SPECIES: Human/Corellian
AGE: Appears 30s, accelerated strandcast clone
HEIGHT: 5' 10
WEIGHT: 160lbs, toned, athletic
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Dark blonde
SKIN: Tan,
FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes, Dark Jedi Reborn
Dark blonde hair, and dark ice blue eyes. Marek Ares is a near perfect replicate of his original, in Marek Starchaser, tan skin, athletic for display purposes, but with a bit more active training, lacking his template's executive and business centric life style.
HCE Slipstream Personal Shuttle 'Dark Wind'
Purple bladed lightsaber
- Survivalist Trained by a rogue element in Wild Space to be a survivalist
- Bounty Hunter Unlike his template, Marek Ares is a hunter for his creator, chasing bounties and Force anomalies
- Wild Talent While his Force skills are lacking, with the right motivation, or power source, he can become very potent
- Lone Wolf Survivalist, not quite trusting of others
- Force is a Crapshoot Due to the strandcast cloning, Marek's Force abilities are challenged at best, but can be enhanced with the proper emotions.
A strandcast of Marek Starchaser, a rogue element along the Outer Rim and Wild Space has created a cloning program and paid handsomely for a sample of a Starchaser to corrupt to the dark side. They were given a sample of Marek Starchaser.
Marek Ares, named after an illegitimate child of Marek, was given survivalist and bounty hunting training along with rogue Force techniques off a Dark Jedi direction.