Miss Blonde
Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Hot steam filled a bathroom on the island home of Patricia Susan Garter and her wonderful family. The blonde had just moved here with them and already she was absolutely in love with Relovian. The islands were beautiful and everything was absolutely perfect. But still Patricia felt that something was missing in her life, she felt like she wasn't in control anymore and whatever was going on she could never get to the bottom of. So she let the hot water wash over her nude body until she was starting to wrinkle, the young Jedi padawan sighed and the steam curled around her as she shut off the water and stepped out wrapping a towel around her.
Once out of the shower she approached the mirror that was absolutely covered in a fog, and as she stared into the blur that was her own reflection she stopped and absolutely froze. Numbness came over her body and her eyes began to roll into the back of her head. Her spine arched backwards and a single finger pointed outwards and began to draw on the glass. As her finger smeared against the fog stained glass she soon awoke and snapped back to reality gasping over the sink and coughing. Looking up she screamed loudly and stumbled backwards falling on her rear.
There was one image drawn into the mirror. A single haunting image that was staring at her and wanting nothing more than to become one with her.
She slowly stood up and walked towards the mirror so their faces aligned. She could see the crude mirror drawing align with her face, it felt like it belonged.
find me the mirror said then faded into nothing as the steam drawing dissipated.
Patricia clutched her fists and nodded her head, she knew what needed to be done.
Hot steam filled a bathroom on the island home of Patricia Susan Garter and her wonderful family. The blonde had just moved here with them and already she was absolutely in love with Relovian. The islands were beautiful and everything was absolutely perfect. But still Patricia felt that something was missing in her life, she felt like she wasn't in control anymore and whatever was going on she could never get to the bottom of. So she let the hot water wash over her nude body until she was starting to wrinkle, the young Jedi padawan sighed and the steam curled around her as she shut off the water and stepped out wrapping a towel around her.
Once out of the shower she approached the mirror that was absolutely covered in a fog, and as she stared into the blur that was her own reflection she stopped and absolutely froze. Numbness came over her body and her eyes began to roll into the back of her head. Her spine arched backwards and a single finger pointed outwards and began to draw on the glass. As her finger smeared against the fog stained glass she soon awoke and snapped back to reality gasping over the sink and coughing. Looking up she screamed loudly and stumbled backwards falling on her rear.
There was one image drawn into the mirror. A single haunting image that was staring at her and wanting nothing more than to become one with her.
She slowly stood up and walked towards the mirror so their faces aligned. She could see the crude mirror drawing align with her face, it felt like it belonged.
find me the mirror said then faded into nothing as the steam drawing dissipated.
Patricia clutched her fists and nodded her head, she knew what needed to be done.