Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Master and Thief

A single light YT freighter dropped out of hyperspace overhead Voss. By Outer Rim standards, space above Voss was pretty busy, with both civilian and military coming to and fro, and dozens of space stations and countless satellites in orbit. This was the home planet of the Silver Jedi, peacefully cohabited with the Gormak and the Voss.

Within the cockpit of the freighter, Arisa worked the controls of the ship while transmitting all the proper codes to Voss's network of traffic controllers for clearance to proceed to the restricted airspace of Voss Temple.

"Here we are," she informed Raven, momentarily glancing over at the sole passenger of the freighter sitting in the co-pilot's seat.

While cordial, the Jedi Master had kept a watchful eye over the pickpocket during the whole trip from Lianna to Voss. Growing up on the streets of a drug-ridden
Plexis, Arisa knew her kind very well, shifty types who were liable to get into trouble without proper supervision. Exactly how Raven had ended up with Arisa this week.

She pitched the freighter downwards, then began the descent for the Voss Temple. After some minutes, a particular valley would come into view, with a large complex of gleaming buildings arranged around a small lake at its center. Closer, one would be able to make out bright flashes of light. Jedi training with lightsabers.

Sitting beside Arisa in the freighter's cockpit, Raven stared out of the window, very curious as to where she was being taken to. Now that she had taken the time to think, now that she was out of the heat of the moment,why did she bother pulling her from such a situation? There had to have been something in it for Arisa, more so than Raven. Growing up on Lianna, her trust didn't reach out to many. Yet here she was, being taken to an unknown planet by this unknown stranger.

Most thoughts of fratricide were dispelled, though, when they came into their descent to their destination. Voss Temple, as she was told. She hadn't any idea of what this temple had in it, but with it's beauty and development, her curiosity was indeed piqued.

She looked over to the woman, Arisa, amazement in her eyes.
"This is it?" she asked before looking back out of the window. "This is amazing!"
Arisa smiled upon Raven's exclamation. Even as a long time resident used to the site, she had to admit that it was a pretty impressive view, especially with the recent addition since she had arrived.

"Yes indeed!" she replied. "Voss Academy, sometimes known as the Silver Temple. And now, your home for the time being."

Instead of a straight line approach to one of the open landing pads, she descended in a wide corkscrew pattern within the valley, allowing Raven to get a good overhead view of all the happenings around the complex. People training and exercising, or just enjoying their free time outside. There were many Jedi, but also Rangers (soldiers), and civilians about. Voss Academy doubled as a major military installation and an advanced trauma care center servicing thousands from across the Outer Rim on a daily basis.

After a few minutes, she would finally land, then power down the freighter into standby mode.

"Hey, help me cart some cases out in the back, then we'll get settled in and figure out what do with you next."

Arisa had gone to Lianna to pick up some specialty parts for some of the more exotic crafts within the Silver Jedi's arsenal. She had come back with those, and a prospective initiate for the Silver Jedi. Maybe Raven wouldn't want to become a Jedi, and that was okay, but the important thing was that Arisa had plucked her out of a poor environment that may lead her down a dark path with her emerging abilities.

She rose from the cockpit and headed back for the cargo bay to pick up the pallets, all secured on repulsor beds for easy movement. The boarding ramp would lower automatically, providing a way out for Arisa and Raven with the pallets.

[member="Raven Sorenova"]
Through the entire descent, Raven marveled at all of the sites. It was when she saw people training is when she had a slight idea of what this place was, and what she may have been doing. But that was a question for another time, as Raven was completely enveloped in all that was going on around her. Mainly, the experience of being out of that spaceport.

Raven followed Arisa to the back to the cargo bay, and she looked at all of the palettes of crates sitting within. Just the very sight of those crates from Lianna made her eye twitch slightly. Even though she had only been off the planet for a mere few hours, she despised it with every fiber of her being despite the quote unquote "fun" she had with it. Her biggest challenge, was resisting the urge to take a peek inside of the crates to see what was inside. She wondered if it'd be anything worth taking. Though, with somebody of this rank in the social structure, which she assumed was fairly high given the area she stayed, there had to be. For now, she'd stay her hand.

