar Shadda, either having run into problem whit one of the many local gangs or barley being able to scrape out a living fore themselves on the smugglers moon, Marcus offed aid to each member of the group in some way, and they decided to band together to make a living and create a better live fore the group as a whole. Every member of the group is mechanically augmented in different ways by Marcus to enhance there ability's or to replace badly damaged limbs.

  • Hierarchy: The misfits have no tradition hierarchy, every member is consider equal to one an other, as they consider themselves more as a group of friends or a weird family rather than any truly organised organisation, However Marcus is they de facto leader of the misfits, though every member of the group has there say in decision thad affect the group, it tends to be Marcus thad makes the final decision.
  • Membership: There is no initiation to the misfits, all members were chosen by Marcus not for any skill ore specific attributes but simply beceas it seemed they could use a helping hand, the only unique ting about the members of the group is Thad they all have mechanical enhancements, sines al of the allowed Marcus to experiment on them to improved there abilities, or to replace mangled limps.
  • Dogma/Doctrines:
  • Beceas of there pasts's the Misfits hold one rule above all else: Always aid those who are truly in need, even if they don't have the credits to pay you. This means thad fore exempel anyone thad is in need of Merc's to defend them yet don't have the credits to pay any mercenaries group, can always count on the Misfits. The flip side of this rule is thad they will bill any rich client more fore there services so thad they can cover the cost of there more altruistic actions.
  • Curios: Every member of the Misfits has at least 1 mechanical augmentation, and every member has had a hard past before becoming part of the Misfits.
  • Goals: To create a better live fore themselves, and be a group of Mercs fore others Thad realy need aid, aiding the other members of the group.



Name: Marcus Lund (more detailed info in the caracter bio)
species: Human
Age: 21
Role: De facto Leader, mad scientist
Augmentation: A Mechanical arm whit an inbuilt shock emitter.
Born on nar shaddaa Marcus was orphaned at a young age, beceas of this he learned how uncaring the galaxy realy is, and this convinced him Thad sines no-one ells would aid others, he would do so himself in whatever way he could, beceas of this conviction Marcus would amassed a odd collection of people around him, this group would become the misfits.


Name: Arina Vao
species: twi'lek
Age: 22
Role: Sniper, assassin
Augmentation: A Mechanical eye, whit multiple zoom ,scan options and heat vision.
Arina and her younger sister Vena used to be slaves fore a local hutt on nar shaddaa, this ended when Vena killed there master wile preforming fore him, after this act they escaped, during this escape Arina stole a slug thrower sniper rifle from on of the gang members. During there escape the ran into Marcus who offered to hide them until they weren't being hunted anymore, they gladly took this offer. Determined to never be enslaved again, Arine used her time in hiding to train, and become a great marksman whit her rifle, this led to her become the sniper fore the misfits once the gang had formed.
Arina still spends a lot of her off time training, often sparing whit Ghit or Marcus.


Name: Vena Vao
species: twi'lek
Age: 21
Role: Infiltrator, assassin, Dancer
Augmentation: The nail of her left pointer finger is replaced whit a small piston driven extendebel knife, disguised to look just like a normal nail.
Just like her older sister Vena used to be a slave, however she used her her natural beauty to seduce her master and get close to the hutt, until she slit his throat allowing her sister and herself to escape, this incedent convinced her thad she could use the skills she learned as a slave to benefit her and her friends, beceas of this she learned how to best manipulate her opponent, she often play up to the twi'lek stereotypes, often playing the helpless girl or slave in order to get her opponents to let her close and let there guard down. This led to Vena becoming the infiltrator fore the misfits.


Name: Ghit Ghot
species: Trandoshan
Age: 24
Role: Brawler, mussel
Augmentation: Both his arms are replaced whit mechanical arms Thad enhance his strength and are outfitted whit claws at the end.
Ghit is an old friend of Marcus, they both used to be orphans on the streets of nar shaddaa, they worked as a team to get by, whit marcus being the brains ans Ghit being the mussel, the ended when Marcus started working fore a local hutt, and Ghit ended up working fore as a bouncer fore a local nightclub, after a few year Marcus found Ghit again and offered him to work together again. Gith gladly accepted this offer glad to finally be rid of his death end job and work whit his good friend again.
Ghit is natural strong and beceas of this he works as the misfits mussel. Gith is somewhat protective of his friends especially Marcus and Vena, the latter of witch often takes cover behind Ghit when things get more violent than she would like. Gith tends to rushes into combat distracting his enemy's from his friends, he is also tends to shield his friends whit his own body using his natural thoughtnes and regenerative abilities to strug of wounds thad would have been far more problematic fore his friends.


