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Character Martius Braxton

Martius Braxton



Personal Information

Name: Martius Braxton

Age: 53

Homeworld: Argus

Faction: Confederacy of Independent Systems

Rank: Viceroy

Height: 6'4

Force Sensitive: No

Historical Information

Martius Braxton was born on the world of Argus, the eldest and only son of Algus and Cynthia Braxton. A brilliant child, Martius grew up as the heir to the Braxton family, one of the Old Families on Argus with the expectation that he would someday take his fathers place as a political leader of the planet. Equally as early on in his life, Martius had made the decision that such a course of action held little to no interest in his life. He took every chance to resist the direction in which his life was intended to go, to varying success. He was expelled from three notable academies on Argus, the most prominent of these events seeing him upload a virus to the headmasters computer and publicly upload all of his personal files to the schools data terminals. He was content to go down as a rebellious youth when things changed as they always do.

Returning home from his latest expulsion, Martius had a single hour of peace at home before armed assailants invaded. They never found out who they were, and their motives were only speculated, but three hours of a limited siege against the families summer villa ended in the death of Algus Braxton, Martius' father. Investigations were launched by Argus authorities, but no trace of the assailants was found. This seemingly unprovoked assault would haunt the Braxton family for years to come, and force upon Martius a life he had promised himself in youthful defiance he would never follow.

Following the events of that dark night, Martius took charge of the Braxton family. His mother, a strong and powerful woman before, never fully recovered from the death of her husband and threats to her family. She would help her son occasionally throughout the years, but he was forced to learn what was needed to continue the Braxton name. At the age of twenty one, he stood for his fathers seat in the Palatine Assembly, the ruling body of Argus, and won with a landside majority thanks in part to the sympathy the loss of his father garnered him. He began to make a name for himself in the Assembly, and over the next few years he began to assemble a new political party to his banner.

When the Confederacy of Independent Systems came to Argus, a political war erupted on the planet over continued resistance to the galactic power, or willing entry to the multi-planet government. Martius and his supporters served as a neutral party between the two sides, and he took the lead in negotiating the eventual entry of Argus peacefully into the Confederacy. It would be several more years before the worlds political parties fully aligned with one another, and finally elected Martius as the worlds Viceroy. Since then, Martius has sought to enhance the will of Argus across the Confederacy, as well as seeking to establish a personal power to himself for more selfish reasons.

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