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Approved Location Mariun's Prosperity

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  • Intent: Make an unconventional reward for the TSE participants of the GA Muunilinst skirmish.
  • Image Credit: [x]
  • Canon: /
  • Links: Skirmish | Mine-Spire
  • Mine Name: Mariun's Prosperity
  • Material: Industrial metals.
  • Location: Muunilinst.
  • Affiliation:
  • The Sith Empire.
  • Assorted defenders of Muunilinst, list in the description.

[*]Size: Medium.
[*]Accessibility: Prosperity is a commercial mine-spire located somewhere on the Western Sea of Muunilinst. Averagely sized in comparison to the usual Muunilinst mining venture around their smokers Prosperity is not seen as a critical operation by the Muun government. Its location, then, is publicly known and available for visits by stakeholders, employees, the government of Muunilinst and public regulators. These visitors do need proper clearance to be admitted on-board through the shuttle pads. Some areas are off-limits to all but personnel and those with special dispensation as they contain heavy machinery that are quite sensitive.
[*]Security: As a civilian venture Prosperity has only a modest array of defenses at its disposal. A private security team that is mostly there to settle internal disputes and maintain order, scanners and that is really about it. Of course, the mining facility is located on Muunilinst and that means it can count on a reasonable amount of protection from the planetary forces.
[*]Description: Mariun's Prosperity is one of the many mine-spires located throughout the world of Muunilinst. Build around the naturally-occurring smokers deep in the oceans the facility extracts valuable industrial metals, which the Muuns use to maintain their guarantee of the galactic credit. Not considered critical to governmental operations Prosperity is average compared to some of the grander spires build around the super-smokers of Muunilinst. Yields are steady, wages are fair and because of that there is a certain sense of stability when it comes to profits.
  • Landings Pad - Prosperity has a single landing pad that is fit to receive shuttles and ships from fighter-size to light freighters. Anything more needs to be relayed through shuttles.
  • Medical Facility - Speaks for itself. Not high-tech or anything else, but enough for any incidents that may occur while working.
  • Smelting Area - Here most of the extracted metals are melted down in preparation to being shipped out of the facility for further refinement off-site.
The Muuns did not expect that they would be the target of an assault on their world.

Perhaps that was a misguided expectations once they joined the fold of the Sith Empire, but what they equally did not expect was the Sith to actively protect their client-world. Once the realization hit that this was false as well? They began to think and consider how they could encourage such behavior further.

Options were mulled, looked over and discussed between the councils.

But the Muuns were born with business in their blood and there was only one option that consistently made sense to them. Give the active defenders, those that were there from the beginning, financial incentive to keep Muunilinst safe. They picked a commercial venture out on the Western Sea and bought it out. The majority share would remain in a private fund maintained by one of the many Muun banking initiatives, whilst a minority stake would be given out to the following individuals:

  • [member="Darth Filiae"]
  • [member="Zahori Denko"]
  • [member="Darth Miargo"]
  • [member="Bo Lin"]
  • [member="Darth Aurum"]
  • [member="Scipio Alta"]
The aim was plural: First, reward those that defended them. Second, encourage such behavior through regular monthly dividends. These dividends would not make anyone rich, but they would be a welcome addition to a regular salary. Third, establish the narrative that the Muuns always pay their debts.
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