She jumped slightly as the boarding ramp lowered. She had never been on a platform that moved itself, and the sudden jolt of its mechanics always caught the young girl off guard. All of that left her mind immediately when the light broke into the ship. She walked off the platform before it even finished lowering, and landed on the landing pad. She walked out to the edge, looking over the blue water in the valley below. She took in the temperate air. It was perfect; no latent humidity, and it didn't stink of rotting meat and various fuels and other raw materials. She closed her eyes and let out sigh of content.

"Finally. Finally I'm off of that planet," she said to herself.
While Arisa wasn't looking at Raven too closely as she started linking up the pallets to pull out of the cargo bay, the Jedi Master could certainly feel the pickpocket's mind at work, struggling against strong impulses built up from years of poor habits. She said nothing indicating she was aware of the struggle Raven currently faced, almost as if she was testing her.

When Arisa had finished linking the pallets, she was off, pulling them along right down from the cargo bay to the landing ramp. She took in a deep breath as she was finally outside taking in the sweet air of Voss, a welcome change from the processed variety generated by the ship's scrubbers and molecular converters.

She left the train of pallets on the landing pad, joining Raven at the edge to enjoy the pleasant view of the lakefront.

"After I drop off this cargo, I should be free for the day and be able to act as your guide. Your home government has already released some information about you to Voss Academy, so I took the liberty of beginning the in-processing procedure before we lifted off from Lianna. Your room should be ready by this afternoon. Are you hungry? We can hit up dining hall and speak more there over some chow."

[member="Raven Sorenova"]
"W-what?" the female asked, confused. She looked over at Arisa, an eyebrow raised in question as she tried to process this information. While she had likely already had been told of this, she wasn't paying attention, and were more worried about not being captured and sent to prison or worse. It took her a little bit longer than it should have to process the fact that this was an academy. Though an academy of what, she wasn't sure. Regardless of that, she was not only getting education, but a place to stay and even food. Having to steal to get by would no longer be as prevalent an option as it once was. The idea of going to school was a little appalling to her though, considering that once upon a time she did go, but could not stand it. It was mundane, and she hated all of her instructors and vice-versa. But she figured she would give it a try again. Just like on Lianna, she could always just leave.

The idea of eating more than a loaf of bread or some strange gruel most likely meant for another species entirely was very appealing, and she nodded eagerly. Everything else lost to the idea of food. Hopefully, good food.

"Yes, yes! Food would be great!"
"Then let's get some grub."

She returned to the train of pallets, pulling them inside the open hangar right behind the freighter, expecting Raven to follow behind. Within the interior, she would be met by a humanoid protocol droid, one of those who served to help manage inventory. She handed off the pallets, each case equipped with its own electronic tag for easy sorting.

With her job done, she was a free woman for a time. Free, so long as she didn't check into her office. Undoubtedly, there would all sorts of briefings and documents to review whenever she decided to check in. Such was the life of the Jedi Master, one who sat on the ruling Assembly of the Silver Order.

All the major buildings were interconnected within the campus, so would be an easy thing to take the tunnels right for the dining hall, but since Raven was enjoying the sights so much, she figured they'd take the scenic walk around the lakefront.

"Walk with me."

She would lead Raven all the way to the edge where one could bend over and run their hands through the crystal clear waters. The water team with life, and boats and repulsor craft skimmed the surface

"So, is this your first time off Lianna?"

[member="Raven Sorenova"]
Of course, Raven followed along shortly after being left behind as she stared off the landing platform. She jogged to catch up with Arisa, and walked back and to her left. Who knew what she'd be faced with while she followed, and while she was curious, she was still timid. She didn't entirely know who this woman was, or what this place was. She tried not to let her apprehension get to her, but she also didn't want to leave herself exposed to any possible opportunity, should this be a trap as retribution for her previous heists.

