In Umbris Potestas Est
Development Thread: N/A
Model: Corvette
Affiliation: Independent
Modularity: Yes
Production: Mass-produced
Material: Desh(hull), Duranium(frame)
Description: Another strategy developed by Subach-Innes calls for the mass-production and sale of "swarm corvettes," picket-type corvettes capable of overwhelming Star Destroyer-class warships with sheer force of numbers. Utilizing a redesigned and stripped-down Peragus-class corvette as a base, a great deal of differences were made to fit the Marder with its designation as a swarm or picket corvette.
To more adequately make the Peragus producible on a larger scale, the frame was cast out of duranium sections instead of being assembled out of quadanium steel. As well, the neutronium hull plating was replaced with the more pliable and cheaper metal known as Desh to allow for ease of assembly. The ship has been heavily automated, based off of technology studied from the Perigrine, Ashin Veranin's personal starship. The mass-driver was replaced with a sensor jamming suite, designed to jam missiles, torpedoes, and bombs launched at the corvette in order to counteract Desh's vulnerability to ordinance weapons. This jamming is partially effective at reducing the damage sustained from warhead barrages, assuming the ship remains mobile.
Armament-wise, the Marder's weapons are greatly stripped down when compared to those of the Peragus. With a decent anti-fighter armament comprising 4 twin heavy laser cannon turrets, the stopping power of the Marder against capital ships is a pair of rapid-fire proton torpedo launchers. These missiles are the primary armament against capital ships, weapons capable of being fired at a high rate towards a vessel while the corvette strafes the enemy ship. However, their range is much shorter than that of turbolasers, and the corvette must reach close range before engaging. In combat, the Marder is designed to be utilized in "wings" and "squadrons," similar to starfighters, in order to coordinate strikes on larger capital ships.
Independent planetary governments have purchased the Marder for its simplicity and ability to be used as a picket corvette, but while this does allow for the production of more units, the vessel was designed to be produced on a much larger scale. Until a customer willing to purchase these craft on the scale intended, instead of 2 or 3 per planetary government, shows up, the ship will remain in use as nothing more than a picket corvette.
Classification: Capital Ship
Role: Picket Corvette/Swarm Corvette
Height: 35m
Width: 60m
Length: 195m
Power Core Generator/Reactor: SIS-2850 Corvette-Frigate Hypermatter Annihilation Reactor
Hyperdrive Rating: Class 1
Minimum Crew: 20
Optimal Crew: 100
Armaments: 4 twin laser cannon turrets(2 dorsal, 2 ventral), 2 rapid-fire proton torpedo launchers (100 warheads per launcher)
Hangar: N/A
Non-Combative Attachments: SIS capital-grade sensor system, SIS capital-grade jamming suite
Passenger Capacity: 100
Cargo Capacity: 500 metric tons
Consumables: 8 months
Sublight Speed and Maneuverability: Class 4.5
Mod Request 25.4.2018
OG Section:
Manufacturer: Subach-Innes
Model: Corvette
Affiliation: Independent
New Section:
Manufacturer:Subach-Innes Defiance Consolidated Multipurpose Manufacturing
Model: Corvette
Affiliation: Independent
Manufacturer: Subach-Innes
Model: Corvette
Affiliation: Independent
New Section:
Model: Corvette
Affiliation: Independent