Name: Pleks Rel
species: Geonosian
Age: 20
Role: Recon, message runner, aerial assault.
Augmentation: His legs are replaced whit 2 mechanical legs, Thad end in sharp claws. He also has a small translator implanted in his throat Thad translates his geonosion into galactic basic, this makes it easier fore him to communicate whit the other misfits.
Pleks was a Geonosian living on nar shaddaa, he ended up whit a large debt and when he was unable to pay this debt, his debtors mangled his legs beoned repair to remind him to pay up. Marcus came Macrus Pleks when he was in this mangled state and offed to replace his legs and aid him, Plex agreed and his legs were replaced whit mechanical once ending in sharp claws, whit these new legs Plex ended up killing his debtors, after Thad he offered to work fore Marcus out of gratitude fore helping him get his live back on track, ever sines Thad day Pleks has been a valued member of the misfits.


Name: Vut Thes
species: Quarren
Age: 23
Role: Heavy weapons, digger/sapper, aquatic assault.
Augmentation: His left arm is replaced whit a large mining lazer, Thad doubles as a heavy weapon whit 4 settings (mining lazer, rapid fire, normal fire, anti vehicle)
Vut was a miner working on nar shaddaa, he lived in poverty after he was fired from his job and replaced whit a droid, his only procession in live was his mining lazer Thad he had taken along whit him when he was fired.
When marcus found him in this state he offed Vut a job, Vut agreed and began working whit Marcus, Marcus replaced Vut's left arm whit an modified and upscale version of his mining lazer, Happy whit this augmentation Vut is now somewhat of a walking heavy weapons platform, he provides valuable front line fire support to his friends during combat.

After Marcus had provide aid to each of the group Thad would become the misfits, they allowed him to experiment and mechanically augment them in order to increase there abilities and allow them to better protect themselves and the rest of the group. After getting used to there augmentations, they realized Thad they could use these new abilities to aid others, they started hiring out there services as mercenary, first they took any odd job just to survive and provided fore themselves, yet as there reputation grew, they started to pick there own jobs more carefully, preferring to work fore those Thad truly needed there aid, charging these needy people only a fraction of want any profit oriented mercenary would ask, just anof to cover there operation costs. Even though the misfits prefer fighting fore those Thad truly need them, they will also gladly fight fore the rich of the galaxy, just as long as these wealthy clients pay there inflated price.


Well-Known Member
[member="Marcus Lund"]

Marcus Lund said:
Image Credit:
Group Sigil:
  • For the fields you're not using, just put N/A or something to that effect.

Marcus Lund said:
  • Please fill this out – you've already got some setup in the rest of the sub. Maybe describe how Marcus first came up with the idea of the Misfits, how he recruited his first member, etc.

Make the edits and @mention me when you've done so. We can move on with the judgment then.
Thanks fore the review, but this is a work in progress the sections you mentions, at tings i stil got to write down, and i plan on doing so somewhere tomorrow, i got most of it thougt out, just got to write it down, so it sould be ready to be jugged somewhere in the next 48 hours.


Well-Known Member
[member="Marcus Lund"]

For Works in progress, we have the Pre-codex section; submissions posted here (or the other categories' forums) must be complete.

I will move your WIP into the Pre-codex where you can finish the submission. When you're ready, @mention a Codex RPJ and they'll move it back here for final judgment.


Well-Known Member
[member="Marcus Lund"]

Under Image credit, you'll need to link the websites where you found the images, not the images themselves. If at all possible, link to the original artist where able.

The Links section is for related submissions or Wookieepedia articles. Just put N/A if you're not linking any of those, please.

Marcus Lund said:
razor sharp claws, able to piece thru most personal armor.
  • Tone this down please. The rest of the augmentations referenced are all fine canon-wise so it's ok, but this is reaching a bit too far without a Factory submission that would ensure balance.

Marcus Lund said:
Thad doubles as a heavy weapon whit 4 settings (mining lazer, rapid fire, normal fire, any vehicle)
  • I'm not sure I understand what the 'any vehicle' part refers to. Could you clarify?

Netherworld said:
Under Image credit, you'll need to link the websites where you found the images, not the images themselves. If at all possible, link to the original artist where able.
I put the direct links under there beceas i took al the images from google images, i got no idea wat the website was those are from, or who the original artist were, but il try to look into Thad.

Netherworld said:
Tone this down please. The rest of the augmentations referenced are all fine canon-wise so it's ok, but this is reaching a bit too far without a Factory submission that would ensure balance.

i turned it into just normal claws, and removed the armor piecing ability.

Netherworld said:
I'm not sure I understand what the 'any vehicle' part refers to. Could you clarify?

Thad was a typo, it was meant to say Anti vehicle, basically it is a AT mode.


Well-Known Member
[member="Marcus Lund"]

Awesome. @mention me here when you've successfully linked the proper websites or authors under Image Credits.
Using Reverse image search on Google is usually very helpful in that regard.
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