Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Marik Yadnus Bondonawieedo


NAME: Marik Yadnus Bondonawieedo (For the love of all that is holy, just call him Marik)
FACTION: Marik Yadnus Bondonawieedo (Now say it five times fast).
RANK: Famed soldier of fortune ( former Pirate, former Pirate Captain, former Pirate (again), former Bounty Hunter, former Smuggler, former Assassin, former Bodyguard.)
AGE: 55

SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.7 Meters/(5'5")
WEIGHT: Average
EYES: Black (Multifaceted)
SKIN: Green



(+)Veteran: A lifetime of experience can prepare a man for many circumstance.
(+)Charismatic: A winning smile...or the Rodian equivalent, can make a man popular in the galaxy.
(+)Scrapper/Brawler: At home in any bar-fight or shootout.
(+)Duelist: Though a decent shot, Marik truly excels as a swordsman.

(+/-)Confident: Confidence and arrogance are two sides of the same coin.
(+/-)Greedy: A common trait among mercenaries and pirates.
(+/-)Paternal: Marik has a soft spot for the lost souls of the galaxy, and has been known to take in his share of strays.

(-)Profligate: This is a man who has won, and lost, more fortunes than most see in a lifetime.
(-)Drunkard: Some men live life on a day to day basis... others live life bottle to bottle.
(-)Disloyal: A lifetime among the seedier elements of the galaxy teaches a man to remain loyal to himself alone.
(-)Lazy: The best mercenaries get paid to do as little fighting as possible.



With green reptilian skin, black multifaceted eyes, and a proboscis-like mouth, Marik appears to be your typical Rodian.
Though he is short in stature, Marik has never felt the need to compensate.
Marik's body is marked by a multitude of scars, all earned during a lifetime of criminal pursuits.
Marik prefers to wear his old armor as much as possible in his old age, you can never be too careful after all.




Marik's ancestors fled Rodia with the other surviving members of the Tetsu clan during the reign of Navik the Red. From their they disappeared within the densely populated underworld of Nar shaddaa, hoping to escape the dictator's wrath once and for all. As such, generations later, Marik was born and bred within Nar Shaddaa's under-city. And although his parents tried desperately to instill in him the longstanding honor and pride of the once great Tetsu clan, the criminal culture of the under-city proved to hold the greater influence.

From a young age Marik proved to be a trouble maker, quickly developing a reputation for lying, stealing, and fighting amongst his peers. These traits continued to develop as he matured into adolescence and young adulthood, despite frequent and harsh punishment at the hands of his parents and those he had wronged.

Marik fled his home at the age of 13, with nothing but the clothes on his back and his family's ancestral sword. He stowed away aboard a pirate vessel operated by the Hutt Cartell. Once discovered, he was pressed into servitude in exchange for his life (and his sword), becoming something of a personal servant to the ship's captain. He wallowed in his position for a months, receiving the most demeaning, and otherwise unwanted tasks aboard the vessel, but his opportunity at freedom was not far off.

Marik's quick wit and winning smile made him friends of many of the ship's crew, and as their fortune's dwindled the captain grew increasingly out of favor. Finally, after roughly a year of service, the ship's first mate staged a mutiny against the Captain, ultimately the man was tossed into the airlock and vented out just before they made a jump to light-speed. For his role in the mutiny, Marik was awarded his freedom, earning himself a place among the crew.

Over the next three years, Marik was trained by his comrades in the criminal arts. He learned how to shoot, to fence, to fight with knives, to brawl, and to wrestle. He learned his sums, how to dance, how to understand and speak several languages, how to lie, how to cheat, and (most importantly) how to drink. During this time his popularity soared among his fellows, his family. And it wasn't long before rumblings of mutiny returned to the surface...




Durasteel Armor (sans helmet)
DL-18 Blaster Pistol - "Lady Luck"
Ancestral Dueling blade


Voyeur-class Corvette "The Wasted Fortune"




[member="Robb Killian"] - The black sheep of Marik's little family, Robb was Marik's protege and partner in crime before joining up with the smuggler's alliance. Marik took the lad under his wing and taught him everything he knew. (Though he would never admit it, Marik considers Robb to be the son he never had.)

[member="Renci Selzen"] - Marik's bodyguard, partner in crime, and friend. Renci Selzen is possibly the only woman Marik has ever been afraid to approach romantically, and he respects her for it.

[member="Darulon Toga"] - Renci's protege and resident FNG of Marik's little family. Marik is patient with Darulon where Renci is tough, and fatherly where Renci is...well...Renci-ish.

[member="Vell"] - Marik funded this young Ubese's budding career as a mercenary and bounty hunter, and also happens to be one of the few aliens the man respects.

No one of note, (no players).


No one of note, (no players).



N.B. Now it is far from obvious, but if you can guess who this character is based on I will give you a cookie :) and you will have my undying friendship.

(Hints!: The clues are/will be in my posts. He is based on a character from a book).


Morality Policeman :)
[member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"] [member="Marik Yadnus Bodonawieedo"]

And I completely agree, hence my dedication to writing NFUs. Let the 'gods' fight amongst themselves.

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