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Character Marlon Sularen | Lord-Regent of the Empire


Full Name
Marlon Sularen
Lord-Regent of the Empire
Warlord of the Empire
Grand Admiral of the Imperial Navy
Magnus of O'reen
CEO of SularenCo
Grand Admiral
Late 40s-Early 50s
Dark Empire
Imperial Ruling Council
Imperial Military [Navy]
Force Sensitive
Character Alignment
Lawful/Chaotic Evil
186 lbs
Moff Randd
Template Credit

  • Marlon Sularen is a high-ranking military official within the Dark Empire holding the positions of Warlord of the Empire, Grand Admiral of the Imperial Navy, Member of the Imperial Ruling Council and Governor of the Kampe, Prakith and Halkassi Systems.

    Once a young ambitious Corellian Entrepreneur, a series of sackings and betrayals have caused him to fall into a downwards spiral that would result in him being marginalized in galactic politics before the emergence of the Brotherhood of the Maw would provide him with a new opportunity to climb back into power.

    Now, Sularen is determined to correct all the wrongdoings done to him along with all mistakes he had made in the past, ultimatly desiring to establish himself as Hegemon of the Core Worlds and dismantle the Galactic Alliance in the process, all in the hopes of finally seizing power that had been denied from him for decades.



    Marlon Sularen was born on Corellia to Upper Middle Class Parents. From a young age, Sularen showed an interest in politics and diplomacy although his parents would encourage him to instead shift his attention towards business and commerce, believing such areas to be far more suitable for Sularen.

    After completing his studies and a short stint in Corellia's local military, Marlon Sularen would venture across the galaxy establish ties and connections that would allow him to form his own shipbuilding company, SularenCo before returning to Corellia to pursue a political career with the ultimate ambition of seeking to lead his own homeworld.

    However his unconventional business practices brought him at odds with the Corellian government which lead him to conspire with the emerging Grayson Imperium in order to secure a permanent position within the Corellian Sector, with Sularen making a deal with Cedric Grayson that ensured the Autocratic Jedi Lord's support of the ambitious young Sularen's desire to claim control over his homeworld.

    Unfortunately, Sularen would soon have a falling out with Cedric Grayson which led to his sacking from his newly formed government in Coruscant. Seeking to regain favor with Grayson and gather more support for his cause, Sularen sought to pool in his resources to help the Imperium during the Kuati Crisis that would occur shortly after his sacking, but this would only further backfire as an unfortunate series of events would cause both the Coruscant-based Grayson Imperium and the Corellia-based High Republic to turn against him.

    Facing opposition from both the Imperium, the High Republic and powerful Core World Corporations, Sularen fled into the Unknown Regions with what assets he still had with him, hoping to build up his power and one day return to the Core Worlds and seize what he believed was rightfully his : the Corellian Sector.


    After his self-imposed exile into the Unknown Regions, Marlon Sularen was approached by a Confederate Sith Lord by the name of Credius Nargath who offered to support Sularen in his bid to claim power in the Corellian Sector. With the aid of Nargath and a few Imperial and Corporate officials, Sulren formed a paramilitary group known as the Imperial Directorate hoping to one day invade the nascent Galactic Alliance when the time was right and take what Cedric Grayson had promised him years ago.

    However before he could consolidate his power and establish a proper government-in-exile that could challenge Corellia and the Galactic Alliance, Sularen was betrayed by Credius and a group of senior officials who would convince a vast majority of his own movement to abandon him in order to form the Zweihander Union, citing stagnation and Sularen's apparent corruption. Angered by such an act, Sularen would vow to destroy the Zweihander Union and retake what he believed was rightfully from the hands of "treacherous rabble".

    With no power base to return to the Core Worlds, Marlon Sularen would proceed to enlist within the emergent New Imperial Order hoping to piggyback on it's war against the Sith Empire to build his own powerbase and use it to claim control over his home sector as he had attempted to achieve with the Zweihander Union before hand. However during the early stages of the Third Imperial Civil War, Sularen ambitions for power and desire for revenge against the Zweihander Union, made Imperial High Command deem him a liability to Imperial efforts and he was eventually dishonorably discharged and stripped of his rank within the Imperial Armada leaving him with nothing once more.

    Left with nothing once more, Sularen would return to the Core Worlds and establish himself as the ruler of Byss, hoping to secretly seize control over the Galactic Alliance, having failed to raise a powerbase that could independently challenge them in open war. After consolidating his control within the Beshqek System, Sularen would begin forging Alliances with Imperial elements within the Alliance such as Bilbringi and Sanjin, but after the Eternal Empire's assault on Byss and his own attack on Zweihander Union assets on Xa Fel, another conflict with the Alliance would occur which culminated in a joint Corellian-Durosian attack on Byss and his ultimate removal from power as ruler from Byss and imprisonment by the Alliance.

