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Approved Species Marid

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Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

"It isn't about light or dark..... it is about power and who wields it."​
  • Name: Marid
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: Brendok
  • Average Lifespan: Unknown
  • Estimated Population: Semi-Unique
  • Description: Varies in looks as they are designed to infiltrate and blend while looking like normal sith lords. The White Wards children can come in male, female, big, tall, small or anything in between.
  • Breathes: Type I, Type II
  • Average Height of Adults: 2m
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A
  • Skin color: Varies
  • Hair color: Varies
  • Distinctions:
    • Features can vary between Lightspawn
    • Darkside exclusive force users
  • Races: N/A
  • Force Sensitivity: All
  • Lightside Protection: WHile they project a false darkside aura, use the darkside of the force despite the pain it brings them.... they do not suffer the fatal flaw of what they pretend to be. THe lightside of the force doesn't harm them.
  • Durability: Their bodies are highly durable, strength, speed their natural senses. They present as advanced humanoids.
  • Smokeless Fire: Where sithspawn are darkness and blood and humans are flesh... The Marid are to their knowledge made from fires of creation. Power and such they have the divine right to rule over othhers.
  • Force Nullification: Being a force created being, they require it, they live on it and without it they are in intense pain to the point they can enter shock in time or face serious mortality issues.
  • Lightspawn: Being created by the lightside in a fashion similar to their counterpart sithspawn they are vulnerable to their opposite. Darkside attacks against them are dangerous while lightside are greatly reduced.
  • Darkside Use: A built in contingency in case by some chance the jedi lords who made them failed to defeat them. The use fo the darkside kills their bodies and breaks them down more and more.
  • Diet: Omnivore
  • Communication: Verbal, telepathy via force
  • Technology level: Standard
  • Religion/Beliefs: N/A
  • General behavior: Their personalities are created by the jedi lords to be the ultimate sith... they revel in the darkside and propogating its use, they seek to spread misery and chaos. THose who show potential are brought in and slowly meant to be destroyed sub-consciously. They are programmed to unknowingly eliminate potential sith that they recruit as needed to keep the numbers thin and if they cannot be converted by the army of light.... then they were not strong enough. Uniquely to them is that they are more dedicated, free of doubt or ego about it they revel in the destruction they can cause and will seek every chance to betray, eliminate and gather power for themselves. Their skills with the darkside are meant to be powerful to degrade and weaken them as they are meant to be defeated by the army of light anafter driving the people to wanting to be subjugated by them. When they are teaching their folowers
There is not much known about the creatures that were created in the white ward. The few bits of information the Silver jedi were able to get were showing genetic experiments preformed by the Army of light. To use texts and information from a coven on Brendok to manipulate what they called the thread to create life with the force. Manipulating it so that it would grow and be something of the jedi's design able to be trained while they slept and matured. For the most part there were not a lot that had been viable and able to survive long. THeir bodies natural degredation from using the darkside of the force being something that would kill them eventually regardless of whether the jedi did. Their incubation and maturation would see them programmed and flash trained to function as viable humanoids, would teach them what they needed to know for speaking and passing... but also a full knowledge of the darkside of the force. THey would be set out to worlds of value, inspiring fear, chaos and destruction. Recruiting potential dark jedi and sith to serve them... slowly disposing of them and when the worlds were fearful enough and willing to invite... even welcome the Jedi Lords they would come in and destroy the sith. Subjugating the world that swore fealty to their Army of Light and authorrity.
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