Mard Szaks
General Information:
Name: Mard Szaks
Homeworld: Irn
Faction: The Primeval
Rank: Who needs that?
Species: Human
Age: 34
Sex: Male
Height: Huge
Weight: Massive
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Bald
Skin: Sun-tanned Caucasian
Force-Sensitive: Whazzat?
[background=transparent]Painless:[/background][background=transparent] [/background][background=transparent]Due to a mental discipline honed over years of patient survival in the wilds, he is able to shut out all but the most extreme pain, carrying on past the point when others would have been incapacitated.[/background]
[background=transparent]Brawny: [/background][background=transparent]Due to his harsh life, and personal discipline, he is capable of feats of strength far beyond the average human, rivalling much stronger races.[/background]
[background=transparent]Good Friend: If you manage to befriend him, he will go through anything to help you.[/background]
[background=transparent]Religious: Ever since he heard of the Primeval, it didn't let him go. The nagging feeling that there was truth buried in their teachings evolved into certainty over time, and now slowly borders on zealotry.[/background]
[background=transparent]Sadist: He enjoys causing pain a little too much. Though he would never admit it, he knows of this and is able to restrain himself when needed.[/background]
[background=transparent]Big Fella: He’s big. Too big. Has to duck to get through most doors, order clothing a special size, but it also helps when the small ones annoy him.[/background]
[background=transparent]I got a feeling…: Listens to his instincts about people, places and situations. They don’t always guide him to the correct decisions, but he figures it’s quicker this way, and easier than having to think about everything.[/background]
[background=transparent]What’s that?: He likes to stick his nose where it doesn't belong. Sometimes, this causes trouble for him, and other times he just gains valuable experience.[/background]
[background=transparent]Charred Lungs: A bad habit carried over from his parent’s house that he couldn’t let go of, even as he notices the negative impact it has on him each day. Tests of endurance can quickly become too much for him.[/background]
[background=transparent]Fury: Prone to fits of rage when someone or something he holds dear is targeted. Unable to think straight, he might make irrational decisions in such a situation. Which is why he prefers being the hunter to being the prey.[/background]
[background=transparent]I know you hear me: Hopeless at stealth. Makes more sound than a rancor. Well, maybe not that much, but you’ll notice him before you see him.[/background]
[background=transparent]The Look:[/background]
Having worked outside in one capacity or another for most of his life, Mard has a tan that won't go away quickly. That, combined with a few scars attained almost equally from fights and from accidents, gives him a rather worn and rugged look. When not in armour, he covers his rather oversized body in whatever clothing fits comfortably at the time. He doesn't have a particular sense of style, or any pretension to such, so looks come second to comfort, durability and utility. Or maybe fourth.
[background=transparent]The Stuff:[/background]
[background=transparent]The Life:[/background]
[background=transparent]Born on Irn in the Blackhold area of the planet, his childhood was rather uneventful. His youth, however, saw the outbreak of a brutal civil war, which devastated his area of the planet and saw his mother killed. He himself also enlisted as soon as he was able to, though that didn't help his side of the war. The loss cost most of the population of Blackhold their homes, and much of the resources his people owned, turning them into a poor, downtrodden folk. After years of managing to eke out a living under the cruel rule of the Irnish, Mard decided that it wasn't worth the effort any more. Moving off planet, he enlisted in the Banners, the Primeval army, after being convinced of their religion and ideology for a long while. [/background][background=transparent]The Threads:[/background]