The service android, she stared at for a moment and examined while Arisa passed off the items. Her gaze was then turned to the pallets as she walked away. She really wanted to know what was in there, but perhaps she'd learn at another time. For now, she only continued to follow, looking at all of the sights at the lakefront where they stopped. Her attention was taken by the water before them, and of course, Raven crouched down to touch the cool water. She wondered if one were allowed to swim in it. Her attention was quickly averted when her chaperone began to speak, but she had only caught half of what she said. Using context, she answered, though seemingly hesitant.

"Uh, yeah. I'm really happy to not have to stare at that spaceport anymore. While it may have been nice, I just couldn't stand it. It stood as a monument to everything that I don't have, and felt I could not and never would."

She shook her head, as to shake out the troubling thoughts that she had been burdened with for the past eleven years. She couldn't remember much past the age of eight. All she ever really knew was the spaceport, and the constant hiding, scouting, and running that has been her life.

"I'd do anything to get the hell away from that," she spoke to herself, softly.
As Raven replied, she was reminded of her own journey to the arms of the original Jedi Order whilst it was still based upon Coruscant.

"I know how you feel," she said with a nod as she looked up at the mountains that surrounded the campus complex. "Before becoming a Jedi, I had grown up on Plexis without a credit to my name. The drug trade was especially bad in my
neighbourhood, so violence and death were commonplace between rivals gangs with innocent people getting caught in the crossfire, or dying from OD'ing. I can't say I wanted to be a Jedi then - I wasn't even aware I was Force Sensitive then - but I knew I wanted to get out for a better life."

"When that did happen, and I became a Jedi, my focus shifted to giving back to the galaxy. Helping out those in positions like yours. I hope that you'll remember this moment, this joy you feel now, and share it with others someday."

The grass was soft and inviting, so she decided to take a seat for a bit, and watch Raven play with the water. For fun, she used telekinesis to summon a series of twisting tendrils that would arise out of the water, swirling together in perfect sync. That had been the first time she had actively employed her powers in front of Raven, though mostly for her own entertainment. No doubt the small display of her abilities would leave an impression on Raven.

[member="Raven Sorenova"]
She was taken aback by the display of power before her, though initially she had no idea what was happening until she looked back at Arisa. That's when everything she had said before began to make sense. At least somewhat.
All play and adventure aside, Raven raised an eyebrow, wanting to ask her a question, but not having a clue on where to start as her bewilderment grew, and things began to rush through her mind as a million puzzle pieces all simultaneously dropped upon her head. She looked at the grass as if the answer were to have been written in it somewhere. What was she to ask? How was she to start?

"F-Forece sensitive? Jedi? W-what do you mean? What is all of that, what-?"
She was caught up on her words and questions. She couldn't formulate a complete thought. She was as clueless as she was aware of the idea of the existence of Jedi, and the force. Only, when she had heard any of those words, it was so long ago, in a situation in which trying to remember anything other than not ending up in a slave labor camp would give. She shook her head, trying to make sense of it all.

"So, what is really going on here"
"Oh?" She answered, letting the tendrils disintegrate back into the lake as she released her control. "I apologize, I always find myself assuming that others know what I'm talking about when it comes to Jedi and Force Sensitives."

Most people encountered had some idea about the Force, even if they wield it or quite understand the mechanics of it. However, with Raven, Arisa saw that she was going to have to start things right from the ground up. That was fine, starting from scratch meant that she didn't have to deal with correcting any misconceptions about the Jedi.

"So, let's start from the beginning. The Force is a special field of energy that gives beings and objects of this galaxy their form. It is the building block of our universe. The source of all life."

"Now, enter Force Sensitives. They are individuals who are able to wield the Force and use it to manipulate themselves and the environment around them. Like you saw me doing with the water earlier. We may also use it to expand our perceptions, as all things are interconnected through the Force."

Back when she had tracked Raven down on Lianna, she could feel the younger woman tapping into the Force passively to enhance her senses and physical performance. That was better than many starting out. She had much potential to grow strong in the Force, which was another reason why Arisa had brought her to Voss, lest the Sith had eventually gotten hold of Raven.

