Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Master and padawan, introductions

Do or not do, there is no try
Victor Akani Victor Akani
Location: Kashyyk jedi training grounds

Tharr Hei was excited, he finally would receive a master to finish his padawanship, and luckely it would be the last master he would receive.
Having started with his jedi training in his home world Iridonia with a former jedi master, he received many masters since he joined th SJO. Many of them where only teaching him a specific skill and never for too long, as the zabrak would catch on pretty quickly.
His longest master, Jairdain, was now to busy to finish his training and Tharr was reassigned to a new master because of that.
No one told him who it would be and only told him to wait here.

I hope it's a master proficient in fighting and an officer

He thought while throwing his lightsaber up in the air and catching it again with the same hand. His zabrak heritage made him a good fighter, since he was thought how to use weapons since a early age and he was excited to finally show his worth on the battlefield and defending the SJO space territory.
Location: Kashyyk, Jedi Training Grounds
Tags: Tharr Hei Tharr Hei

"Patience is a virtue, young padawan. You must learn to trust the force and all will be revealed" The Jedi Master turned Fleet Admiral had been watching the Zabrak for quite some time now. While he posses the heart of a true Jedi, his knowledge was severely limited.

According to the Council, his former Master was "too busy" to finish his studies. Odd was the only thought that came to mind when this information was revealed.

"Young Tharr, I am Master Sal. You may address me as Fleet Admiral, Sir or Denerian" he walked along side the Zabrak padawan. "From this point forward, you will be assigned the command of a Light Cruiser within my fleet as a Captain. I understand you have a affinity for exploration and battle meditation?"
Do or not do, there is no try
Location: Kashyyk, Jedi Training Grounds
Tag: Victor Akani Victor Akani

He spun arrpind when he heard his name. His new master was everything he could wish for, a strong jedi general, or better admiral.

When he introduced himself Tharr got a bit confused before he could select the right words.

"ah... Sir... I mean, understood Fleet Admiral."

When he heard that he could receive command of a ship he couldnt almost control himself. An actual command. He had dream for it since he joined the SJO.

"yes Sir, I like exploration. Battle meditation is something that I haven't fully mastered yet but I am getting better at it, maybe you could help me understand it better, Sir?"

He would follow his master.
Location: Jedi Training Grounds
Tags: Tharr Hei Tharr Hei

Denerian laughed. The padawan was...intimidated by him. "Yes, of course. By the way, call me Denerian. Establishing a strong relationship is prudent to a master and a padawan." He nodded to the young man.

"Now, let's talk command. Your ship is under construction. Captain Oh will serve as your advisor. In order to practice battle mediation you must be extremely careful. Don't draw on emotion or pain. You probably heard this thousands of times but pain leads to suffering. Suffering leads to hate and hate leads to the dark side.
Do or not do, there is no try
Location: Kashyyk, Jedi Training Grounds
Tag: Victor Akani Victor Akani

He looked at him a bit surprised when he laughed.

"As you wish master Denerian." he slowly nodded back.

They kept walking. Tharr was slowly calming down and listened to his new master.
he looked a bit surprised when Sal mentioned his advisor, but he heard what his master had to say before intervening

"My advisor will have the same rank as me, shouldn't I have a higher rank than him? I'm sorry if I make a dumb question. Im still learning the inner works of the military."

He also appreciated the explanation of the battle meditation and couldn't way to use it in battle.

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