Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Masked Agenda


Malik stared at the large market around him, the Nar Shadaa was not the best place to be but it was the quickest and closest he could be. He had been traveling for three days straight and he needed some where to rest. It didn't help that there were posters of him everywhere on the market, he already had to deal with three different criminals out for his head. He loved a good fight, but three in a row was tiring. I need this break, besides how much worse can it get?

[member="Dal Talonok"]
The sight of a fully armored Devaronian on Nar Shaddaa meant only one thing to most people. Bounty Hunter. Dal was not one to disappoint in that regard. He had just dropped off a small mark for a rather meager payday to the local hutts. The poor man had squirmed and begged, saying that he didn't have a choice; He'd done what he had to to survive. The Devaronian had responded simply with a sentence that had finally shut him up. "So did I."

Sliding the pair of Aurodium ingots into the armored pack on his back, which sealed around them, he stepped into the market square, looking around. He needed to find a place to trade these in for a form of currency he could use. The bounty had paid forty thousand. By the time he got the bars converted to credits, minus the fee for doing so, of course, and sent Dremoa's take to him on Nal Hutta, he's only see about twenty thousand. That could keep him floating for at least another month without taking out a loan. He should figure out a new target.

Strolling down the street, he noticed @Malik. The man looked familiar. Almost like... Dal glanced at the bounty board, comparing the face.

Almost like I've seen him before.

Raising his rifle, the Devaronian sent a single stun bolt in the mans direction. A simple, clean shot.


The bolt sized past Malik's head, barely missing. Malik looked at the direction the bolt came and noticed the Devaronian in armor I'd knew I attract the attention of a bounty hunter. Malik and hastily walked down one of always near him. At the end of the alleyway he could see the empty pavilion. As he walked out he straightened his mask, he has to make sure it stayed on. Malik looked back to the allyway, DL-44 in hand, time to face a bounty hunter.

[member="Dal Talonok"]
Dal watched in disappointment as the stun bolt slammed into the wall next to @Malik. He had forgotten to ajust the scope. If that had been a body shot, it probably would have hit. Ah, well. Work to do. Sprinting to the alleyway, he tossed a cuncussion grenade in. The pressure wave it would emit should be enough to knock the man onto his butt, as well as disorent him. If he ran out, Dal was waiting with his rifle. Hopefully, that would be the end of it.

If not, he still had a few tricks.


Malik heard the faint thud of metal and quickly sprinted out, escaping the blast. He grunted as he got up "Is that all you got? Those petty criminals did worse than that." It wasn't the truth but I was nice to bluff.

[member="Dal Talonok"]
He watched [member="Malik"] sprint past him and out of the alley, and squeezed the trigger. A flurry of stun bolts hurtled towards him even as he talked. The devaronian walked towards him, rifle leveled. "One grenade is far from all I have, freak." He replied, squeezing off another burst at him. Narrowing his eyes, he studied the man. What was he going to do?


Malik tried his best to escape the stun bolts as best as he could, he ended up taking cover behind the ruins of a old building. Malik quickly unbuckled a thermal imploder and tossed it infront of the Devaroinan. It probably would kill him if he escaped the blast radius but it would catch him off-guard.

[member="Dal Talonok"]
Dal broke into a sprint as he saw the cylinder fly through the air. He knew well enough how nasty grenades could be. After all, he used them frequently. It was impressive that [member="Malik"] had gotten away without a scratch from the one he had used. Still, it was best to be out of range when they went off. As he ran, the grenade exploded. Just on the edge of the blast, he felt the armor on his back heat up for an agonizing second before his feet left the ground from the shockwave. He managed to break into a roll and coming round in a kneeling position. No more mister nice guy.

Switching the rifle to lethal, he fired a short burst into the wall his prey was behind.This was starting to get nasty. He was hoping that he could bring him in alive. After all, those paid more.

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