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Character Marek Rekali

Mando Witch (Semi-Retired)


Midjourney - Tefka​
NAME: Marek Rekali
FACTION: Mandalorian Protectors
SPECIES: Human/Corellian
AGE: Appears 20s, accelerated strandcast clone
HEIGHT: 5' 10
WEIGHT: 160lbs, toned, athletic
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Dark blonde
SKIN: Tan,
FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes, Dathomir Witch

Dark blonde hair, and dark ice blue eyes. Marek Ares is a near perfect replicate of his original, in Marek Starchaser, tan skin, athletic for display purposes, but with a bit more active training, lacking his template's executive and business centric life style.

HCE Slipstream Personal Shuttle 'Dark Wind'


  • Survivalist Trained by a rogue element in Wild Space to be a survivalist
  • Bounty Hunter Unlike his template, Marek is a hunter for his creator, chasing bounties and Force anomalies, aided by his new role in the Rekali Clan
  • Wild Talent While his traditional Force skills are lacking, he is a specializing in the witch spells from the Dathomir approach.
  • Lone Wolf Survivalist, not quite trusting of others
  • Force is a Crapshoot Due to the strandcast cloning, Marek's Force abilities are challenged at best, but can be enhanced with the proper emotions.
  • Ranger Marek may have learned some of the Mandalorian arts through the Rekali clan, but he favored the

A strandcast of Marek Starchaser, a rogue element along the Outer Rim and Wild Space has created a cloning program and paid handsomely for a sample of a Starchaser to corrupt to the dark side. They were given a sample of Marek Starchaser.

The standcast was pulled from the organization that created by raiders. Clan Rekali, with their unique traditions among the Mandalorians, the Witches, and the Vahla, took the template of Marek and brought him into the fold. Capitalizing off of their unique role, Marek spent time on Yavin and Dathomir, learning the way the Force works, from a non-Jedi centric approach.

Falling into the role of far ranger of the Rekali, he is willing to protect the worlds of import, but he is also not for the Mandalorian politics. As the Protectors have made a call for Mandalorians to return to the homeworld, he has joined this team, however his inability to sit still has him taking this return in steps. Working alongside other Witch Clans, including the Blue Coral Divers and Scissorfists, Marek has many tricks to both help and harm up his sleeve.

– Beskar helmet - Forest green with navy design
Head - Beskar helmet - Forest green with navy design
Back – Forest green cloak
Chest - Light beskar cuirass - Forest Green with navy design
Right Hand - Mandalorian Beskar Vambrace - Repulsor and hard light shield projector
Left Hand – Mandalorian Beskar Vambrace - Electro web launcher, datapad with flora and fauna scanner
Belt - Dathomiri Witch Gear
  • Bottles for liquid collection
  • Spell component
  • Powerpacks for Blaster Pistol
  • Hilt of Witchsword
  • Purple lightsaber, from Marek Starchaser
  • DE-10 Blaster Pistol
Legs - Enchanted Vornskr Leather Pants
Feet – Enchanted Vornskr Leather Boots


Rekali Rangers - Midjourney - Tefka​
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