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Marek S'hadar

In Umbris Potestas Est
[SIZE=12pt] Marekmm.png 397.95K 0 downloads[/SIZE]

NAME: Marek S’hadar
RANK: Apprentice
AGE: 15
HEIGHT: 5'10
WEIGHT: 190lbs
EYES: Yellow (Dark Side)
HAIR: Black
SKIN: White
MASTER: In need of a new one, so TBA
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :Marek is an excellent swordsman for a beginner but lacks in his ability with the force. He performs well in planned out, stealthy, missions, and while he is an excellent combatant he would not prove very useful in an all out war.
SHIP:Scourge of Korriban, a retrofitted Sith Infiltrator
[SIZE=9pt]Marek S'hadar was born to a couple of lowlifes trying to make ends meet desperately already his life started with tragedy. His estranged mother cast him into the streets while his father was out and left him for dead, blaming his disappearance on kidnapping. But they boy survived.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt] Taken in by sympathetic Twe'Liek whore Marek grew into a seemingly normal four year old boy living in the slums of Coruscant. The boy began showing odd abilities, being able to levitate objects and other things normally seen only in Jedi. Soon after the Jedi order discovered the boy and considered taking him in. Then one fateful night, a 'customer' of his caretaker butchered her with an emerald lightsaber. As the boy was consumed by grief a Jedi by the name of Gallark Morten came to him and offered him an opportunity to have great power, and prevent the loss of those he cared for ever again. Unbeknownst to him Gallark was not only a Sith but the man who killed his mother figure to make him susceptible to his recruitment.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt] The boy was brought into the Sith order, the dark side having seduced him amidst his grief. Gallark became a master and Marek was his faithful apprentice. Over the years the child grew into a man, powerful in the dark side of the force. Upon delving into the death of his 'mother' he discovered his master's secret, and in a fit of rage, killed him. Now he awaits a new aster.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]None, yet.




(I have no idea how to access my Subaccount :/ )

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