Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Margan "The Mercenary Giant"

NAME: Margan
FACTION: No allegiance
RANK: Mercenary
AGE: 21
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 3.2 meters (10’4’’ feet)
WEIGHT: 200 kilos (440 pounds)
EYES: Dark blue
HAIR: None
SKIN: Dark blue while his face is a yellowish color


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Describe in moderate detail the strengths and weaknesses of your character.

Incredible strength
Margan’s strength is unrivaled by anyone currently alive in the galaxy. Well, that’s what most rumors say. Whether he is truly the strongest or not is unknown, but that doesn’t take away from his physical prowess in hand-to-hand combat and feats of physical prowess. Even compared to other Houk he's strong.

Tough bastard
A life of tough love from the universe has given Margan the will and strength to keep going no matter. Shoot him in the knee, and he’ll hop on the other leg forward. Shoot both of them out, then he’ll crawl his way forward. You get the idea. This doesn’t mean of course that his physical self does not limit him, but he can still pull through even the most painful of events.

Painful spine
Despite how tough Margan looks with his incredible strength and size, thanks to his gigantism, it has come at a price. His body hasn’t fully been able to catch up to his size, especially his spine. While he has grown accustomed to the constant pain of moving around, if he gets hit exactly where his spine is he is guaranteed to be stunned as he recoils from the pain. It’s his Achilles heel (Or in this case, Achilles back.) Luckily, or unluckily, his body hasn’t grown to the point where he requires external support to move around, but it won’t be too long until then.

Short Temper
While not through choice and more through his species’ genetics, Margan has a short temper. On the bright side, he has a longer temper than most, if not all, of the Houks.

Margan is a towering giant, wide shouldered and thick muscled.
Margan was raised in an orphanage on Tatooine; his earliest memories were of that place. He never knew his mother or father much like the rest of the orphans, however, unlike them he did not have any interest in who they were. His explanation for this was that he “didn’t about my parents for one simple reason, what could it possibly matter? Since I was raised on Tatooine, I’m willing to bet that my family was either criminals or slaves, either one didn’t exactly seem enjoyable or even possible to get to know. If they were slaves, a hutt might have them on a tight leash and I wouldn’t be able to help them. If they were criminals, then they’re probably dead. Even if they were something else then there would have been a reason for them abandoning me, possibly to leave me off to a better future or simply because they couldn’t or wouldn’t or didn’t want to take care of me.”

Unlike the other orphans however, Margan was never adopted. Why? He scared off any adopters because of his size. From an early age Margan was informed that he was unfortunate enough to have been born with a case of Gigantism, where his body could possibly never stop growing in size and which would be detrimental to his health when he got older and meant he would die an early death. He did not receive the news well in his youth, and took out his anger and frustration on the orphans, and as he grew in age and size, he then moved onto the staff. At the age of sixteen his violent tendencies had become too much and the orphanage sent him out, afraid to take care of him in the event that he would kill someone. For about a year, Margan ran around, everyday starving as his body continued to grow. But then, as if by sheer luck, a man approached him. It was a Twi’lek with a job for the young Houk, a mercenary job.

Margan doesn’t remember what he had to do, probably some simple work with scaring a merchant out of his money, he wouldn’t care to remember. He does remember however that that was the day that a fire lit in him, mercenary work was perfect for him. After that job, Margan started to actively search for jobs, his size quickly enticed people to pay for his ‘services’. Soon he would reach 20 years, having earned many credits in his work, he finally started to expand himself. He let go of the anger that he held over himself about the short life that he had, and instead decided that he should live the life he still has in him. He bought himself weapons, armor, specially trained and honed his incredible strength and gave himself a title suitable for him.

“The Mercenary Giant”


LS-150 Heavy Accelerated Charged Particle Repeater Gun
DT-57 heavy blaster pistol
Model 210 personal armor (Minus the jet pack, he's too heavy to be able to use it properly)

None currently

None currently

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