    Refusing to face trial at the hands of what he believed as a prejudiced and corrupt Alliance, Sularen escaped from prison and linked up with the emerging Brotherhood of the Maw whom he had secretly pledged his allegiance too during the height of his political conflict with the Alliance. During the subsequent Second Great Hyperspace War, Sularen would establish himself as a Mawite Warlord, eventually rising up to become the head of the Final Dawn, the Neo-Imperial sect within the Maw at the cost of ostracizing himself from mainstream Imperials which would leave him isolated and with few allies by the time the Brotherhood of the Maw would collapse after losing the war against the Galactic Alliance.

    Despite his failure to establish a strong powerbase that could directly challenge the Alliance in the aftermath of the Mawite collapse, Sularen managed to establish various connections with influential individuals and organizations across the galaxy shifting his focus towards establishing himself as a major leader of Imperialism in the galaxy, now that the Empire (formerly the New Imperial Order) had collapsed, which enabled him to forge a new positive image amongst Imperials despite his past with the Maw.

    For two decades, Sularen would build up his influence and ties across the Tingel Arm and the Unknown Regions establishing connections that would enable him to gather enough support to build his powerbase and once more take on the Galactic Alliance and end their so-called Era of Renaissance.


    As Sularen continued to forge new ties and connections, a new power emerged within the Galaxy's New Territories. Darth Solipsis, the former leader of the Brotherhood of the Maw had been resurrected and in the process, established a new hybrid Mawite-Imperial State known as the Dark Empire drawing in elements of the Maw and the Old Empire to create a new power in the galaxy that would challenge it's old foes.

    Despite having close ties with a rival Imperial state known as the Empire of the Lost, Sularen recognized the great potential that lied within Solipsis's Dark Empire and quickly integrated the Final Dawn within the Imperial Military and joined the Dark Empire proper, using his connections and power to ascend to the position of Grand Admiral. Having distinguished himself in early battles such as Onderon, Tython and Keera Major, Sularen would manage to rise to the position of Warlord of the Empire, securing a permanent seat within the Imperial Ruling Council and exerting direct control over the Kampe Sector as it's Governor within the Deep Core.

    Having reached a new height of power, Marlon Sularen now seeks to guide the Imperial Military to victory in order to see to it that the Galactic Alliance is dismantled and the Empire victorious in the Core Wars, hoping to finally succeed where he had failed multiple times.




    Unyielding Warrior | Despite years of hardship marked by betrayals and failures, Marlon Sularen is not someone who gives up on his ambitions quite easily holding the determination and the willpower to succeed regardless of how many setbacks he encounters, viewing every opponent and rival he faces as merely another obstacle that stands in the way of his ultimate objective that needs to be removed.

    Innovative Warlord | Marlon Sularen often makes use of unconventional tactics and strategies in order to gain the upper hand against his foes, making use of his decades of experience on the battlefield and in the political arena to quickly adapt to new situations and improvise when needed in order to advance his agenda and accomplish his goals even against superior odds and overwhelming opposition

    Wrathful Tendencies | Throughout the years, Marlon Sularen has suffered various betrayals and failures, which has led to him becoming very vengeful, often unwilling to forgive or forget past wrongdoings and holding grudges for extended periods of time until the individual or orginization he despise have been destroyed or said individual or orginization submits to his will. This however has often brought him into conflict with other individuals and can often cause him to suffer major setbacks to his overall ambitions

    Unchecked Ambition | Throughout the past through years, Sularen ambitions have grown larger and larger from simply desiring control over the Corellian Sector to seeking the destruction of the Galactic Alliance to wanting to establish himself as a leading figure of Imperialism. Sularen's ambitions know no bounds and as such this often results in him being distrusted by his peers and can directly leads to conflicts with other individuals and organizations over potential conflicts of interest.


    Derix Tirall Derix Tirall Former Boss & Current Political Ally within the Ruling Council
    Onrai Onrai Longtime Associate
    Tibera Jessen Tibera Jessen Key Asset
    Maestus Maestus Longtime Associate
    Himm'vaun'merek Himm'vaun'merek Subordinate
    Kaine Hamilton Kaine Hamilton Loyal Subordinate
    Joseph Torson Joseph Torson Protégé and Personal Bodyguard/Enforcer
    Bo Vuto Bo Vuto Zealous Subordinate
    Antipater Antipater Trusted Advisor and Subordinate
    Domaric Mordane Domaric Mordane Right-Hand Man
    Dyans Keto Dyans Keto Strategic Ally
    Allister McAuliffe Allister McAuliffe Subordinate
    Daedalus Tarkin Daedalus Tarkin Associate with Potential
    Moff Evner Braxiatel Moff Evner Braxiatel Zealous Subordinate and Potential Liability


    Character name/tagRelationship description
    Character name/tagRelationship description
    Character name/tagRelationship description
    Character name/tagRelationship description