"The object here is to teach hone your skills and become proficient in using your abilities, to become a Force Adept. Well trained Adepts are capable of some incredible feats. From hurling heavy tanks or walkers to reviving those thought dead."

[member="Raven Sorenova"]
"So, that telekinesis I was using... It's called the Force?"

She had never heard of such a force, much less it having anything to do with how the world worked. She never even bothered to question how it worked, or why she even had it. She had just used it to live and get by, and it worked out in her favor. She turned around, looking at the water and trying to summon her abilities again, slowly raising an upturned hand to bring up a bubble of water. She turned around, showing it to Arisa, though for her it wasn't for fun. She was relatively concerned, as a matter of fact, as she knew what none of this meant.

"So, if you're to teach me how to hone this power. Then my question comes down to why. Why are people able to utilize this... Force? Surely there is a reason for it."

As it stood now, she cared not for being able to hurl tanks or other large objects. She wanted to know what was behind all of this; its purpose, its reason for existing. More so, the reason why this school existed. The only thing that came to mind was that there was some other force of people or creatures that it was to be used to fight against. Again, only being a young thief, she knew nothing of any of this. She knew nothing past survival.
"Basically," Arisa agreed. "Telekinesis is the act of using your mind to manipulate objects through the Force."

She watched Raven try TK on the water, managing to raise a bubble from the surface. She was honestly impressed by that action considering Raven's rawness. The girl was farther along than she had expected.

Her next round of questions was pretty hard hitting, concerning the very nature of the Force itself.

"If you want to know the reason why I'm agreeing to train you, then the reason is simple. I want to teach you to be more responsible with your abilities so that you don't hurt others. This is something that tends to happen with Force Sensitives left to their own devices. The people around them usually aren't equipped to raise them, to the raw Force Sensitive may grow up as a bully, or worse."

Raven may not know was Arisa was alluding to exactly, but it was the Sith.

"As to how you came to be a Force Sensitive, and why any of us exist with these abilities, that's not something I can answer. The answer to it is about as elusive as the meaning of life itself."

[member="Raven Sorenova"]
Raven stared at the bubble of water in her hand. She has had her abilities for some years now, and she used them to help with traversal as well as slight of hand. She would never forget the one day in which she had fought off her pursuers with it. That was the day in which she had found out that she had these abilities. One thing she didn't know, was that there were so many more with the ability that she had. If that were the case, then of course people would sought out to do more with it than she did. She didn't care to much for this, if she were to be honest with herself, but at the same time, something within her wanted what was being offered. Whether it was her longing for a place she could call a home and somebody whom she could call a friend, or if it were simply a gut feeling that was impulsive and just said "do it". Maybe, more than anything was to have a sort of purpose in life, and if becoming a Jedi was the method in which she would achieve this, then so be it.
She nodded in response to her statement, waving her hand slightly and tossing the ball some inches over to splash back into the pool of water.

"It all sounds simple enough," she replied softly, deep in her own thoughts.
"I like to think so," Arisa agreed, standing up from the from the grass. "Alright, I am famished, so let's go do this lunch thing before we settle in."

She waved over Raven to follow her to the Silver Temple, it's own small complex within the campus of buildings. Jedi could be seen congregating all through the settled valley, but they would be most heavily concentrated in the immediate vicinity of the temple grounds. Several were immediately recognizable by their robes, but just as many wore regular clothes like Arisa and Raven.

A few of them would approach Arisa for a greeting, or wave from afar, and she would respond in kind. While still something of a newcomer to the Silver Order, she was well known among the latest batches of initiates who studied under her in group sessions.

Inside, Arisa would lead Raven through a series of wide hallways until they came to the exclusive dining hall of the Silver Temple. While technically open to all on the campus - fellowship was something especially emphasized within the Silver Order - there would mostly be Jedi about within the crowded area. Lunch hour was in full swing, with students and full Jedi of all ages lining up to get served.

"After you," she motioned, allowing Raven to move ahead of her as they line up for their turn. Moving forward, Raven would be treated to a wide assortment of dishes to choose from, all made to appeal to the various races of sentients who made up the Silver Order.

[member="Raven Sorenova"]

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