Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Marek Everso


Name: Marek Everso
Age: 23
Homeworld: Jutrand
Rank: Acolyte
Force Affinity: Dark Side


The Story so Far
Some people are born lucky. Golden spoon, private spaceships and entire corporations named after a dead relative no one really remembers. Countless success stories that never had a single real problem thrown their way.

Marek was not born to such a path.

Slave, Servile D-201, Candric the Bloodied, gladiator of the lower pits on Jutrand. So many names, so many stories, each one would have been the end of other peoples legacy, but not for Marek. Born in shackles, he fought his way into servitude in a nobles mansion, and in time, a place in the gladiators pits where he earned his freedom. Freed, and taking a new name for himself, Marek was approached by a member of the Sith Order, and with his potential slowly being realized, Marek was shipped to the vassal state of the Sith Order to begin his training on Korriban.

His path has just begun.


Introduction Arc - Rising from Nothing


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