    Velran Kilran Velran Kilran A Good but Insane Friend
    Darth Imperius Darth Imperius Convenient Ally
    Credius Nargath Credius Nargath Former Enemy
    Character name/tagRelationship description


    Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce Shitty Pompous Diktat
    Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el Typical Hypocritical and Self-Righteous Jedi
    Braze Kai'el Braze Kai'el Annoying Jedi Brat
    Diarch Reign Diarch Reign Delusional Sith Lord
    Diarch Rellik Diarch Rellik Delusional Sith Lord

    *Ability Icons can be found here



    ⅡI - TBD

    With his promotion to Warlord of the Empire, and permanent entry as a member of the Imperial Ruling Council, Marlon Sularen begins the arduous task of making use of his great authority over the Imperial Military to take the charge in the fight against the enemies of the Empire and ensure it's ultimate victory against all those who may oppose it.

    Shadows Follow [INCOMPLETE] - Sularen meets with a fugitive wanted by a rogue Imperial Warlord seeking information regarding the various warlords he had murdered with the intent of seizing their assets for future use by the Empire.
    Operation : Starbird Snare [INCOMPLETE] - Sularen oversees War Games undertaken by the Imperial Military as they prepare for the upcoming Invasions of Coruscant, keeping an eye out for potential talent that he can wield as assets in the near-future.
    Hell and High Water [COMPLETE] - Upon hearing news of a slave uprising on Zygerria, Sularen sends a small task force to investigate in the matter and potentially establish proper contact between the local Imperial remnant on Zygerria in order to secure their allegiance to the Dark Empire.

    Blood and Beskar [MP/GA/DE Junction] [INCOMPLETE] - Sularen leads the Imperial Fleet into battle against the combined forces of the Galactic Alliance and Mandalorian Protectors in an attempt to lay claim to the Keera Major Orbital Array
    A Monument to Your Sins [COMPLETE] - Sularen reacts to the manifesto made by the Rogue Jedi known as Bernard of Acra
    Long Live the Empire [DE Invasion of GA-held Coruscant] [COMPLETE] - As the Empire finally launches their assault on Coruscant, Marlon Sularen leads the Imperial Fleet into battle against their Alliance counterparts only to find himself being confronted by two Jedi on his flagship at the height of the battle.
    A Grateful Universe [INCOMPLETE] - After his capture at the hands of two Jedi over Coruscant, Marlon Sularen is brought to Corellia where he faces old adversaries.
    Warlord Unbound [COMPLETE] - After spending weeks in captivity at the hands of the Forgotten Sons, Marlon Sularen is freed by a party of Imperial forces who launch a prison raid on the Forgotten Son black site holding him.

    Dark Designs [INCOMPLETE] - After being freed from captivity, Marlon Sularen is approached by his old ally from the SGHW-era, Onrai in order to discuss plans for the future.
    Forging Imperial Bonds [INCOMPLETE] - In preparation for future campaigns against both his rivals and the Galactic Alliance, Marlon Sularen approaches Moff Baxiatel of Nyriaan hoping to enlist his support in his endeavors.

    War Mantle [INCOMPLETE] - Placeholder
    Celestial Islands | B.L.I.S.S. Showcase [INCOMPLETE] - Placeholder
    Battle for Balance [GA Invaison of DE-Held Tython] [COMPLETE] - Placeholder
    Dude, Where's My Space Station [INCOMPLETE] - Placeholder

    Swoops & Shadows [DE Dominion of Corsin and Shili] [COMPLETE] - Placeholder
    What It Takes To Be Seen [INCOMPLETE] - Placeholder

    Too Greedy, Too Deep [DE Dominion of Shu-Torun] [INCOMPLETE] - Placeholder
    Winds of Opportunity [INCOMPLETE] - Placeholder


    After a Summit at Ord Canfre, Marlon Sularen is appointed Lord-Regent of the Empire by the Imperial Ruling Council. Now in control over the Dark Empire, Marlon Sularen makes full use of the powers given to him along with the vast resources at his disposal to lead the Empire into a new era while tackling the many challenges and threats it faces.
    Shadows of the Empire [DE Populate of Ord Canfre] [COMPLETE] - Placeholder
    The Entrallen Incursion [DE & Diarchy Junction] [INCOMPLETE] - Placeholder
    The Road to Jaemus [COMPLETE] - Placeholder
    The Two-Front Conundrum [COMPLETE] - Placeholder

    A New Order Rises [INCOMPLETE] - Placeholder
    Echoes of a Fading Empire [INCOMPLETE] - Placeholder
    The Council of Nirauan - Gathering Storm [ONGOING] - Placeholder

    The Enemy of my Enemy [ONGOING] - Placeholder


    Placeholder [COMPLETE/ONGOING/INCOMPLETE] - Placeholder

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